Golden Age Comedy Hall of Fame (1952-1976)


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I wonder if that's really Dorris Day or a stand-in?
Was her, you see her turn and walk. And very similar to the dancing view at the club.

It was amazing HOW MANY times he blatantly checks out her behind in the film. Made me chuckle.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Was her, you see her turn and walk. And very similar to the dancing view at the club.

It was amazing HOW MANY times he blatantly checks out her behind in the film. Made me chuckle.
She was a dish, wasn't she? Women knew how to dress in those days...

Totally agree!
And they didn't have that foolish "waif" image running around
Quite so. My personal biggest turn off is the recent "slut" look. Gawd. Then some of them believe they should be taken seriously...

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Quite so. My personal biggest turn off is the recent "slut" look. Gawd. Then some of them believe they should be taken seriously...
It's the loss of subtlety we all seem to suffer from.
Our microwave attention spans, 2 minute videos on youtube of idiotic, outrageous behavior to ensure a lot of hits; it's an age of extremes so that we're noticed by the masses while at the same time claiming individuality by doing what everyone else is doing.

Though that last statement of "fitting in" is something we've all been guilty of in our youth, while those older than us shake their heads at us being afraid to be ourselves.

But, yeah, the circle of life, fashion, love, art is on the farthest circuit presently and everyone is dizzy by it, and at times, nauseous, aren't we?

wow, where the f@ck did that come from?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Well.. @gbgoodies has to post his reviews of his nominees, but I have his list.

Thanks for the reminder. I completely forgot that I didn't post write-ups for my noms.
I'll post them in the next day or two.

(BTW, it's her reviews, not his reviews.)
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

It's the loss of subtlety we all seem to suffer from.
Our microwave attention spans, 2 minute videos on youtube of idiotic, outrageous behavior to ensure a lot of hits; it's an age of extremes so that we're noticed by the masses while at the same time claiming individuality by doing what everyone else is doing.

Though that last statement of "fitting in" is something we've all been guilty of in our youth, while those older than us shake their heads at us being afraid to be ourselves.

But, yeah, the circle of life, fashion, love, art is on the farthest circuit presently and everyone is dizzy by it, and at times, nauseous, aren't we?

wow, where the f@ck did that come from?
Yes. Over the past few cycles --a generation or so-- I kept thinking that society had reached its lowest point, its nadir. But then it gets lower. What's underneath the cesspool? I suppose we'll find out..


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Yes. Over the past few cycles --a generation or so-- I kept thinking that society had reached its lowest point, its nadir. But then it gets lower. What's underneath the cesspool? I suppose we'll find out..

scary but true!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Teacher's Pet (1958)

This movie makes me wish that Clark Gable and Doris Day had made more movies together. They had terrific chemistry in this movie. I love how they start out as total opposites, but as the movie goes on, they realize that the other may be right about their opinion.

I love when Erica describes Gannon perfectly when he goes to her classroom, and he listens and tries to hide all the clues pointing to him. I love how Clark Gable watches Doris Day every time she walks away from him. I thought Dr. Pine (Gig Young) was kind of bland, and way too perfect, but I like how he's smart enough to be one step ahead of Gannon throughout the movie, and he even helps him get together with Erica.

And I love how Dr. Pine gets under Gannon's skin because he's too perfect. One of my favorite scenes is when Barney, (the young man whose mother wants him to quit working there and go back to school), wants to try writing obituaries, and Gannon tells him to start with Dr. Pine. When Barney asks "How did he die?", and Gannon replies, "I haven't decided yet."

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Murder by Death (1976)

I've been watching the old detective movies and TV shows since I was a kid, which is probably why I love this movie so much. It's silly and goofy, but it's a lot of fun. I love watching these over-the-top versions of some of the greatest detectives. When it comes to spoof movies, I think Neil Simon definitely gives Mel Brooks a run for his money with this hilarious detective spoof. From the rotating rooms, to the disappearing bodies, this movie is just a laugh a minute.

I love the little touches in the movie, like the screaming doorbell, the footprints by the front door, the speech and grammar issues that create some very funny conversations, etc. I love when Twain keeps correcting Wang's grammar.

The whole movie is a bit far-fetched, but it's hysterical. The only issue for me is the ending of the movie, that tips a bit too far onto the side of unbelievable. But it's still fun, and it doesn't take away anything from the overall humor over the movie.

One thing I always wondered about was how Nancy Walker's character got her job. If she can't hear, read, or speak, how did someone tell her where to go and what to do?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
a few of us.
This is close to accurate from the first page:

Edarsenal - 10/14
Gulfportdoc - 12/14
Siddon - 10/14

I'll be posting my Pillow Talk review, hopefully, tonight or soon. Making mine 13/14

a few of us.
This is close to accurate from the first page:

Edarsenal - 10/14
Gulfportdoc - 12/14
Siddon - 10/14

I'll be posting my Pillow Talk review, hopefully, tonight or soon. Making mine 13/14
No, I posted my 14th --Young Frankenstein-- a week ago. If one isn't showing, let me know, and I'll re-post.


It's been a fun HoF, I enjoyed it.
Me too, I discovered a lot of possible future favorites, namely Some Like it Hot (I've already rewatched it I liked it so much!) and Young Frankenstein.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Me too, I discovered a lot of possible future favorites, namely Some Like it Hot (I've already rewatched it I liked it so much!) and Young Frankenstein.
I'm glad to hear that! I never care about my nom winning the HoF but I do really like it when at least one person makes a connection to one of my noms. I've found so many great movies by joining these HoFs, if it wasn't for them I'd be missing out on a lot of great stuff.

I'm ready for Part III of the Comedy HoF

I'm glad to hear that! I never care about my nom winning the HoF but I do really like it when at least one person makes a connection to one of my noms. I've found so many great movies by joining these HoFs, if it wasn't for them I'd be missing out on a lot of great stuff.

I'm ready for Part III of the Comedy HoF
Oh, I didn't even realize they're both your noms. Nice choices!

And yes, I'm excited for Part 3 as well.