🌟 Star Trek, TOS 🌟


Trouble with a capital "T"
Eh, my computer won't let me download the Flash. I dunno. No biggie.
Never, ever, click to download Flash or Java from a webpage other than the official download sites (Flash-Adobe and Java-Oracle). The number one way computers get infected with malware is by pop ups or web pages saying 'you need to install Flash or Java' usually it's legit like the link that gbgoodies posted, but it can be malicious.

Dad, I'm guessing you computer doesn't currently have Adobe Flash player on it and so blocked your request when you clicked on the link as a security measure. I removed both Flash player and Java from my computer sometime ago.

Never, ever, click to download Flash or Java from a webpage other than the official download sites (Flash-Adobe and Java-Oracle). The number one way computers get infected with malware is by pop ups or web pages saying 'you need to install Flash or Java' usually it's legit like the link that gbgoodies posted, but it can be malicious.

Dad, I'm guessing you computer doesn't currently have Adobe Flash player on it and so blocked your request when you clicked on the link as a security measure. I removed both Flash player and Java from my computer sometime ago.
It's too bad we can't just ask our computers to do things and have it tell us if it can or can't and why not... in Majel Barrett's voice of course!

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's too bad we can't just ask our computers to do things and have it tell us if it can or can't and why not... in Majel Barrett's voice of course!
Just read my post in Majel's voice and you're set! Unless of course you want my post to sound my foreboding. In that case read it in M5's voice.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Eh, my computer won't let me download the Flash. I dunno. No biggie.
You shouldn't have to download Flash. Most people already have it on their computer. You just have to allow it to load for that video.

Never, ever, click to download Flash or Java from a webpage other than the official download sites (Flash-Adobe and Java-Oracle). The number one way computers get infected with malware is by pop ups or web pages saying 'you need to install Flash or Java' usually it's legit like the link that gbgoodies posted, but it can be malicious.

Dad, I'm guessing you computer doesn't currently have Adobe Flash player on it and so blocked your request when you clicked on the link as a security measure. I removed both Flash player and Java from my computer sometime ago.

CR is correct. If you don't already have Flash installed on your computer, you can download it from Adobe's site. Don't ever download it from a 3rd-party or unknown site.

Once it's installed on your computer, you can either set it to load automatically whenever a site needs it, or you can set it to ask you if it's okay to load it when a site wants to use it. (I have my system set to ask me when it needs it. That's why I knew to click the word "Flash" for the SNL video.)
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Btw I didn't remember the ep where our good Dr. McCoy got pinched . Anyone can remind me of which one that was in ?
That's from the beginning of "The City on the Edge of Forever", before he goes through the Guardian of Forever.

McCoy also gets pinched by Spock in Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan, when Spock goes to Engineering to try to save the Enterprise from the Genesis wave.

And speaking of the Doc: Do you take requests ? Maybe sonething along the line of "I' m a doctor not a bricklayer....spaceship pilot" . ....and so on?
I don't make videos, but I found these on YouTube:

Short Version:

Long Version:

These were great @gbgoodies!!!!! Thank you from the bottom of my Trekkie lil heart.

Yes, I remember that ep now, when they jump back in time. Good one. Actually was feeling a little weepy when Spock ' died' even tho he was revived, as I recall, in the next movie.

Omg loved those 'doctor ' quotes. I especially like the one where Bones says - to an empty room - that he can t answer every call or he'll wind up talking to himself . Lol

And don t know where that very last line in the last clip came from - but I sure was rotflmao- Bill you're an actor not a singer !!!

Thanks gbg - You're a sweetie , not a troll

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.

Omg loved those 'doctor ' quotes. I especially like the one where Bones says - to an empty room - that he can t answer every call or he'll wind up talking to himself . Lol
He says something like, "What, am I a doctor or a moon shuttle conductor? If I jumped everytime a light came on around here I'd end up talking to myself." That's a line from The Man Trap

Poor Dr. McCoy. He's always talking to himself when he's by himself.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
It's too bad we can't just ask our computers to do things and have it tell us if it can or can't and why not... in Majel Barrett's voice of course!

I especially liked her computerized voice in this scene.

