Oscars Add New Category for Popular Film


The Oscars' New 'Popular Film' Category Confirms That Hollywood Thinks We're Stupid
By Stephanie Zacharek
August 8, 2018
TIME Magazine

On August 8th, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences made an announcement that has industry observers, Oscar prognosticators, film critics, and random movie fans up in arms—or at least genuinely puzzled. Under the leadership of president John Bailey and CEO Dawn Hudson, the group announced, among other changes, the introduction of a new awards category, one for “outstanding achievement in popular film.”

No one yet knows exactly what that means; the Academy’s spare memo noted only that “eligibility requirements and other key details will be forthcoming.” But it’s easy enough to read between even the denuded-forest lines of the announcement: There has never been a greater divide between the movies that win the big Oscar prizes (like The Shape of Water, Moonlight, and Birdman) and the ones audiences see in huge numbers (the Star Wars films, any of the Marvel Universe films, or entries in the Mission: Impossible franchise). The Academy seems to be attempting, feebly, to honor these big moneymakers in some way—as if money weren’t its own reward in Hollywood—while simultaneously rewarding moviegoers for their good taste. This is the “Good Job, Moviegoers!” award, and if nothing else, it tells us one thing:

The Academy thinks the public is stupid.

To be fair, sometimes it is. The question isn’t what you like, or even why you like it: It’s how much of a jerk you are about liking it. I say that as a person who has been on the receiving end of death and rape threats for failing to worship at the altar of a movie about a guy in a bat mask, or being unimpressed by a smart-alecky talking raccoon—which happens often to female critics, not just me. And when you’ve got people assessing a movie’s value or lack thereof by how well it honors their own cherished childhood, an era whose memory has been burnished into a glowing, all-powerful orb before which all humans must bow, you can assume you’re not witnessing the second coming of James Agee.

But the flip side is that you don’t even have to know who the hell James Agee was to enjoy a movie. Movies have been given to us by the gods for 1,001 reasons we’ll never be able to fully parse, but one of them is to give us pleasure. Smart pleasure, dumb pleasure: It doesn’t matter. That’s why it’s disheartening that the Academy should suddenly find the need to carve out a separate category for movies that maybe aren’t good in what they perceive as an artistic way but that lots of people simply like. Hollywood is now aware—stop the presses!—that it gives us “artistic” product and “entertainment” product, and it now needs to dole out separate awards to acknowledge as much. But why, and why now? And why can’t “entertainment” product also be “artistic” product?

The institution of this award raises so many more questions than it answers, and it may be Hollywood’s ego talking more than anything else. For the past several years, the big Oscar winners have been smaller, independently financed pictures (a la Moonlight) as opposed to large-budget big-studio prestige pictures. Maybe Hollywood—as a concept, as a group of businesspeople who sometimes at least pretend to care about inventiveness and artistry, as that weird, amorphous organism that it is—is ashamed that it long ago stopped giving us grand, smart spectacles like Lawrence of Arabia, or even dull but polished pictures like A Beautiful Mind. If those movies were made and released today, they might not be able to draw an audience, which is sad. But is that the audience’s fault, or is it Hollywood’s? Is it possible that by focusing only on what it knows an audience will buy—for example, several decades’ worth of Marvel Universe product—Hollywood has shaped moviegoers’ tastes, not necessarily for the better? That leaves only one path: Reaffirm, with an award, that the audience is always right, simply because it votes with dollars.

This new award also appears to be a cheap and not wholly honest way of making every moviegoer feel he or she is included in the conversation. We don’t yet know what the Academy’s criteria will be for granting this award, whether it will conduct an audience poll, or just give the dang thing to the one movie that made the most money. (That, at least, would be nakedly honest.) In its statement, the Academy also announced other changes, including shortening the awards telecast to three hours (which means more awards will be presented beforehand). That’s surely a response to the fact that the 2018 awards broadcast, which lasted nearly four hours, had the lowest number of viewers of any Oscars ceremony to date. The Most Popular Award, or whatever the Academy decides to call it, seems to be part of a desperate measure to get butts in front of the television on Oscar night.

