Why Are We So Passionate About Film?


Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
I really wish I could see the indie films that come out in theaters but I can only see mainstream garbage that makes me really angry all the time because I don't have a car and sometimes I wonder why I get so overly emotional about movies and shows. I suppose it's because I was raised by a television set but is that a good enough reason to scream and shout onto a microphone and post it on social media just to scream and shout about "no one" understanding what I'm saying? I don't know, but I'm not the only one who can take the medium very seriously. So what drives you to care about the film industry?

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Its my soul nutrition, and I think its an art-form that could influence the world for the better.. Great movies anyway, so its why I push movies from the 1930-70s.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...So what drives you to care about the film industry?
Because reading sucks so that leaves me with movies.

Seriously, I don't like to read and I do love older movies. They are a window back into our past. Watching a film from 50 years ago is like having a time machine and to me that's priceless. I don't really care about new films today, rarely do I see one that moves me. But they do exist and I keep trying to find new movies that are worth the time.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Movies clear my head. Growing up with Labyrinth, Legend, Star Wars,The Never Ending Story, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, etc., those movies transported me somewhere else than where I was (usually home along while mom worked two jobs with no neighbors' kids around to play with to boot). So many movies inspired me growing up, and I find now stepping out of life for a few hours to the local theater always slows my pulse when anxiety gets the better of me.

I too find myself getting emotionally swept up in random bits and pieces and damn near balling at the delivery of a word. Movies, followed by music in a very close second, lift me up in inspiration or drop me to the lowest of depths in depression. Friends don't get that. I don't know anyone who does, really. But even the worst kick to the gut is usually more inspiring that most anything else in life. I'm not sure if that's a good thing on a few levels, but damn does it make me want to create something.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Trouble with a capital "T"
Is it only: Ami, Matt, ynwtf and me...that are passionate about movies? So the rest of you just don't care about movies, even though you're on a movie board?

Weird is relative.
...reading sucks so that leaves me with movies.
I used to enjoy reading often, but once I got my first smartphone in 2010 I began reading books less and less, because now I spent all my "reading time" on articles online, forums, emails and text messages.

After using my suffering, deteriorating eyesight on all of that, it's too tiring for me to pick up a book. Additionally, I kind of just want to "see" a fictional world displayed on a film screen, instead of picturing it in my mind, because when you have to message your long-distance friends you've already used up a lot of your imagination on what they write, so at this point you want something not quite as imaginary for entertainment.

Of course, being a fan of beautiful imagery and cinematography, I very much appreciate when films have an artistic aesthetic. Combine that with a thought-provoking or strange story and that's why I love cinema.

I really wish I could see the indie films that come out in theaters but I can only see mainstream garbage that makes me really angry all the time because I don't have a car and sometimes I wonder why I get so overly emotional about movies and shows. I suppose it's because I was raised by a television set but is that a good enough reason to scream and shout onto a microphone and post it on social media just to scream and shout about "no one" understanding what I'm saying? I don't know, but I'm not the only one who can take the medium very seriously. So what drives you to care about the film industry?
I wouldn't say with me it's about film exclusively, but film and television. I think at the most basic level the two most important factors are escape and nostalgia.

me judging you: maybe because they have something you have not?
they are sexy like you think you aren't
they have a sexy girl/boyfriend like you don't think you have
and this goes on and on and on...
that's the point of movies in the states, the characters have something you don't and you want it
and when you can't put yourself in there shoes you hate them for it

Because reading sucks so that leaves me with movies
reading is a marvelous thing, better than movies on a imaginative level, but i just fall asleep easy

i watch movies for the same reason people like art, is a different or better of a weird perspective
they see there desires, anguishes, urges in something made by another human being, they aren't alone
i like movies because i see things in the characters i see in myself and they make me fell i'm not isolated
that's what everybody wants, or most people want, to fell a sense of unity, belonging
those who don't want that in most cases have a sense of superiority by stating they like to be different
the reason you want to be something is the reason you aren't, every artistic form must start with honesty
be honest, not about who you are, because you don't know who the f- that is, but about your emotions

Of course, being a fan of beautiful imagery and cinematography, I very much appreciate when films have an artistic aesthetic. Combine that with a thought-provoking or strange story and that's why I love cinema.
I like that – it's a good description. When you really feel you're being transported into another world. And that doesn't have to mean fantasy; one example in my case was watching Heat (1995).

Trouble with a capital "T"
I used to enjoy reading often, but once I got my first smartphone in 2010 I began reading books less and less, because now I spent all my "reading time" on articles online, forums, emails and text messages.

After using my suffering, deteriorating eyesight on all of that, it's too tiring for me to pick up a book. Additionally, I kind of just want to "see" a fictional world displayed on a film screen, instead of picturing it in my mind, because when you have to message your long-distance friends you've already used up a lot of your imagination on what they write, so at this point you want something not quite as imaginary for entertainment.