Thanks again @Mesmerized - so enjoyed that last clip of Dr McCoy talking to himself. Ah well, sometimes he was the only one who listened.

Random video

You have to love TOS to really appreciate these old videos.

I do.............and I do

Man, you spend a few days away from this site and come back to find this thread loaded will all kinds of goodies! Love all the videos but especially the McCoy compilation of "I'm a doctor, not a...." On one of those SNL skits (might have been the "Restaurant Enterprise," somebody gets sick and William Shatner says something like, "Bones, help him!" And Bones (Phil Hartman) goes, "Damn it, Jim, I'm a doctor not a...OH!" And of course helps the patient.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Some might enjoy this (at least for the Shatner appearance... meanwhile some of the postings about "Discovery" in the comments section are both funny and sometimes brutal!)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Some might enjoy this (at least for the Shatner appearance... meanwhile some of the postings about "Discovery" in the comments section are both funny and sometimes brutal!)

That was an interesting video, but the highlight was definitely seeing Shatner in it. I've only seen a couple of episodes of "Discovery", but sadly, I agree with some of the comments about it. It's not anywhere near as good as the previous shows, especially TOS and TNG. I'll watch "The Orville" over "Discovery" any day.

That was an interesting video, but the highlight was definitely seeing Shatner in it. I've only seen a couple of episodes of "Discovery", but sadly, I agree with some of the comments about it. It's not anywhere near as good as the previous shows, especially TOS and TNG. I'll watch "The Orville" over "Discovery" any day.
Watching the montage in that video, it almost seems like The Orville should be there as it seems more like a Star Trek series than Discovery. Too bad they couldn't have put the Orville in the ST universe.

What I would liked to have seen happen when Shatner came on stage (and maybe it did happen since the camera goes to the audience) was a hug or a handshake with Walter Koenig (after all the bad blood) since he was the only other actor from TOS there.

I've mentioned this before, but in Star Trek canon there was a second 5-year mission that would involve the entire original crew from TOS since it takes place shortly after events in TMP.

This 2nd mission took place circa 2273 - 2278. (The Wrath of Khan takes place circa 2285.)

So here is a virtually untouched piece of ST canon involving the original crew still in their prime that could be developed (with new actors, of course) but which could take place in the standard timeline (not some splinter / alternate make-believe continuity where they change everything).

I fantasize about a new series that wouldn't just reference Star Trek (or be a retcon or an homage or some alternate version), but would actually BE Star Trek as it would document the second major voyage of the original crew aboard the Enterprise within the original continuity.
Basically, "Phase II" is still up for grabs!

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
This 2nd mission took place circa 2273 - 2278. (The Wrath of Khan takes place circa 2285.)

The good old days.

I fantasize about a new series that wouldn't just reference Star Trek (or be a retcon or an homage or some alternate version), but would actually BE Star Trek as it would document the second major voyage of the original crew aboard the Enterprise within the original continuity.
Basically, "Phase II" is still up for grabs!

It's a shame it didn't happen (yet). It would've been glorious. Of course, a Star Trek series is only popular if it retains Roddenberry's original formula of visiting strange new worlds, seeking out new life and new civilizations. Anything else would be mediocre. Star Trek TNG retained this formula which is why it was so popular.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Star Trek TNG retained this formula which is why it was so popular.
I just finished watching all of STTNG a few days ago. I must say I have a new respect for it. They did a lot of great episodes and brought the characters to life much more than was done on the original series.

This is a very short vignette from Star Trek Continues...

What's interesting is it directly links the end of TOS to the fan-made continuation series as it recreates the last few moments of the very last episode of Star Trek entitled "Turnabout Intruder" (which takes place, we presume, some 2 to 3 years into their 5 year mission).

There was no more Star Trek after this in the 1960's and the original crew wouldn't be seen or heard from again until the animated series in 1973 and then The Motion Picture in 1979.

The original final episode of TOS concludes with Kirk being restored to his own body and Dr. Janis Lester having a complete breakdown and being taken away. The last shot was of Kirk, Spock and Scotty entering the turbo lift. The vignette continues with a brief epilogue aboard the bridge - the way many ST episodes concluded.

For your enjoyment...