Who were your biggest influences?


Anarchist within reason
Bill Hicks
Jimi Hendrix
Noel Gallagher
Stephen King
If at his council I should turn aside, Into that ominous tract which all agree, Hides the Dark Tower. Yet aquiescingly I did turn as he pointed, neither pride nor hope at the end descried, so much as gladness that some end might be.

Robert Browning 'Childe Roland to The Dark Tower Came'

I had no idea that you loved Ray Manzarek so much.
That's why I posted all the members of The Doors. While it was Morrison's life and words that had been written about for the 20 years previous to me finding them, without the rest of the band (and Manzarek in particular) there wouldn't have been a Morrison to write about and, without that, I may not've developed an interest in art, history, literature, etc. I may not've gone back into education, not met the people I have, made many of the friends I still have. In short, I may not be the bitter, hate-filled, bile-spewing individual you all know today.

Just think, I could be merrily ignorant of everything and "living the dream."

First off would be my MOM:

Next would be some Super Models:Kate Moss, Heidi Klum, Gisele Bundchen, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, Milla Jovovich

I would say the artist Alister Pearson was a big influence; synonymous with artwork for Doctor Who merchandise before Photoshop imagery took over.

Here's his artwork for the novelisation of the last broadcast classic era story, Survival:

This is probably a bit lighter than it appeared on the book but – incredibly – it's the first time I've noticed that the Master's face is ghosted over part of the black kitling on the right of the image.

This was always one of the most striking covers for me because of the deep claw marks going through the centre. Brilliant.

I liked the photorealistic style of Pearson and his imagination for graphic design and using elements from each TV story in his covers was second to none. Definitely still a big inspiration for me.

My ancestors, I grew up in a region where people label you with characteristics of your ancestors, some well-creased labels they do.
My mother, everything I want to be and become, sometimes I think I don't know what I did in a past life to deserve such a person in my life. Nothing makes me prouder that when someones says I look like her.
My father, in what I shouldn't pursue, what I shouldn't be and how to analise a person and predict every possible scenario.
Vin Diesel, in terms of style & affirmation in my teenage years.
Marcus Aurelius, in terms of thought process.
Norman Chomsky, in terms of politics.
Alan Watts, in terms of spirituality and how to live.