Email for Actors and Actresses?


Woody is me but Sam is my name
Does any1 have emails for

1.Lindsay Lohan
2.Emma Watson
3.The new Harry Potter Director
4.Arnold Schwarzenegger (asking y he cant do T4)
5.Kate Beckinsale
6.Kiera Knightley


Dont mind if you have it.. but it would be nice. That means everyone would know the emails. Thanks again.

I wipe my ass with your feelings
You're not a stalker, are you?

Cause I like all the girls you listed

Try their websites?

Woody is me but Sam is my name
Im glad you actually like those girls i like.
Ok.. i SHALL try their website, thanks for telling me.

Woody is me but Sam is my name
Their websites... u must pay to view em.. i cant see their emails.