🌟 Star Trek, TOS 🌟


Don't be a racist. He's half and half.
I like the way they couldn't be arsed to do anything with their hair – just normal, human hair.

I'm terrible with names, but starting at the top and going left to right,

Spectre of the Gun
The Mark of Gideon
The Tholian Web
The Menagerie pt. 1
This Side of Paradise
The Doomsday Machine
The Trouble With Tribbles
The Man Trap
Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
The Squire of Gothos
Whom Gods Destroy
By Any Other Name
The Enterprise Incident
Court Martial
The Cage
I, Mudd
Balance of Terror
Mudd's Women
Amok Time
Good job, Mes! So the pic in the middle with Spock and Uhura is from The Man Trap? I need to see that again as it's been a while.

I love Kirk's fighting moves. When I say I love them, I mean I enjoy them so much that I laugh at them because they're a bit unorthodox and crazy. But they seem to get the job done. For the record, #5 on this list is my favorite.

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Good job, Mes! So the pic in the middle with Spock and Uhura is from The Man Trap? I need to see that again as it's been a while.
There's only one episode where Uhura steps down from her post to talk with Spock who is seated in the Captain's chair. Uhura is trying to get Spock to talk about what the planet Vulcan is like on a moonlit night, to which Spock replies, "Vulcan has no moon, Miss Uhura.". It's a humorous moment.

There's only one episode where Uhura steps down from her post to talk with Spock who is seated in the Captain's chair. Uhura is trying to get Spock to talk about what the planet Vulcan is like on a moonlit night, to which Spock replies, "Vulcan has no moon, Miss Uhura.". It's a humorous moment.

Thanks for that! When Uhura started talking about love, Spock began to fidget a little bit, scratching at his chin. I thought for sure he was going to tug at his collar, like Rodney Dangerfield!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Well, going from left to right, top to bottom:
The guy who played Doc Holliday in Spectre of the Gun (don't know his name)

That hot chick who was in that episode (I'm sure Kirk hit on her and probably kissed her).
He had sex with her! That was Odonna from The Mark of Gideon and that was one of the few times that the writer/director implied to the audience that Kirk had sex during the episode. I asked a question about this earlier as it's often hotly debated.

How many times did the series actual 'show' Kirk having sex? Of course they can't directly show it, but they do imply that he had sex during the course of the show.

I'm talking about during the actual show and not what might have happened before or after or between missions. No cheating by googling it either, but looking at a list of ST episodes is fair enough

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Does anyone have a favorite Star Trek blooper? My favorite is the one with Nimoy's son at around 2:17 in this video.

(The quality of this video is terrible, but the bloopers are still fun to watch. I wish someone would restore these old bloopers and release them on DVD.)

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Does anyone have a favorite Star Trek blooper?
I read about a blooper I'd like to see from Mudd's Women which was part of a Star Trek Christmas special. In it, Kirk was kissing one of the women and one of her boobs fell out.

Anyone have it? PM me.

I read about a blooper I'd like to see from Mudd's Women which was part of a Star Trek Christmas special. In it, Kirk was kissing one of the women and one of her boobs fell out.

Anyone have it? PM me.
Mes, I've seen that blooper (at a ST convention---yes, I've been to quite a few in my time!) and it's the dark-haired beauty that it happens to, but it seems to show her reacting and adjusting her gown with the slit by her boobs and rolling her eyes, and I don't recall that you could really see anything. I'll look for that one, definitely!

@gbgoodies I just like when Shatner cracks up and giggles like a little girl. For someone who was derided by several members of the cast as being a big pain in the tuckus, he sure seemed to have a great time!

Has anybody been to a convention? I've been to many (not just ST cons) in the late 80's through the mid-90's and saw, in person: Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan, and George Takei. That's just from TOS. Kelley was actually not at a con but at a college campus for a talk and question and answer session. He was probably my favorite of all of them to see.

@gbgoodies Thanks for posting the bloopers , I couldn't catch everything b/c of poor video quality buy enjoyed it- esp Nimoy's son bursting on scene.

How exciting that you got to go to these conventions @dadgumblah . I never went - I always felt Kelley would be my favorite to see and/or meet, and happy you confirmed that. He seemed like a true southern gentleman.

Do you had any other memories or impressions of the folks you met?

@gbgoodies I'm trying to remember...let's see: DeForest Kelley was alone on a stage at UTA (University of Texas at Arlington) and I believe this was after Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and he talked about what it was like filming it, and expressed his desire for the next film's theme (I believe he wanted it to be the crew flying around space having adventure in the Klingon Bird of Prey, kind of a "Magnificent Seven in Space" as he put it). I don't know if he was serious or not as he was smiling all the time and getting big laughs from the crowd. He recited a poem he had written about Gene Roddenberry, called "The Big Bird of the Galaxy," which is what he was generally referred to by cast and crew. I still have that poem around somewhere as they handed out copies of it for free, if I recall correctly. You wouldn't find that happening nowadays!