If moviegoers like the feeling of being part of a strategy, then maybe they’ll love the idea of the Academy pandering to them with this special award. But what ever happened to the idea of appealing to human beings’ better nature? To assuming that they’re reasonably attentive, sensitive beings who might actually respond to a movie like The Shape of Water if they went to see it? And what does this new awards category mean for a movie like Black Panther, a picture that’s popular but is possibly also “good” in accordance with whatever criteria the Academy uses to assess a movie’s quality (not that anyone really knows what those criteria are)? It’s probably safe to assume that the mere existence of Black Panther, a movie made by a director of color and featuring an almost exclusively all black cast, instigated the idea of this award in the first place. Hollywood just doesn’t know what to do with a movie like this. Does Black Panther get the “popularity”—or consolation—prize? Or is it also in the ring to win Best Picture? Or both?

And if the answer is both—then why do we need a popularity prize to begin with? Checking out a Best Picture winner like Moonlight, or The Shape of Water, or some other movie you’ve heard about but haven’t seen, won’t negate or nullify a moviegoer’s pleasure in Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2, or Baywatch, or Atomic Blonde, or John Wick 2. The movie gods are not here to pass judgment on your taste, but you shouldn’t expect them to give you a prize for it, either. After all, you didn’t make the movie. You just gave Hollywood your money for the honor of seeing it—which means Hollywood has you exactly where it wants you.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
If they introduced Best Popular Film, why not Best Obscure Film?
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

movies can be okay...
Oh. Another category specifically made for Disney products. What's really new...
"A film has to be a dialogue, not a monologue — a dialogue to provoke in the viewer his own thoughts, his own feelings. And if a film is a dialogue, then it’s a good film; if it’s not a dialogue, it’s a bad film."
- Michael "Gloomy Old Fart" Haneke

BearSkinBathRobe's Avatar
"That may be, but I've got the Falcon."
I like the idea?

I feel like they had to do something because of the lowering viewership. I feel like Logan should've gotten a screenplay nom, but this is a start. It breaks the ice of the Academy trying to be more hip and in-the-know about not only foo-foo artsy movies but also popular movies.

Many good debates have been had about sci fi and other movies that weren't "serious" or "mature" or "proper" enough to be Oscar bait and worthy of acclaim, and other than special effects, production value, costumes, screenplay or individual performance awards, hopefully this will give the popular movies at least more notice at the Oscars. The closest one I can recall that actually raked in a good amount of wins (too many if you ask me or my wife) was Mad Max: Fury Road, showing that even the Academy (at that time still the "old, out of touch, so white" guard) was interested in change.

Imagine all the box office titans that would've been up for this category. All of the classic "summer" blockbusters that are beloved by cinema-ddicts...

I'm definitely taking the glass half full here. I'll be honest, too. I don't go to the movies because it's too expensive. I'd rather wait and just catch it on a rental service and then buy the dvd if I like it enough (still cheaper than the movies, $10 a ticket, not including snacks). The only place I'll really go is a second-run theater and splurge on the snack bar to keep them around. That means me not really knowing ANY of the movies that are up for each year's biggest awards.

I spend most of my time learning about the movies nominated leading up to and including at the Oscars, which tells you that even the Academy knows there's a learning curve for the viewers and those viewers are few and far between each year.

It's a good move. This last year, it didn't get too political like the Golden Globes. There's still change and culture upheaval needed, but it's a start. Maybe, just maybe, those Hollywood snobs are finally cracking a bit and going "well, it may be a fantasy movie, blockbuster, sci fi, western, etc, etc, but it's a good time."

And that's cool.

It also avoids them going completely stupid with it and actually giving a comic book movie the best picture win or even a nomination. People that think Black Panther is best picture material are just not movie-savvy, sorry. But hey, if that is what caused this change, I'm for it too.
"They knew and they let it happen! To kids!"-Spotlight

there is a overlap though between popular movie and best picture..so movies like the dark knight will get nominated in both places

You would think so, but remember that The Dark Knight was not nominated for Best Picture.