Of course, being a fan of beautiful imagery and cinematography, I very much appreciate when films have an artistic aesthetic. Combine that with a thought-provoking or strange story and that's why I love cinema.
I like what you said there Miji. Most of what you wrote applies to me too. I should've said reading sucks for me, (I think reading books is great for others) but I don't have the time to read a book anymore, seems I'm always working or busy. Plus my eyesight isn't the best and reading for long periods gives me a neckache and a headache. When I was a lot younger I read, and I'm glad I did as I read some great books. But now I levitate towards movies.

I remember from your past movie nominations in the Hall of Fames (HoF) that you choose films that were visually and cinematographyly engaging. BTW I'm hosting the upcoming 20th HoF and hope you'll join

Trouble with a capital "T"
...i like movies because i see things in the characters i see in myself and they make me fell i'm not isolated
that's what everybody wants, or most people want...
Interesting thoughts....I often find that I can connect with a character in a film and see a bit of myself in that character's personality of actions. That doesn't happen always, maybe not even a lot, but when it does happen it makes the movie more of a personal experience for me. Though I've yet to find any movie character that seemed like my total double. That's because I'm so unique

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I really wish I could see the indie films that come out in theaters but I can only see mainstream garbage that makes me really angry all the time because I don't have a car and sometimes I wonder why I get so overly emotional about movies and shows. I suppose it's because I was raised by a television set but is that a good enough reason to scream and shout onto a microphone and post it on social media just to scream and shout about "no one" understanding what I'm saying? I don't know, but I'm not the only one who can take the medium very seriously. So what drives you to care about the film industry?
Why can you only see 'mainstream garbage'? What's stopping you from seeing indie films?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Well, she said she does not have a car so one could deduce that perhaps there are only franchise theaters in her area. If it's a relatively small area then that theater probably rarely, if ever, takes part in special screenings.

I can relate. It's a 3.5 hour drive to anywhere that could support an independent theater from here. Without a car, that's a hell of a long walk. The most unique shows we get in my area are Christian flicks or those pseudo conservative political propaganda films two or three times a year.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
That's true, I live in a smaller place myself and theaters only show the big Hollywood movies, so I see most indie movies from the library or streaming.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Since I am into filmmaking, and want to do that as a career hopefully I also attend film festivals, and I find that a lot of indie movies are no better than Hollywood movies really. Most indie filmmakers still want to 'play it safe', if that's what the OP is wanting out of indie films. So are the chances of indie films not playing it safe, really much higher than Hollywood movies?

So what drives you to care about the film industry?
I'm a textbook INFP. I'm always searching for the meaning in everything and then I attempt to apply that to my own experience. Film is something that's entertainment, sure, but it's also an artistic lens with which to view the world. I've been toying with the idea that film lovers are more empathetic than average due to broader exposure to the human condition. I suppose book lovers might fit that description as well but people aren't as likely to genre swap with literature.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
Since I am into filmmaking, and want to do that as a career hopefully I also attend film festivals, and I find that a lot of indie movies are no better than Hollywood movies really. Most indie filmmakers still want to 'play it safe', if that's what the OP is wanting out of indie films. So are the chances of indie films not playing it safe, really much higher than Hollywood movies?
I don't know. YouTube's YMS always seems to find really good indie films or films that don't show in my theater and in the "New Trailers Are Here," I see trailers that look really interesting but again, my theater just shows the big mainstream stuff. But you have a point. While writing Posters which is now called Bad Acting, I did get nervous that my film wasn't "film" enough and started impulsive writing cliches into it. Luckily my husband is around to review and let me know that the big budget Hollywood film stuff isn't necessary but most filmmakers don't have that voice of reason, especially indie filmmakers. But I guess overall I'm just yearning for new material which I typically see in the trailer of an indie film.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
I used to enjoy reading often, but once I got my first smartphone in 2010 I began reading books less and less, because now I spent all my "reading time" on articles online, forums, emails and text messages.

After using my suffering, deteriorating eyesight on all of that, it's too tiring for me to pick up a book. Additionally, I kind of just want to "see" a fictional world displayed on a film screen, instead of picturing it in my mind, because when you have to message your long-distance friends you've already used up a lot of your imagination on what they write, so at this point you want something not quite as imaginary for entertainment.

Of course, being a fan of beautiful imagery and cinematography, I very much appreciate when films have an artistic aesthetic. Combine that with a thought-provoking or strange story and that's why I love cinema.
Did you see Alita: Battle Angel?

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
The 20 Highest Grossing Indies of 2019 (A Running List)

The 17 Best Indie Movies Of the Year (So Far)

The 20 Highest Grossing Indies of 2018

There's a bunch of great indies in those list! You can watch them legally online with streaming services for a fraction of what you'd pay to go to the movie theater. Or check our your local library.
Our DVD player doesn't work so I guess streaming it is. Thank you for your suggestion