Movie from 80s/90s, underground bunker, skateboard, Corey Haim


Registered User
Hey all,

I'm back again to find another movie I watched on HBO as a kid.

I think the star was Corey Haim. I remember him skateboarding and hanging out in what I remember as a buried tank, like you would see pulled behind a semi or train, full of water or natural gas. (maybe it was an empty pool?) I think his dad comes out to talk to him when he's in there at one point in the movie. I vaguely remember some sort of crime or guys with guns and Corey skateboarding around running from or listening in on the bad guys. I found a movie called the Prayer of the Rollerboys but I've been clicking through it and I can't find the bunker scene.

I will keep poking around in the meantime. Anybody familiar with this one?


Registered User
I always seem to answer my own questions right after I post here so I apologize ahead of time if this happens again. This one isn't coming to me as easy as the last couple though.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Maybe?? Gleaming the Cube (1999)

The scene with them hanging out in the buried tank thing is at 30:25, sorry for such a crappy video but blame the guy that uploaded it to youtube.


Registered User
Yes! It was Christian Slater.

I would have never found this!

Thanks a ton... I say it every time, this forum is freaking great.