Movies for language learning


I'm looking for movies and TV series like "Lemony Snicket's a Series of Unfortunate Events", in which a lot is explained, for example by a narrator. So what you see on the screen, is also named.

I use this kind of (dubbed) movies to learn French, and to make collages on my blog, "Dutchie Learns French".

@matt72582 So You are Dutch? I was looking You in this map and I didn't find You
Damn, i forgot that existed. That's not really close to where i am in Glasgow but obviously i don't want my exact address up there haha, think i just told Rodent to put it anywhere.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Damn, i forgot that existed. That's not really close to where i am in Glasgow but obviously i don't want my exact address up there haha, think i just told Rodent to put it anywhere.
Yes, still exists It's very usefull. I was searching for somebody from Sweden, after I watched a document about that country, to compare opinions from the film with view of real Swede.

Oh, so Rodent puts MoFo's on the map. I thought everyone can add him/herself. Obviously, I wouldn't mark my accurated location either

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Is that an old version of the map, because I swear it use to have a lot more MoFos pinned on it. I'm still there BTW.
I thought it was a brand new version. I attached it from this link:

Trouble with a capital "T"
I thought it was a brand new version. I attached it from this link:
Yeah, that's the thread where I first seen the MoFo map. I added myself to it, I thought everyone did. I noticed in my state some of the people are missing, kind of spooky actually

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Yeah, that's the thread where I first seen the MoFo map. I added myself to it, I thought everyone did. I noticed in my state some of the people are missing, kind of spooky actually
I haven't added myself yet. I saw this thread few months ago and only then, so it's showed quite rarely on main MoFo's board . Maybe this is the reason, why not everyone are marked on the map? Not everyone knows that map exists...

Trouble with a capital "T"
I seen on the 1st page of the original thread people saying they've added themselves, but now they aren't on it. I think I will bump the old thread and see if we can get some new MoFos to pin themselves.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
@matt72582 So You are Dutch? I was looking for You in this map and I didn't find You
No, I'm not Dutch -- but I've been there 6 times, and try to learn every language of the country I'm in.. I'm in Michigan, US

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Yeah, it was somewhere in my mind that You are from US. That's why I was suprised when You wrote something in Dutch.
6 times? You travel a lot, I guess

i think all of them are great for learning english, and what's important, according to the teacher i took classes from, Vaughan, repeating english outloud is very effective

Watching movies in a foreign language is a prerequisite for learning any language.
When I was learning English (it's not my native language), I watched movies like that
Toy Story
Harry Potter
Monty Python and the Holy Grail