Las Vegas Attack 2017


Guess I'll take a chance on mentioning the attack.

Anyone want to talk about it, or just vent, express your fears, speculate, offer prayers & condolences?

It's heartbreaking. I thought I had become desensitized to all these shootings, but just watched a video taken when the shooting began and nearly cried. Obviously RIP to the dead and my condolences to the injured and to the most likely huge number of people traumatized by this event.

Fear and Loathing indeed... This was terrible beyond imagination... so many fatalities... and this guy was a quarter mile away! How did he hit so many people? I assumed at first the concert was taking place at the base of the hotel and he was just shooting down at heads but now that I see diagrams of the location is fully a quarter mile away across the street into the next block.

Of course the big question will be how did he get his hands on a fully automatic weapon. my guess is you can get a hold of one fairly easily if you really want one or you can adjust a semi auto. Either way, thats a problem and its kinda sick that there are businesses right on The Strip where tourists can go to pay to be able to take target practice with fully automatic weapons just like his. But Ill leave it at that. Nows the time for helping the hurt and mourning the dead as a united country. Im sure petty squabbling and political nonsense will break out soon enough but today I say my sincerest condolences for those who lost family members and loved ones in this tragedy... my heart aches for you all...

I am actually scheduled to go to Vegas this Saturday so this jolted me when I woke up this morning. Especially since we (my work) have people already on site there and there was a mad scramble to make sure everyone was accounted for this morning. Everyone is fine but what an environment to be flying into... My hope is Ill be able to do something to help once I get out there but I cant imagine what at that point...
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

It seems like every couple years somebody "breaks the record."

I was thinking about that, then some guy on CNN said the same thing - he pointed out that not giving the shooter attention wasn't as big a deal as constantly talking about "records, largest numbers, greatest mass casualty event, etc." - because there are psychos out there who just like the idea of breaking records.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Not that it's anything new, but it's excruciating how much can one person do.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
My hope is Ill be able to do something to help once I get out there but I cant imagine what at that point...
They're calling for blood donations if you are able.

I was also shocked to read about the extent of fatalities and injured this morning, and I had no idea he was 1/4 mile way. Far out. How does a guy in a retirement village get a weapon like that.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I only heard of this attack 30 minutes ago. Horrible! The attack begs the question...what can be done about this? Gun control? Media control? I mean it's just a horrible thing.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Do we know for sure it was a fully auto weapon? I don't have TV service so I haven't heard that.
I've read it was, and to my ears certainly sounds like one. Incessant shooting for 10 minutes straight. Freaking terrifying.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've read it was, and to my ears certainly sounds like one. Incessant shooting for 10 minutes straight. Freaking terrifying.
Thanks, I tried to find something on the internet about it, and I read something very similar to that. But I'm wondering if the police have released info on the type of weapon that was used? I mean is it official confirmed to be an auto rifle or is that still up in the air? anyone?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Thanks, I tried to find something on the internet about it, and I read something very similar to that. But I'm wondering if the police have released info on the type of weapon that was used? I mean is it official confirmed to be an auto rifle or is that still up in the air? anyone?
I dont know anything about guns so if I saw what type it would have bypassed me. Just amazed someone of his age could get any gun when he's living in a retirement home. And I dont know yet if he killed himself or the police shot him.
Why, just why. Shaking my head. And at a country music festival where people are just having some laid back fun? Unbelievable.

I dont think theyve officially declared anything yet. Probably wise considering how early it is and that some things are logical but unconfirmed speculation. I do know that the police said he had "more than 10 weapons" in that hotel room with him and everyone I know that knows anything about guns when they heard the recordings said THATS an automatic weapon. and that the reason they caught him was because he had been firing so much that the smoke from his weapon set off the fire alarm in his room which allowed the swat team to hone in on his room in a hotel with 3,000 rooms in it. He was also a high stakes gambler and a country music fan so do with that what you will...

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've read it was, and to my ears certainly sounds like one. Incessant shooting for 10 minutes straight. Freaking terrifying.
You're right. I just talked to my mom who's been watching news all day. It was fully automatic weapons. The news said he had 10 automatic weapons! in his hotel room that he had converted (some or all?) into fully auto, from semi auto. And he ended up shooting himself.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
You're right. I just talked to my mom who's been watching news all day. It was fully automatic weapons. The news said he had 10! automatic weapons in his hotel room that he had converted into fully auto, from semi auto. And he ended up shooting himself.
Just sw this on breaking news cnn

• The shooter had bought multiple firearms in the past, several purchased in California, a law enforcement official told CNN. But those don't appear to be among the 10 or more found in the Mandalay Bay hotel room.
• So far investigators believe the firearms were purchased legally. The suspicion, based on initial reports, is that any of the rifles used were altered in order to function as an automatic weapon, said the official. Among the weapons found so far: a .223 caliber and a .308 caliber.
I said in shout the last thing I saw before I went to bed was 3 fatalities. Woke up to this news. Really shocked me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
.223 caliber, that might be the AR-15 assault rifle.

