The Toys That Made You?


I'm sure many people here are nextflix users and might have possibly seen the netflix documentary 'The Toys That Made Us', which looks back at toy-lines from the 1980's, such as He-Man, Star Wars, Transformers etc.

A 3rd series is about to be released which features Power Rangers, Turtles, etc...anyway, I thought we could talk about the Toys That Made You/Us!, the toys, games, video games, tv shows and movies from our youths that we loved.

I'll get the ball rolling......

Transformers...not the newer movies but the original Generation One stuff.

Another favourite of mine was Rock Lords, most people will probably have never heard of them, the toys didn't last long but they had a movie I rented from Blockbusters about 30 times.

I'll add some more when other people chip in.

Another favourite of mine was Rock Lords, most people will probably have never heard of them, the toys didn't last long but they had a movie I rented from Blockbusters about 30 times.
Yes, I remember them .

In my case it would be Star Wars, Masters of the Universe, Transformers and Ghostbusters – and Lego.

We were too poor for toys
Do shticks and trees count?