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The People's Republic of Clogher
Anybody here played the Friday the 13th game? I'm not much of a gamer, the last one I played was Resident Evil 4 and I never even finished it. But that was on a PS2. I've never played on a PC unless you count Monkey Island. I heard this was cool but buggy, and then they released something called "offline" mode, for single players - which would be more my bag. I can't think of anything worse than having to get online and play with other people. Not at this stage. I'll be adopting the sh*tting my pants and pressing all the buttons at the same time style - that's kind of the way I roll.

Advice? I thought it might be good to kill my Friday the 13th obsession and give myself something different with something like this.
Every time I see it on sale I hover over the Buy button, but I've not cracked just yet.

It looked buggy as all hell when it came out but apparently the developers have been working hard on it. Didn't realise they'd done a single player-ish patch, though, what would nullify one of my biggest concerns about the game originally - That the online audience wouldn't be there and you'd find no one to play with.

Watch this space.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Every time I see it on sale I hover over the Buy button, but I've not cracked just yet.

It looked buggy as all hell when it came out but apparently the developers have been working hard on it. Didn't realise they'd done a single player-ish patch, though, what would nullify one of my biggest concerns about the game originally - That the online audience wouldn't be there and you'd find no one to play with.

Watch this space.
NOOOOOOO but I can't even with myself, let alone people online.

Also, there's only a 12% chance of you being picked to be Jason. What?

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Anybody here played the Friday the 13th game? I'm not much of a gamer, the last one I played was Resident Evil 4 and I never even finished it. But that was on a PS2. I've never played on a PC unless you count Monkey Island. I heard this was cool but buggy, and then they released something called "offline" mode, for single players - which would be more my bag. I can't think of anything worse than having to get online and play with other people. Not at this stage. I'll be adopting the sh*tting my pants and pressing all the buttons at the same time style - that's kind of the way I roll.

Advice? I thought it might be good to kill my Friday the 13th obsession and give myself something different with something like this.
Actually, it's interesting you bring up "Friday the 13th," because the developers for that made a very unfortunate announcement only a little while ago. Basically, because the ongoing lawsuit with Victor Miller (the writer of the original film), it looks as though they intend to stop releasing new content and updates for the game.

It might not be that big of a deal though, it just means they likely won't fix a lot of the present bugs going on. I know they had the "offline" mode where you could play as Jason and off the counselors (I don't think you can play as the counselors though in offline mode) and I'm not sure if they added in the challenges they said they planned to add yet.

Actually, it's interesting you bring up "Friday the 13th," because the developers for that made a very unfortunate announcement only a little while ago. Basically, because the ongoing lawsuit with Victor Miller (the writer of the original film), it looks as though they intend to stop releasing new content and updates for the game.

It might not be that big of a deal though, it just means they likely won't fix a lot of the present bugs going on. I know they had the "offline" mode where you could play as Jason and off the counselors (I don't think you can play as the counselors though in offline mode) and I'm not sure if they added in the challenges they said they planned to add yet.
Ugh, I'm only really interested in offline mode. I don't mind being hunted by Jason but I'd LOVE the experience of playing AS him.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
The offline mode does allow you to play as Jason and off the counselors. I know they intended to add little "challenges" and scenarios as well, but I don't know how far along they got with that.

Hmm, you much of a shooter guy? I wasn't interested but this has me wondering if I should give it a go. Not usually into intense shooters.
Gameplay-wise, my favorite shooter ever. One of the purest run and gun experiences ever, I think the only one purer off the top of my head is Devil Daggers.

It's an actual action game. You are punished for standing still, you are constantly on the move. It is the antithesis of cover based shooters.

Biggest surprise for me in a long time. Totally fulfilled my craving for action. Now if only a decent RTS came that genre has died out. I miss Wings of Liberty.

I started playing the Nova expansion for SC2, and it seems aight, though man, I seriously cannot stand Blizzard's writing. I'm constantly mad at how aggressively bland the characters, arcs, and dialogue ALL are. Like seriously, angry, I'm angry right this second just thinking about Blizzard's writing. It's garbage.

Hmm. On one level that sounds awful, but maybe having to move constantly would get rid of my weird thing where I never want to advance in an FPS unless I feel like I've cleaned out everything behind me (yes, I try to play Call of Duty as if it were Fallout).

Maybe I should get it on sale or watch some videos.

The People's Republic of Clogher
And so to Ubisoft, consistently the only company who bring real humanity to these conferences. I might not fall in love with a lot of what they produce, but there's no doubting the heart behind them. Heck, I even found myself smiling along with the totally needless 'you finish it for us' game that is the Beyond Good and Evil prequel.

Then there was Trials Bloke. The eternal Trials Bloke.

I actually forgive him for Trials of the Blood Dragon now.

Yves Guillemot just gets it. I'd like a (totally not creepy) animatronic Yves that I could switch on whenever I'm feeling down.

But where was Trackmania?

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I think it was when I first played Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (from Ubisoft) that I really fell in love with video-games and started to see them as something other than a fun past-time, and began looking at them as something greater than that.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Elite on the Spectrum for me. Before that it was just score chasing in arcades and action adventures at home.

Elite's world, at least to 11 year old me, was alive and incomprehensibly huge (and 32k in size). I also had the feeling of accomplishment from progressing, whether it was better ships or my ranking. I spent what seemed like days on 'Dangerous' until I finally killed the pirate which made me Elite.

It was probably my attachment to the go anywhere and do anything aspect of Elite which made me immediately fall in love with Morrowind and subsequent Elder Scrolls games. Morrowind was Fantasy, of course, and not Sci-Fi but my other great love as a kid was the Fighting Fantasy series of choose your own adventure books.

In this interview Todd mentions that Starfield is "playable". Which could be construed in different ways. I mean, they could have some of the groundwork up and running, but I don't see them being close to the finish line. I definitely think the release is closer to being around 2020. Maybe a 2019 teaser?

Any oldschool gamers here? I like stuff like Terranigma, Startropics, and The Guardian Legend.

The offline mode does allow you to play as Jason and off the counselors. I know they intended to add little "challenges" and scenarios as well, but I don't know how far along they got with that.
Yep, here's the article about the Friday the 13th Game

**** it, I might just buy it anyway.

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
I'm getting a little jaded about Sony at E3 if they aren't at the beginning of a hardware cycle.

Dreams, I had completely forgotten about that. Probably will again. Death Stranding looks like Kojima cut the trailer himself. "I'm just gonna show a guy walking around and turn him into the equivalent of a UPS man carrying a truckload on his back." At least Naughty Dog showed they are still a premier maker of environments. TLOU Deux looks just as boring as the first. Spiderman: Arkham Asylum torture porn.

As a whole, pass.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
So glad we had footage of the Resident Evil 2 remake, it looks fantastic. In-fact, I think that might me my most anticipated game right now. This is the first time in a long-time I actually have a list of games I really want to play that aren't out yet.

- Atomic Hearts
- Death Stranding
- The Last of Us: Part II
- The Spyro Trilogy
- Spider-Man
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider
- Resident Evil 2
- Code Vein
- Gears of War 5

The People's Republic of Clogher
Sony went weird. I guess they've been cutting back on E3 since they started doing their own show later in the year but a series of videos and a couple of musicians is pushing their luck a bit.

Ghosts of Whatever looks very interesting, Kojima is still Kojima and I wish I liked Naughty Dog's games. Nioh 2? I'm down with that.

So far, the only 'must plays' from me are Fallout 76, From's Tenchu-alike and Forza Horizon 4.