Director of the Month Project

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Reading the Kaurismäki thread reminded me that he is on my radar but there's so many directors i want to get to that i haven't seen anything by him. I also have a habit of watching a film by a director then not watching another one for months regardless of what i thought of it, it's a kinda now i should see one by this director sort of thing. So i think starting next month i'm going to pick a director and maybe 4 films that i'll watch from him or her, might end up watching more just think that would be a good minimum to aim for since it would be about one a week.

Anyone can join in whether that be watching the films or discussing films they've already seen, it's not a commitment thing like the HOF's anyone can come in or out when they want. Also i might end up abandoning it before it even starts haha. Only starting this thread now so i don't forget.

Just decided this right now so i'm not sure who i'd pick for the first month if anyone wants to make suggestions please go ahead.



49th Paralell
Black Narcissus
Rome, Open City
Germany, Year Zero
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
A Woman Under the Influence
Opening Night
Love Streams
The Lodger


Rome, Open City
Black Narcissus
Germany Year Zero
49th Parallel
Opening Night
A Woman Under the Influence
Love Streams
The Lodger
Sabotage & The Man Who Knew Too Much

Citizen Rules:

The Lodger

I have a lot of suggestions, but it depends where you want to go. Hou Hsiao-Hsien or Tsai Ming-Liang could be interesting to put a spotlight on. Another one of my favs would be Bruno Dumont. Then again why not Apichatpong Weerasethakul or Howard Hawks or even Preston Sturges. Either way i would be interested in following this thread as i think the Auteur theory is quite valid and an interesting way of viewing films.

I could use the practice of looking at films in this sort of framework, definitely a weak spot of mine right now. I'd participate in some manner.

I have a lot of suggestions, but it depends where you want to go. Hou Hsiao-Hsien or Tsai Ming-Liang could be interesting to put a spotlight on. Another one of my favs would be Bruno Dumont. Then again why not Apichatpong Weerasethakul or Howard Hawks or even Preston Sturges. Either way i would be interested in following this thread as i think the Auteur theory is quite valid and an interesting way of viewing films.
Thanks. These are all possibilities, for the first month i'd personally like to go in completely blind so i'd cross of Tsai, Hawks and Sturges since i've seen films from them. If it lasts a while i'll most likely get to them though. I'd say if it was one of them i'd lean towards Hou but i'm not sure yet.

Good idea Camo. I would try to participate (depending on my interest in the chosen director.) Hopefully this could catch on and be popular.
Hopefully. Suggest some directors you'd be interested in participating in if you want.

I could use the practice of looking at films in this sort of framework, definitely a weak spot of mine right now. I'd participate in some manner.
Cool, again if there's any you have in mind go ahead.

A director which is pretty underrepresented at MoFo would be Manoel de Oliveira. He has directed 45 films and i have yet to see one, but have Abrahams Valley and Aniki Bobo ready to watch. It could be quite interesting how that would turn out.

A director which is pretty underrepresented at MoFo would be Manoel de Oliveira. He has directed 45 films and i have yet to see one, but have Abrahams Valley and Aniki Bobo ready to watch. It could be quite interesting how that would turn out.
That's the guy who was directing til he was 100 or something right? He's definitely an interesting possibility, don't know a thing about any of his films.

Just checked he made films from 1931 to 2015 when he was 106


Roberto Rossellini & Michael Powell

Rossellini: L'amore, Rome Open City, Paisan and Germany Year Zero
Powell: 49th Parallel, Black Narcissus and The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I will more than likely join you. Unless I am just totally not interested in the director. Bonus points if you pick someone 40's prominent for August.

@TokeZa you can pick who is done in September when it comes if you want, since you've been helpful and it looks like we are going in a different direction due to the Countdown.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Oh yeah, i definitely have to do that. Forgot about the Countdown. That helps then the first month will be someone 40's prominent so people watching films for the Countdown might be interested in joining. Anyone in mind?
Let me look a little.

If the first month is The forties i would recommend Powell and Pressburger, Jacques Tourner, Rosselini or de Sica. Anywho im not a guy who likes to make decisions

If it's Rosselini then is it cool if we leave out Paisan since i've seen it recently?

If we do then there's 5 to pick from and we were doing 4, so cut out one of: Rome, Open City, Germany, Year Zero, The White Ship, A Pilot Returns or The Man With A Cross. Personally i think we should do the first two.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Powell and Rosselinni have some 40's films on Filmstruck and I would be interested in both. No pressure Camo.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
L'amore, Rome Open City, and Germany Year Zero are the 40's on Filmstruck. I would probably watch Paisan which is there as well.