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Wolf Creek -

so glad the Babadook has overtaken Mick Taylor as Australia's premier horror icon
Reckon you are being harsh on John Jarratt. Wolf Creek was as good as if not better than many other slashers. Mick Taylor was simply the epitomy of evil.. al la Hannibal Lecter.

People did not understand The Babadook.. tried to overanalyse it.. pigeon hole it. For simple entertainment it was one of the finest horrors of the past decade imho . RottenTomatoes agreed.. gave it 95%. I give it

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Has anybody seen remake of Stephen King's IT? I do not quite know how to describe this. So will leave for others.

The movie from 2017? It’s average but very popular and has had its share of praise. Serviceable and entertaining enough - not great.

What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)

Ditto. Have you seen FEUD?

One of the best scenes in Baby Jane is Davis dragging Crawford from the bed to hide her from unexpected visitors.. Were you aware that Crawford wore a heavy weight belt in this scene so Davis would hurt her back. These two hated each other with a passion.

Welcome to the human race...
This is how different we are. I believe wolf creek is not only a great Aussie film but a great horror. I’d put it in the same league as hostel and the hills have eyes remake...and that’s a compliment lmao.

Can’t stand the badabook. Terrible!....from my perspective.
Not having seen either Hostel or the Hills Have Eyes remake (they're on my Netflix queue but very low-priority), I guess I have to take your word for it.

Reckon you are being harsh on John Jarratt. Wolf Creek was as good as if not better than many other slashers. Mick Taylor was simply the epitomy of evil.. al la Hannibal Lecter.

People did not understand The Babadook.. tried to overanalyse it.. pigeon hole it. For simple entertainment it was one of the finest horrors of the past decade imho . RottenTomatoes agreed.. gave it 95%. I give it
Of course I'm being harsh on it, that's why I gave it a
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
This is how different we are. I believe wolf creek is not only a great Aussie film but a great horror. I’d put it in the same league as hostel and the hills have eyes remake...and that’s a compliment lmao.

Can’t stand the badabook. Terrible!....from my perspective.
Not having seen either Hostel or the Hills Have Eyes remake (they're on my Netflix queue but very low-priority), I guess I have to take your word for it.

Reckon you are being harsh on John Jarratt. Wolf Creek was as good as if not better than many other slashers. Mick Taylor was simply the epitomy of evil.. al la Hannibal Lecter.

People did not understand The Babadook.. tried to overanalyse it.. pigeon hole it. For simple entertainment it was one of the finest horrors of the past decade imho . RottenTomatoes agreed.. gave it 95%. I give it
Of course I'm being harsh on it, that's why I gave it a
I think you’re going to watch them tonight aren’t you buddy! Did we just become best friends?

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Jurassic work: fallen kingdom

Decent popcorn entertainment but no depth and not a movie I would watch again. Few cringy characters but keeps your attention. They do this by non stop motion, non stop cat and mouse chasing, non stop noise.....which works - credit to the director. Liked how they returned to the horror roots. Not for kids! Say anyone below 8 would be scared.


Just decent. Not sure the story was that special to make a movie about it though. Not that inspiring! 5/10.
My Favorite Films

Watched Hereditary and I felt something was not right. It is indeed a good movie (much better than your average horror flicks), but the tone and flow stumbled at times. It reminded me of Rosemary's Baby at times.

Picture is from Chronicles of Riddick
I tell you what is funny – I'm sure I saw that Necromonger armour being recycled for Red Dwarf recently.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Ditto. Have you seen FEUD?

One of the best scenes in Baby Jane is Davis dragging Crawford from the bed to hide her from unexpected visitors.. Were you aware that Crawford wore a heavy weight belt in this scene so Davis would hurt her back. These two hated each other with a passion.
When I watched this movie I started to read about it and I found out those two actress hated each other. I read about this rocks and much more Davis throwed Crawford in this scene, when she played she wasn't able to carry on her sister anymore and she was kicking Craford in other scene for real. Moreover Davis was making jokes of Crawford on the set of the film.
In return Crawfors collected the oscar for the best actress in place of Bancroft, who won among other actress with Davis (she was nomonated for Baby Jane). Crawford offered herself to replaced for Bancroft in the letter to Bancroft.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...

Won't you be my Neighbor?

If you don't cry at the end of this film I don't think your human.
I've seen the trailer. I need to watch it.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Won't you be my Neighbor?

If you don't cry at the end of this film I don't think your human.
MIGOD I REALLY need to see this!!!

Umpteenth rewatch...46 years after its original theatrical release, this movie still makes me laugh from start to finish...

New Rating:
ME TOO!! LOOOVE this film!! Streisand's comedic timing is impeccable in this.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018)

This might have been Sheridan's side project while he was writing Yellowstone.

Hail, Caesar! (2016)