20 Questions - Movie Game


Trouble with a capital "T"
20 Questions - Movie Game
I had an idea for a movie game based on the old 20 Questions Game. So it works like this:

I'll pick a well known movie and everyone tries to guess it by asking Yes or No type questions. Collectively 20 questions can be asked, either by everyone.... or just one person.
If you can guess the movie from the clues then you win!

I'll choose the movies for the first few rounds so I can tweak the rules if necessary.

Basic rules are:
Choose a well known film, otherwise it's too hard for others to guess.
Ask any yes or no type questions, one question per post....examples:
  • Is the movie American?
  • Is the movie British?
  • Is it from the 20th century?
  • Is it a color movie?
  • Did it win any Oscars?
Be creative in the questions you ask....Ok you get the idea.

One more rule, please be patient This is a complicated game and mistakes will be made by all of us, remember it's just for fun

Trouble with a capital "T"
Was it made in the 40's?

So far we have:
1 Is the movie English language? Yes
2 Was the movie made in black and white? Yes
3 Does the movie have any scenes of a sexual nature? No
4 Was it made in the 40's? Yes

Trouble with a capital "T"
Directed by Hitchcock?
No...but good question, actually they've all been good questions

Questions asked so far:
1 Is the movie English language? Yes
2 Was the movie made in black and white? Yes
3 Does the movie have any scenes of a sexual nature? No
4 Was it made in the 40's? Yes
5 Directed by Hitchcock? No

Was the movie featured in the latest MoFo countdown?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Was the movie featured in the latest MoFo countdown?
Directed by Wells?
Does the movie have a male leading role?

Questions asked so far:
1 Is the movie English language? Yes
2 Was the movie made in black and white? Yes
3 Does the movie have any scenes of a sexual nature? No
4 Was it made in the 40's? Yes
5 Directed by Hitchcock? No
6 Was the movie featured in the latest MoFo countdown? Yes
7 Directed by Wells? No
8 Does the movie have a male leading role? Yes

Trouble with a capital "T"
Is it one of your top 10 favourite movies?
No...but I do really like it.

Questions asked so far:
1 Is the movie English language? Yes
2 Was the movie made in black and white? Yes
3 Does the movie have any scenes of a sexual nature? No
4 Was it made in the 40's? Yes
5 Directed by Hitchcock? No
6 Was the movie featured in the latest MoFo countdown? Yes
7 Directed by Wells? No
8 Does the movie have a male leading role? Yes
9 Is it one of your top 10 favorite movies? No


Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.