Movie You're Watching Tonight


Tonight I'm watching Sorry to Bother You in theaters. Hoping for a very unique film.

Great film!

Even if you don't like the film too much, their smile is already worth it.
i came to think ozu autumn saga is the best (of the best) of him, need to finish it right away


Been meaning to start investing time in documentaries. Am starting tonight with this -

About to re-watch the most despised work of (any) art in human history.

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Pierce & Pierce: Mergers and Acquisitions
Patrick Bateman
Vice President
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“I was cured, all right!”

I'm so happy. I'm finally watching the director's cut of The Exorcist III, called "LEGION". One of the most underrated movies of all time.

Watching this tonight. I don't know much about it other than it was directed by Wim Wenders, but my dad wants to show it to me since it's one of his favorite documentaries.