1970's Hall of Fame


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Red Psalm was last with everyone except one vote where it was second from last.

And thanks, camo for compliments, they are truly appreciated my friend

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Next time tell him to pick a better art film.
The film requires a certain sensitivity and appreciation. The "problem" is not that he picked this film, but the fact that the movie happened not to resonate with this HoF's members.
Or tell him to develop his own opinion?
I have no right to tell him anything, and even if he's blindly following me, he can get really far doing so, and then finally reach the point, in which he will start shaping his own opinions. This kind of positive snobbism is commendable as long as it leads to something. Still, I don't think he really copycats my opinions, or ratings, and his RYM account proves this. He's just inspired by myself, and uses my highest ratings to pick films to see. Something I wish more people did.
Red Psalm was last with everyone except one vote where it was second from last.
Did @Velvet even vote? With
for Red Psalm I find it simply implausible, that he placed it as his penultimate pick.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Did @Velvet even vote? With
for Red Psalm I find it simply implausible, that he placed it as his penultimate pick.
Velvet did not vote. Was unable to before the deadline closed. he did post a review for it, though about 2 weeks ago.

Thanks very much Ed for hosting this, you are a class act all the way!

Here are my votes with a few notes, thanks everyone, this was fun!

11. F is for Fake - wretched, stuffy and uninteresting. I felt ill watching it. I am sorry, and I wish this wasn't so.

10. Red Psalm - Some decent nudity. Otherwise a dull and boring film I could not connect with.

9. Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion - Some interesting areas but overall a tedious experience dealing with themes that belonged in a film that had a different set of mechanics. This seemed miscast speaking of elements set into motion with such a heavy handed premise.

8. What's Up, Doc? - Amusing, fun little caper. Some very funny moments from a film that was made with care representative of an era that has passed.

7. Fantastic Planet - Hypnotizing animation and mood. It was a nice watch. Perfect for before bed elixirizing.

6. Sorcerer - Involved, complex and an experience. Adrenalized finale. I couldn't always connect but it was a curious watch and something I may revisit.

5. The Sting - Liked it! Good con movie and some solid acting.

4. The Warriors - B movie action and atmosphere with very satisfying music. Always a good time for me!

3. Dog Day Afternoon - Top to bottom a good nom and one hell of a flick!

2. Kramer Vs. Kramer - Emotional, very well acted, and extremely well made. This almost reained at the top until...

1. Eraserhead - Just pure film making. Very rewarding watch and now a staple to my arsenal of inspiration to get the motor running

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
And the wrap up of Jeff Costello's reviews!!

The Sting: Truly stupendous film that gets better with every viewing. Robert Redford and Paul Newman share a great chemistry together and surely I'm not the only one that wishes they made another film under director Hill. Although I prefer Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid by a small margin because of the more amplified comedic elements, I actually consider The Sting to be a superior film. The story is unforseeable and wildly absorbing and the legendary theme by Scott Joplin is undoubtedly iconic.

Sorcerer : I scarcely remember the original, so I'm not exactly authorized to make a valid comparison between the two. Perhaps that is for the best, because I was able to judge Sorcerer as a separate entity. Believe me when I say that, this was one of my favourite nominations in all of the Hall of Fames I participated in. What impressed me the most were the riveting scenes of the characters overcoming a natural obstacles amidst the Mexican jungle, which were very reminsicing of Herzog's Fitzcarraldo. Their slow and delicate execution only elavated the excitement. The cinematography and the set locations were amazing as well. Needless to say that the film itself was great and truly an exhilarating experience. I only wonder what the film would look like if William Friedking was able to round up the intended cast consisted of : Steve Mcqueen, Marcelo Mastroianni and Lino Ventura. Now that would be a spectacle !

Let the night air cool you off
I think the placing of Red Psalm is an example of why more arthouse fans don't join these, but then again, if they would join, the art films would place better. Maybe we should just have an arthouse themed hof at some point, because I'd like a little more diversity in these results. It seems like every film that is kinda weird just ends up at the bottom of every single one of these. Maybe we can convince some arthouse nuts to join more of these if they enjoyed the themed one.

