Citizen's Top 62, 1930s Actors & Actresses


Trouble with a capital "T"
I know who Alice Faye is, but I don't think I've seen many of her movies, although I have a few of them on DVD.
She's a wonderful singer, with a soulful deeper voice. I think you would like her movies, at least the two I mentioned. They both received Oscar nominations. And they are drama-romance with some light comedy and music. The music comes from the story as Alice Faye plays a singer in a struggling band. Tyrone Power is her love interest, and if memory serves me Don Amache is her confident and secret admirer.

Not conversant with her - I'll try to check out a couple of her movies. Not big into musicals (don't mind some though) but I am a lover of good torch singers. I'll be back (no holding breath though as it'll be a matter of hours at the very least )
The singing part comes from when her band performs in nightclubs, so it's confluent to the story line.

The singing part comes from when her band performs in nightclubs, so it's confluent to the story line.
Doesn't look like I'm gonna get to see either of those two sadly, they're just not coming up as available through any normal means to me and as you know I won't do the dodgy streaming sites. At least I got to watch a couple of hers, and if I can somehow ignore my gag reflex (and tolerate looking at colorised versions) there's always the couple she did with Little Miss Precocious.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Glad you got this started again but i don't know who she is and have seen none of her films.
I'll try to post another one today. Then I should be getting into the bigger named stars after that.

I'll try to post another one today. Then I should be getting into the bigger named stars after that.
Careful now, I believe the last person that said that might have been Mister Wienstein

Never seen any of her films. My friends mum loved her. From what i've took as parodies of her in other media i guess her old schtick was that she was adorable?
Count. Yerself. Lucky.
Yeah, cute lil girlie that sings n dances I guess .... personally I've never regarded her child career as either 'cute' or 'adorable' though, more like 'irritating' and 'nauseous'

Eek, how embarrassing will it be for me if she shows as CR's #1 30s female star now

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
watched quite a few Shirley Temple movies as a little kid, they were always on Saturday/Sunday Afternoon Movies on the local channels and they'd play Heidi around the Holidays on NBC. Actually caught one on TMC a year or two ago; can't remember which one.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Count. Yerself. Lucky.
Yeah, cute lil girlie that sings n dances I guess .... personally I've never regarded her child career as either 'cute' or 'adorable' though, more like 'irritating' and 'nauseous'

Eek, how embarrassing will it be for me if she shows as CR's #1 30s female star now
You'll see....

Trouble with a capital "T"
My #29 Favorite 1930's Actor is

Johnny Weissmuller

Filmography Biography

Tarzan!...there were other actors who played Tarzan before Johnny Weissmuller, but like Bela Lugosi and Dracula....Weismuller owned the role! He made a total of 12 Tarzan movies, which ended up typecasting him, which is too bad as he was a personable actor and should have had a bigger acting career.

The very first movie I ever reviewed at MoFo, Swap Fire, featured Johnny Weismuller as a Cajun at odds with Buster Crabbe (who also played Tarzan).

Films of Johnny Weismuller that I liked.

Tarzan the Ape Man (1932)

Tarzan and His Mate
(1934) This pre-code film in it's day was famous for the nude swimming scenes by Jane (Maureen O'Sullivan) the actually swimming was done by a member of the U.S. Olympic swimming team, Josephine McKim.


Tarzan Escapes (1936)

Tarzan Finds a Son!(1939)
Click image for larger version

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Even though I surely must have seen him as Jungle Jim too I only actually remember Johnny as Tarzan - those films were staples of my childhood years on Saturday morning television and had you not said he was only in twelve I would have sworn there were about fifty of the buggers lol. I've never revisited them as an adult as I've always suspected they would be hugely disappointing to a (supposedly) grown-up me ...... guess I'll try and find out today whether that suspicion has any validity or not. Who knows - I might be lost for days now yodelling and swinging around the house as I try to find and watch the whole dozen

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Never seen any of her films. My friends mum loved her. From what i've took as parodies of her in other media i guess her old schtick was that she was adorable?
Count. Yerself. Lucky.
Yeah, cute lil girlie that sings n dances I guess .... personally I've never regarded her child career as either 'cute' or 'adorable' though, more like 'irritating' and 'nauseous'

Eek, how embarrassing will it be for me if she shows as CR's #1 30s female star now
watched quite a few Shirley Temple movies as a little kid, they were always on Saturday/Sunday Afternoon Movies on the local channels and they'd play Heidi around the Holidays on NBC. Actually caught one on TMC a year or two ago; can't remember which one.

I've seen a few Shirley Temple movies over the years, but I never quite understood why she became such a big star at such a young age. I usually found her kind of annoying. I guess "cute" was more important back then.

However I recently saw her in the movie Now and Forever (1934) and I thought she was kind of cute in that movie, and not too annoying.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
My #29 Favorite 1930's Actor is

Johnny Weissmuller

Johnny Weissmuller is another actor who I've heard of, but I don't think I've seen him in much. I know I saw a few Tarzan movies when I was younger, but that was back when I was a kid, and I had no idea who the actor was at the time.

However I recently saw her in the movie Now and Forever (1934) and I thought she was kind of cute in that movie, and not too annoying.
I see what you are doing here - it won't work on me I tells ya, it won't work!

Found and watched the first Weissmuller outing Tarzan The Ape Man, not as thrilling as I remember a prepubescent me finding it but it had it's moments of modest excitement and wasn't devoid of entertainment. There was some nice chemistry between him and Ms. O'Sullivan as Jane in parts and of course his athletic prowess is quite wonderful. The marvellous wildlife and scenery are naturally nice to see but at times are dwelt on a little too much and the whole could have done with being a little less lengthy imo.

Sadly the only other of his 30s Tarzan output that appears to be readily available to me is the decade closer so I'll give that a whirl next and try not to hold against it the fact that I'll be missing the more salacious fare

edit: Also watched the decade closer Tarzan Finds A Son!, which introduces Little Miss Precocious lookalike Johnny Sheffield into the equation as Boy - a rather appropriate name as boy is he irritating at first. As ever Tarzan is portrayed very aptly but proceedings are generally less eventful this time around and even when things do ramp up in the final twenty minutes or so sadly the sense of deja vu eventually helps bring it back down.

Surprised I'm just seeing this now, although I won't be that familiar with many of the names.

Of course I love Bela, and Wings was great with Clara Bow. I believe that was your nomination in the silent era HoF.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
making the comparison of Bela and Dracula with Johnny and Tarzan is right on the money. Watched 'em all as a kid as well and have not seen any since then. I do remember that the New York adventure was a favorite at the time but that had more to do with Cheetah's antics and there was, from what I remember a pretty cool scene where Tarzan is swinging around the tension chords of the (Brooklyn?) Bridge.