If You Were Completely Honest...


No I am Alex not Zotis
Oh hello, Alex!

There could be so many reasons maybe they are living a good life and never been through hardships so they don't how it feels like
Now, don't confuse people ignorant of the poor, people not understanding the poor, and people not distributing alms with people hateful towards other people, people who are unkind and not peaceful towards them. These do not have to be mutually exclusive, of course, but these are not identical.
They didn't even read their religious books and they also don't want to believe anything written on it.
I don't think that's what you're implying but just for the record: I think we can both agree that not reading religious books and not believing in anything written in them does not exclude a person from the possibility of being good, peaceful and kind towards other people, and likewise the fact somebody reads holy books and believes in every word written there does not automatically mean such person is good, kind and peaceful.
If they want to be good with others they need to experience hateful speech from others and what it will feel like if you can't do anything except just listen the bad words coming to them.
No, I don't think it's compulsory and the only way to be good with others. Obviously, somebody else's hate speech might make you ponder on your own life and decide you have to change for better, but most of the time it will only confirm your stance and biases given your opponent is fiercely advocating views you do not agree with. I don't think a neo-Nazi will feel remorse and become a good human being after he had been given a speech about how and why Nazism is wrong. He will strengthen his attitude at best, and totally wreck (physically) his interlocutor at worst.

Where were you before you came to the world?
Nowhere. I didn't exist.
Where will you go after death?
Nowhere. I will cease to exist.
There are so many questions like that, do think about that and try to find answers.
Numerous number of people has been thinking about it yet nobody had found a definitive, straight answer. The idea of Heaven is a very comforting one but there is no way to tell its authenticity.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Hi Mr Minio Why you are looking me like this hehe

Now, don't confuse people ignorant of the poor, people not understanding the poor, and people not distributing alms with people hateful towards other people, people who are unkind and not peaceful towards them. These do not have to be mutually exclusive, of course, but these are not identical.
Okay yes maybe I mixed up things here and failed to provide the example of what I am trying to say here, okay you tell me what are people like that unkind and not peaceful towards others?
I don't think that's what you're implying but just for the record: I think we can both agree that not reading religious books and not believing in anything written in them does not exclude a person from the possibility of being good, peaceful and kind towards other people, and likewise the fact somebody reads holy books and believes in every word written there does not automatically mean such person is good, kind and peaceful.
okay how do you learn ethics and manners? you learn it from your home from your parents then you go to school and learn it from books and your teachers, so if you read Holy books then you can practically do good things but yes not necessary they every religious is a pious man. Bu this how you learn in my point of view.
No, I don't think it's compulsory and the only way to be good with others. Obviously, somebody else's hate speech might make you ponder on your own life and decide you have to change for better, but most of the time it will only confirm your stance and biases given your opponent is fiercely advocating views you do not agree with. I don't think a neo-Nazi will feel remorse and become a good human being after he had been given a speech about how and why Nazism is wrong. He will strengthen his attitude at best, and totally wreck (physically) his interlocutor at worst.
Okay I agreed with you

Nowhere. I didn't exist.
Aww man first of all tell me Are you Christian or Jew?

Numerous number of people has been thinking about it yet nobody had found a definitive, straight answer. The idea of Heaven is a very comforting one but there is no way to tell its authenticity.
Okay, where did the idea of life came from?
We are alive and living our life and doing so many things here, how the heck world came into existence how we came into existence if we exist it means God exist and if God exist then the concept of Heaven and Hell is true.

Hi Mr Minio Why you are looking me like this hehe
Why, but that's your picture!
okay you tell me what are people like that unkind and not peaceful towards others?
I've already provided the answer.
so if you read Holy books then you can practically do good things
No. Not practically. Theoretically you can do bad things. Holy Books should be interpreted scientifically with a reference to historical facts and awareness of the culture and life of the people who lived when they had been written. If you take all that is written in them at face value you will be ignoring not just cultural relativism but also common sense.
Aww man first of all tell me Are you Christian or Jew?

Sorry, that was the first time somebody thought I might be Jew. What made you think that? To answer your question, though...

As a matter of fact I'm neither. I was baptized as Roman Catholic and more or less identified with the religion for about 18 years. I used to be an agnostic theist. Now I'm more of an agnostic atheist.

if we exist it means God exist and if God exist then the concept of Heaven and Hell is true.
Non sequitur overload!