Welcome to the human race...
^yeah well remember that it was only after The Dark Knight didn't get nominated that the Academy expanded the number of nominees in a way that included blockbusters so it's easy to infer that The Dark Knight was the reason for that
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Remember that stupid, boring movie by the Cohen Brothers that won? It had a dumb title. This Is Not Your Country, Man or something like that? The Academy called it their "best" picture. Ha! It was only the 36th highest grossing movie that year! Nobody even saw it! Here are some of the movies that made more money, and therefore are clearly much better: Evan Almighty, Norbit, Ghost Rider, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Wild Hogs! The Oscar clearly should have gone to Spider-Man 3, since it made the mostest money.

Thank you, Oscar, for finally fixing this bullsh!t!

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
There Will Be No Old Men

Is playing Saturday, August 25 at Seattle Cinerama.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Why doesn't The Academy combine with the Adult Video News Awards? That will boost ratings!

Interesting note, Atom Egoyan's Exotica won an AVN for Best Alternative Adult Film.


Remember that stupid, boring movie by the Cohen Brothers that won? It had a dumb title. This Is Not Your Country, Man or something like that? The Academy called it their "best" picture. Ha! It was only the 36th highest grossing movie that year! Nobody even saw it! Here are some of the movies that made more money, and therefore are clearly much better: Evan Almighty, Norbit, Ghost Rider, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Wild Hogs! The Oscar clearly should have gone to Spider-Man 3, since it made the mostest money.

Thank you, Oscar, for finally fixing this bullsh!t!

212 555 6342
Pierce & Pierce: Mergers and Acquisitions
Patrick Bateman
Vice President
358 Exchange Place New York, N.Y. 10099 FAX 212 555 6390 TELEX : () 4534

Well, we already know that Black Panther won this award, so I agree what is the point?

Either way, this will be a useless Oscar.
Black Panther (I swear) will be nominated in Best Picture, (possibly) Director, and all the techs.

Mark. My. Words.

We were joking at work about this...

2019 - Best Popular Film

then next thing you know.. a new category pops up..

2020 - Best MCU Film..

We feel the only reason they made a new category was that of how great the MCU has been doing lately. They want movies like "Black Panther" go up against "The Avengers: Infinity War"

Trouble with a capital "T"
We were joking at work about this...

2019 - Best Popular Film

then next thing you know.. a new category pops up..

2020 - Best MCU Film..

We feel the only reason they made a new category was that of how great the MCU has been doing lately. They want movies like "Black Panther" go up against "The Avengers: Infinity War"
Ha!...With all of the zillion remakes....and the billion or so DC/MCU films and the reboots and the series...I'm going back to my roots and watch a whole ship load of old classic movies, as in 30s-50s. If I want to get modern I'll do some of those fun 70s and 80s films

Oscar is going the way of the Miss America Beauty Pageant.

Ha!...With all of the zillion remakes....and the billion or so DC/MCU films and the reboots and the series...I'm going back to my roots and watch a whole ship load of old classic movies, as in 30s-50s. If I want to get modern I'll do some of those fun 70s and 80s films.

Oscar is going the way of the Miss America Beauty Pageant.
No No NO... do not put DC with MCU.. they are two different types of cookies.. .

DC - cheap chocolate chip cookies that are stale to begin with..

MCU - Chocolate cookies with large chocolate chunks.. the kind that everyone enjoys!

"It's not his fault!"

Trouble with a capital "T"
No No NO... do not put DC with MCU.. they are two different types of cookies.. .

DC - cheap chocolate chip cookies that are stale to begin with..

MCU - Chocolate cookies with large chocolate chunks.. the kind that everyone enjoys!

"It's not his fault!"
Alright then

BTW, I make the bestest chocolate chip cookies and pizza too. And right now I'm off to watch the Russian film Planeta Bur (1962) and have some made home made pizza. Good night MG.

I can see having a Best Big Budget and Best Low Budget award- obviously you'd have to decide big and small, but that would acknowledge the separate skills of being able to make a solid blockbuster and of creating a quality piece of art on a tiny budget.
You cannot have it both ways. A dancer who relies upon the doubtful comforts of human love can never be a great dancer. Never. (The Red Shoes, 1948)

Trouble with a capital "T"
I can see having a Best Big Budget and Best Low Budget award- obviously you'd have to decide big and small, but that would acknowledge the separate skills of being able to make a solid blockbuster and of creating a quality piece of art on a tiny budget.
I like that idea How about a Best Low Budget Indie film? I think big budget films are already represented well enough at the Oscars.