That 70's reviews.

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Imma start a review thread... bc i see alot of movies and im bored right now. Ill post after i watch a movie and you can hear my thoughts on the film.
"And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them."
-pulp fiction

I saw The Bourne Supremacy friday and it was very good for being a sequal. I loved the fight scenes and car chases, the film was very intense but started extremely slow... it picks up after the first 30 minutes are so so if you can stand waiting that long then you will be in for a very good movie. Matt Damon is at his best in this film playing jason bourne for the second time, hes very believable and i feel its one of his best showings since oceans 11. The only problem i had with the film was the shaky flashbacks bourne (Damon) has throughout the film... the scense look poorly done and are extremely too shaky for my taste. I cantand for the third one. I havent read the books so i am not sure how well the movies follow the books but felt that this film follows the Bourne Idenity very well. I strongly recomend this movie to people who enjoy high intense movies.
i give it 1/2

i cant say your paragraph has convice me to see the movies. Please write more about the movie