Why, but that's your picture!
I am ugly but not that much

No. Not practically. Theoretically you can do bad things. Holy Books should be interpreted scientifically with a reference to historical facts and awareness of the culture and life of the people who lived when they had been written. If you take all that is written in them at face value you will be ignoring not just cultural relativism but also common sense.
Okay I agreed with you that with time things has been changed but ethics are still same implementation is different.

Sorry, that was the first time somebody thought I might be Jew. What made you think that? To answer your question, though...
Many things in Life happens for the first time, But I am sorry if I said something wrong, nothing made me think that I was only confirming it.

As a matter of fact I'm neither. I was baptized as Roman Catholic and more or less identified with the religion for about 18 years. I used to be an agnostic theist. Now I'm more of an agnostic atheist..
Ahh Now I am stopping here I have nothing else to say plus I don't have much knowledge I am also in the learning stage.

Twizzlers may be the worst candy ever. Necco wafers are better than flavorless, recycled plastic.

If I were completely honest ... I would tell my fellow Roman Catholics to lose some of their pre-ordained ideas. Such as no, all married women do not have to bear children (scandalous). Yes, a woman can abort a child if she so desires (outrageous). Whenever a tragedy befalls a man, no, that does not mean he is a homosexual & that’s why this happened to him (!). No, don’t try to get your marriage annulled so you can re-marry in the church. That woman bore your children & put up with your crud for years - don’t even try to obliterate her!
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I just made a pair of denim cut-off shorts. Not awesome 70's-80's midthighers....nope. Top of the knee'ers.

I would tell the public that you don't really have to lather rinse and repeat!
It's just a misleading direction the manufacturers place on their bottles to get you to use up more of the product more frequently, and thus buy it more often.
You can lather just once with an appropriate amount of shampoo, really work it in there well, then rinse... and thereby cut your consumption and spending on the product in half!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
People who can't just say goodbye and hangup. It's a long to and fro of goodbyes.

Come to think of it, what do people call hanging up now we all have mobile phones? First world problem but t need to know. And how do you make an earth shattering slam the phone down? I seem to recall Jerry Seinfeld having a skit on this.

If I'dve been completely honest, I'd have been fired following the South Dakota vs. Wayfair decision.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Dead, in prison, banned, whatever, but if you mean generally, Steel, I'd be crucified.

He's the only one who was honest.

It's a shame were not honest. Id rather be honest FU banned dead or crucified than hypocrite.

that is how in know...


Thats my only honest thread. Of course yoda closed it.

He's the only one who was honest.

It's a shame were not honest. Id rather be honest FU banned dead or crucified than hypocrite.
Hey, honesty is very important to me, too, and surely complete honesty is sometimes impossible for many, many reasons, but there is a fair chunk of good, honest people out there, and I know how easy it is to get disappointed with humanity after a streak of dishonest, bad people you met, but if you stick to it, you will finally find a good person. It's easy to brush off the entire population after you've been disappointed with just a couple of specimen, but is it honest?. Just a friendly shout out.

I already found a good person in you.

I told you many times I like you very much.

JUst one very serious thing, please.

I remember you one were here for 24 hrs strait. Thats UNHEALTHY. Coming from a person who was for 7 hrs strait, for a week, without sleep. which is the most important thing, HEALTHY sleep. People slept 12hrs a day 100 years ago. Why shouldn't it be balanced? and it was pushing myself so far. bc this god deam place is addictive, especially for me who's isolated from humanity, that i got so sick, with a tremendous headache and vomited all day long. That's wahy avoid this place. please dont allow that happen to you.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Who was here for 24 hours straight?

Anyway, it's good to see you visit. I hope you're okay now when you no longer feel a pressing need to come here so often.

I just come here and post because it's well, fun. Sometimes I haven't felt like posting as much, so two weeks or so go by until I get the motivation again.

I already found a good person in you.
Well, I assume you're talking to me. Or is it directed at Citizen?
I told you many times I like you very much.
It must be him.
I remember you one were here for 24 hrs strait
The correction would be I wasn't here (that is, MovieForums) for 24 hours straight, but I wasn't sleeping for 24 hours straight and at the end of that time came to the MoFo Shoutbox to post about it. Sometimes such a reset is required. Don't worry, I don't do it very often, and I'm fine, man. No need to worry about me. I appreciate your concern.

Is that a real icon painting? Or something modern? I mean look at Christ's loin cloth, what the heck is that all about?
Obviously it’s not modern. What’s wrong with the loin cloth?

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
If I were completely honest (and stupid), I'd tell a few relatives of mine I'm very glad while they're away from me. Also, I'd tell them I won't miss them after they die.