.308 caliber, that might be an SKS assault rifle based on the Soviet AK47

Those are just guesses. Both are very extremely deadly weapons.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
.223 caliber, that might be the AR-15 assault rifle.

.308 caliber, that might be an SKS assault rifle based on the Soviet AK47

Those are just guesses. Both are very extremely deadly weapons.
I dont want to get into the gun debate but just curious how the AWB wasnt renewed over there?

Wish I could donate blood. 515 wounded last I saw.

You're right. I just talked to my mom who's been watching news all day. It was fully automatic weapons. The news said he had 10 automatic weapons! in his hotel room that he had converted (some or all?) into fully auto, from semi auto. And he ended up shooting himself.
For some reason it always p's me off when they kill themselves.
It's like I can almost sympathize with someone who wants to kill themselves - but go off in the woods and do it, jump off a bridge, or pop a couple bottles of pills - in other words, do it in such a way that you're not likely to hurt anyone else. But if you're just going to kill yourself anyway, why kill other people first? What's the point? What is the great expectation of satisfaction supposed to be if you're then going to be dead anyway?

Not to detract from this story - but there was this guy I went to high school with - he was depressed or whatever, broke up with his girlfriend, etc. so he decides to off himself... he drives his car at top speed into a very crowded intersection at rush hour (where the road he was on ends at a "T," intersecting with a cross road where cars are either going straight both ways or turning onto the road he was on)!
He's still alive and in prison for the rest of his life, but he ended up killing a young man at random - a legal immigrant from Africa, driving home from his job, married with kids!
If the suicidal guy just wanted to kill himself, why not drive his car into a wall in a deserted alley? (there's plenty of spots like that to be found). The fact that he chose a crowded intersection crosses the line from despondent to evil because he premeditated injuring or killing others at random in his suicide attempt.

I first want to express my condolences to the victims and their families. This is a horrible tragedy. I encourage anyone of faith to pray for those affected by this tragedy. And for those who are not, a trip to donate blood might be in order to deal with the numerous amount of injured individuals.

As for what I have heard so far there is a lot here that is kinda odd for mass shooters. We don't know the motive yet and the guy's background adds more questions then answers.

This guy is not described as being political or a gun guy, but he is firing what sounds like a full auto weapon from the balcony of his casino hotel room. Full auto weapons are hard as hell to get your hand on legally, and you have to know people to get that stuff on the black market or the Dark Web. And truth be told they are almost never used in crime. Now it has happened before. In LA in the 90's Phillips and Mătăsăreanu robbed banks in North Hollywood using weapons converted to full auto. But they were very familiar with firearms and had rap sheets. We have no such info on this shooter.

ISIS claims responsibility, but the FBI has found no ties at this point to terrorism. So unless he had a Quran or called 911 claiming he is ISIS like in The Pulse shooting, ISIS is blowing smoke up our ass. In addition this guy is old ass hell. Generally people like this are young. The guy has no know politics, was not a gun nut, all we know is his daddy was a bank robber, and he likes to gamble.

Questions that need answering. Where did he get the guns, how did he get them into his gun-free zone casino hotel, what was his motive. For all we know the guy snapped due to a health concern or he wanted a way out from crippling gambling debts. Ultimately the feds are going to get those answers.

I dont want to get into the gun debate but just curious how the AWB wasnt renewed over there?

Wish I could donate blood. 515 wounded last I saw.
The "Assault Weapon" ban sunset in 2004 under George W Bush.

From the shots I heard on a video, it sounds like full auto fire. The Assault Weapons Ban did not cover full auto weapons. They just called semi auto firearms with standard capacity mags "assault" weapons despite the fact that an assault rifle requires full auto fire.

Machine guns have been highly regulated since the Federal Firearms Act of 1938 and have not been in manufacturer for civilians since the 1980s. Legal full auto weapons have skyrocket in price since those laws passed and are in the price range of several tens of thousands or even hundred thousand dollar plus range. Most people are only able to fire them by renting them from ranges under supervision.

Not to go off topic as well, but I hate that the media and certain members of the political elite are trying to shift focus away from a national tragedy to score political points. We don't have a final death count or even a motive for this mass murder and yet I wake up this morning to mass speculation and hand twirling by people trying to fit the shooter into the category that fits with their political opponents.

We all need to stay calm, mourn the dead, and let the authorities find out what happened and how it happened.