George Romero and his Trilogy


I know there's a lot of fans out there that would love to participate ina discussion about the horror legend, George Andrew Romero. Many of you might be aware that he's trying to release a fourth installment to the dead trilogy which i think is a great idea, especially with all these hack-jobs now aday's. I've read some of the script, the segments I could find and it's a lot more brutal than any of the ones out right now. The atmosphere is also built up more. I don't want to give too much away or hear anymore about details of the script because I'd like to watch it with anticipation. But I'm sure many of you have your own opinions on this movie, whether it's on if it should be made or who should be involved in making it so I'm going to open the floor now..

His trilogy slowly built up the zombie apocylapse and Day pretty much finished with no where to turn. Im curious where this new one will be going.

I Still Know What You Did The Day Of The Dead
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

It's true Day of the Dead made it look like there was nothing more to tell but at the same time, Romero made them all to comment on the generation they were made. The next one is supposed to reflect the late 90's and 21st century. Its basic theme is ignoring the problem which in this case are the zombies. I personally don't like the two titles Romero has given it but it will probably be different if/when it comes out. The two he's tried are Dead Reckoning (which has to do with the story but I won't spoil it) and Land of the Dead. Romero retitled it Land of the Dead after the Fox coroporation told him he couldn't use the original because it was the name of an old Humphrey Bogart movie. That would obviously imply a remake which it sure as hell isn't! The three titles I would rather prefer would be DEAD4-The Awakening, Dusk of the Dead and Season of the Dead with my emphasis on the last title. It's a very good story and devastatingly brutal which he is known for. I'd have to say even more brutal then 28 days later. It's almost as brutal as the original script for Day of the Dead which was appallingly brutal but sheer genius. That was one of the reasons it was never made. The company back in 1985 would never finance a movie so violent because it's a real coin toss if a movie like that would make any money. Also, if you've ever read the original script which can be found here,
it's almost impossible to cut. Right Now, Romero's in talks with Fox still, I think and John Carpenter who wants to Produce it and write the score. That's not too bad but if I were George, I would ask for the rights of the movie if Carpenter wants to produce it because Rubinstein really screwed Romero over with Dawn. He really needs to get a job with a studio contract but it sucks that he's so old. It's really too late for that but Romero once said he'd make the fourth one if it's the last thing he ever did and he wants to do it his way and not have so many people telling him the direction of the movie. My thoughts.
"You need people like me..."

New threat Posted! Romero's new movie a go! Looks to be great.