What I remember about George Takei is that my wife and I were eating at a little restaurant inside the hotel where the convention was taking place, and Takei was just a few tables over with a couple of workers from the con and he let go with that big, deep laugh of his. He was very jovial and upbeat---this was right before Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and he talked about the film and the series of course---I can't remember the particulars. There were two rooms; one where he appeared and talked; another room that was were the big convention room was where they had oodles of things to buy. We just happened to walk out of the room he appeared in as he left the stage and were walking into the con room next door when he came out of a door with the same con workers and as he passed my wife and I he let go with a boisterous "Howdy!" I guess he thought everybody in Texas said that, but I didn't care, it was Sulu saying it to us so all was cool.

James Doohan----The two times I saw him were approximately the same. The first he answered questions ala "what's your favorite episode?" Answer: "The Doomsday Machine." Then the second time a few years later he didn't allow questions, he kind of rudely said, "I'll just tell you answers to the most frequently asked questions." I don't know, maybe he didn't feel good as he was really overweight and sweating pretty profusely through his button-down shirt. He just seemed like he didn't want to be there.

Leonard Nimoy appeared at a hotel in Dallas and he was very cheerful and talked about directing and showed behind-the-scenes footage of filming Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, complete with bloopers. It was a fun time but we had come with my wife's sister in her car and she wanted to leave early, in the middle of Nimoy's appearance and that really honked me off but there was nary a thing I could do. Her car, her rules. But what we saw of him was great. He also explained where the Vulcan salute came from: It came from his Jewish upbringing when elders of the Synagogue were praying and the young kids were instructed to turn their heads away as only the elders could face the altar when praying to God (or something like that). But he turned his head and peeked and saw the elders raising their hands with the their fingers parted exactly like the future Vulcan greeting. He learned that it was the Jewish sign for the first letter in the spelling of Jehovah. I believe I got that right---if someone else can correct me, please do so---it's been many a year. But Nimoy himself incorporated that into what we know as the Vulcan greeting.

Anyhow, that's the TOS people I saw. I saw a few ST:TNG people but I'll leave that out since this is mainly original series stuff.

Great stuff @dadgumblah - thanks for sharing!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Sadly, I have never been to a convention. I wish I had, it would have been fascinating.
Me neither and they sounded fun.

Happy Easter, Trekkers.
Y'all ever have a real cold Georgia-style mint julep?
I had one of those once in Louisiana at an old plantation home. I was on a tour and as we left, some ladies dressed in southern belle garb handed everyone a Mint Julep. First thing I think of is Dr McCoy! I'd never had a Mint Julep before and it was basically half a pint glass of Jack Daniels with mint flavoring and a sprig of mint leave. I drank about a third of it and that was more than enough for me

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Has anybody been to a convention? I've been to many (not just ST cons) in the late 80's through the mid-90's and saw, in person: Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan, and George Takei. That's just from TOS. Kelley was actually not at a con but at a college campus for a talk and question and answer session. He was probably my favorite of all of them to see.

I've been to hundreds of conventions over the years. When I was younger, I used to go as a fan, but then I started helping out a friend who was a toy and comic book dealer at the shows. Now I sell toys and collectibles at conventions several times a year.

I've met most of the main cast of Star Trek TOS and TNG over the years, as well as several Star Trek writers, and many other celebrities at the conventions.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
@gbgoodies I'm trying to remember...let's see: DeForest Kelley was alone on a stage at UTA (University of Texas at Arlington) and I believe this was after Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and he talked about what it was like filming it, and expressed his desire for the next film's theme (I believe he wanted it to be the crew flying around space having adventure in the Klingon Bird of Prey, kind of a "Magnificent Seven in Space" as he put it). I don't know if he was serious or not as he was smiling all the time and getting big laughs from the crowd. He recited a poem he had written about Gene Roddenberry, called "The Big Bird of the Galaxy," which is what he was generally referred to by cast and crew. I still have that poem around somewhere as they handed out copies of it for free, if I recall correctly. You wouldn't find that happening nowadays!

I saw DeForest Kelley at a convention many years ago, and he read his poem there too. (It's called "The Big Bird's Dream".) I recorded it on an old tape player, and I still have the tape of him reading it.

Here's a link to the poem for anyone who wants to read it:


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Sadly, I have never been to a convention. I wish I had, it would have been fascinating.

There are conventions all over the country, so if you want to go to a convention, try googling to find a convention in your area. There are generic sci-fi and comic book conventions, and there are also conventions for a lot of other shows now too, including Star Trek, X-Files, Stranger Things, Supernatural, etc.

Listening to the stories from @dadgumblah and @gbgoodies I really wish I had gone to a Star Trek convention, back when the TOS crew were all alive and well and young(er). I don't know why I didn't. I've gone to all kinds of music and arts and crafts events but guess I forgot TOS crew wouldn't always be there. Sigh.

But at least I can get a secondhand thrill from you mofos. I once did go to a comic book convention some years ago.
But hey, I've been thinking. Maybe I ran into gbg without knowing it, at one of her tables. And maybe dad and gbg met at a TOS convention. Kinda fanciful but fun to think we all once crossed paths.