Canadian Rant


Originally Posted by Ulysses Everett McGill
Wow. I can't believe you guys. You're just like all the other Canadians. Don't f*#@ing blame the government, don't give me that 'she did her best' garbage. She failed. She is our best olympian and she sucks. There is no excuse. We have an embarrasing olympic team.
I don't care how she 'feels'. As a Canadian, I want to be proud of my team. If they lose, I'm not proud of them. I don't care that they 'gave it their all'...

When Canada plays the US in olympic hockey, I don't cheer on the team if they loose to the Yanks - I rant and I rave and curse and almost cry. When the Canadian hockey team won gold I was happy. I was bursting at the seams happy. Because we won. We did something good. We excelled.

I will not cheer for, defend, any athlete who does nothing but disappoint.
Fans who are supportive when theire team wins, and shuns them when they fail are a bit sad. Just my opinion so dont take it too personal
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Jeez, you're right, you Canadians suck. You can't even win at being the fattest. The US is the fattest country around, you Canadians just aren't trying hard enough.

No, you're right. We aren't the fattest. You guys can have that one. But you guys have crappy iced tea. So there!

Arresting your development
In Canada, correction officials (in prison) will not allow guards to wear stab proof vests because it will make the prisoners feel as if they are not trusted.


Can you say aboot for me? Eh? And when are you guys going to becomre part of the U.S.?

One of the things I enjoy more: Canadian made buttplugs.
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Animal_Mother
Now thats just being rude :P
Well I never!

You would enjoy buttplugs.

wait, that doesn't fit there.
Sorry for the repeat. But it was a good one.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Ulysses Everett McGill
You would enjoy buttplugs.

The abject beauty of that sentiment left me feeling linguistically callow and bereft of hope. Hope springs eternal, yet not in the Land of Nod.

So, yes…and no.

Originally Posted by Ulysses Everett McGill
wait, that doesn't fit there.
Sorry for the repeat. But it was a good one.
What an odd way of telling us about a double post...

*shakes head*

"Open the pod-bay door, Hal."