Let the night air cool you off
The groupthink bashing arthouse or weird films is a weird form of snobbery in itself, even if the nominators are weird about other noms. I know this has happened to Guap before too. Obviously sometimes people make it too easy for others to sh*t all over them and the things they like, but it's frustrating to see uninteresting results AND interesting nominations almost being used as an example to keep other people from choosing risky/weird movies to nominate. It kinda feels like we are trying to make it clear that weird sh*t don't fly around here.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
That's not art though that's crap.
Strong words for a dude who has Shawshank Redemption as his favourite movie of all time, Forrest Gump at 7, and who obviously has a recency bias (La La Land, Manchester by the Sea, and Gone Baby Gone). Argumentum ad personam, beeyotch!
It seems like every film that is kinda weird just ends up at the bottom of every single one of these.
That's why MoFo needs more elitism and true movie buffs, not afraid of anything that was not made in Hollywood, or up to 10 years ago...

Eh, they're all just opinions and preferences. Nothing shocking. This doesn't seem to be an art house cinema kind of forum overall. I like art films very much but I also enjoy those kinds of films (broad term, I know) to offer something that resonates with my nervous system or intellect. Humor, curious music, bold adventure, more humor. If a film can successfully illustrate what it's like to thumb slowly through a parchment paper leather bound with purple ink, that would be great. Add a few glasses of wine, a smoke and a pancake and there's an afternoon. But I also think it is an art form to marry an art film aesthetic with some form of common entertainment, and that would concern the tempo of a film. Not relying on repetition as a provoking device. Sometimes I feel like the film maker hates their audience, and gets their sights set to torture them. Sometimes I feel like it's a trap, or a test. Anyone who refuses to hang on or become fully immersed in such a film is insensitive, unenlightened, or just a regular numb skull. I think most humans have a sophisticated system in place, even if they act in ways that creates a stereotype, like, a dumb ass or a fool. Red Psalm, to me, was just dull. I didn't want to dislike it. In fact, I was secretly hoping it'd be among my favorites. A surprise. Much like Ed's nom of La Grande Illusion. I think a lot of times that a sizable group of well informed people are able to discern between a good film and a pretentious piece of shlt. I trust this HOF personally. But again, it's just an opinion and a preference at the end of the day.

Strong words for a dude who has Shawshank Redemption as his favourite movie of all time, Forrest Gump at 7, and who obviously has a recency bias (La La Land, Manchester by the Sea, and Gone Baby Gone). Argumentum ad personam, beeyotch!
That's why MoFo needs more elitism and true movie buffs, not afraid of anything that was not made in Hollywood, or up to 10 years ago...
I think you're mistaking your own agenda with someone else's, man lol.

And "true movie buffs"? Come on, now. If someone doesn;t like sushi or anything in the fish family, that's that. Ya can't knock em for it. I mean, you can but you'd be beating a dead horse.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Crap can be art. Wedding Crashers for example has its moments that are operating at such a high crap level that it leaves normal people speechless.
I never have claimed Wedding Crashers to be an artistic masterpiece. Just something I personally enjoy.

I never have claimed Wedding Crashers to be an artistic masterpiece. Just something I personally enjoy.
And that is what it's all about. If I wanted to be challenged for escapism, I'd get into a relationship with a social worker.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
True movie buff = a person who loves all cinema, is not afraid to watch experimental, avant-garde, foreign, as well as more conventional cinema, Hollywood, new films, old films, silent films, exploitation - NOT a person who hated a certain film

True movie buff = a person who loves all cinema, is not afraid to watch experimental, avant-garde, foreign, as well as more conventional cinema, Hollywood, new films, old films, silent films, exploitation - NOT a person who hated a certain film
True movie buff=someone that watches all forms of film, and makes up their own minds on what they think of it.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Plus he acts like I completely am oblivious to Arthouse. No I haven't seen a crap ton but there are a few I really enjoy. I'm not blind to it and completely dismissing those types of films.