Religion and morals


Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
And further to that, does god really know right from wrong? He thought it was ok to sacrifice his own son to torture and death. In my world, infanticide for any reason is pretty bad.
Do you really believe God killed His Son? Or did He allow it to happen?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Do you really believe God killed His Son? Or did He allow it to happen?
I dont believe in god as such (I'm agnostic - sitting on the fence here) but according to my catholic education, his father sacrificed him. He didnt kill him but gave him up to save mnkind. Now I know animals commit infanticide either by hand or by leaving them to the elements, and humans do it as well, but was it godly of god to do it?

That's a sort of slippery slope as 'right' and 'wrong' can be contextual.
I do believe that 'right' is (the path to) God, and 'wrong' (the path to) the devil. I believe they're the opposites.

What makes you say he/she doesnt know right from wrong, if he exists. Wasnt he God's #1henchman? Maybe he just enjoyed being an egomaniac?
I reckon that if he'd know it, he wouldn't mess up. Simple as that. Of course, we all mess up (except Jesus/God), so I take back what I said. I just realised we obviously can't tell right from wrong, at least not every single moment, or otherwise we wouldn't mess up? Maybe? As for HIM, the fat bastard, I reckon he messed up absolutely everything, I mean isn't he pure evil, you can say that, say, a psychopath does know right from wrong, but just doesn't care, but I believe otherwise. If he really knew it, I don't see how he wouldn't do the right thing. If you know what's the right thing to do, you do it.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
If God is omniscient and god created Satan then God created Satan to be evil.

In that case, if Satan was created to be 'evil' then is he 'wrong' if he does good?

It is not possible for Satan to do good.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
As for HIM, the fat bastard,
LOL that was Santa!

I reckon he messed up absolutely everything, I mean isn't he pure evil, you can say that, say, a psychopath does know right from wrong, but just doesn't care, but I believe otherwise. If he really knew it, I don't see how he wouldn't do the right thing. If you know what's the right thing to do, you do it.

You really need to watch Bryan Fuller's Hannibal. They touch on theology a LOT. Fascinating. Hannibal knew right from wrong. He just thought he was on the same playing field as god.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Yeah I think you're onto something. If brought up as atheist would I go about smacking old ladies in the face and kicking kittens? Doubtful. 1. I would be dragged before the court and more importantly 2. that would make me feel bad emotionally

lol yeah.
It would be like me saying now, as an adult, "I don't need my mom to teach me right from wrong or to support me! I already (as an adult) KNOW right from wrong, AND I have a job and can take care of myself; therefore, I never needed her for anything."

I am an atheist! But I really wanted to believe in heaven! To live imagining that something more exists should be so good! But I'm very attached to what I can see and feel to believe in an architect of life. I grew up in church (unfortunately) and saw so much, but I never felt ANYTHING! I believe that Jesus existed but died on the cross so God is dead! If there is a religion that I respect, it is Buddhism, not exactly a religion when we begin to understand the teachings of Buddha. It really is a beautiful philosophy of life that I believe I would identify a lot if I dig more.

It is not possible for Satan to do good.
So knowledge is bad? Knowledge is what Satan gave to man (through Eve).

You can't rebut this without being a hypocrite.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
It is not possible for Satan to do good.

Deserves a thread of it's own but parking this here. Which one was really the bad guy

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
but was it godly of god to do it?
Would He be more godly if He had forced mankind to act according to His will? How do children demonstrate love for their parents if they are forced to act one way or another? If we can't choose to act according to what's in our heart, then what's the point?

I do believe that 'right' is (the path to) God, and 'wrong' (the path to) the devil. I believe they're the opposites.
I believe that you believe that. I also believe that you (generically 'you') can't live here on Earth and not be forced to equivocate on that point.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Would He be more godly if He had forced mankind to act according to His will?
No, but he forced his angel army to act according to his will. Was that godly or a dictatorship (like the OP of that forum I linked suggested. He's really funny but also has some good points)

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
So knowledge is bad? Knowledge is what Satan gave to man (through Eve).

You can't rebut this without being a hypocrite.

I soooo don't want to get bogged down in details of a tangent BUT... i must

Is knowledge itself bad? Or was it the disobedience to God's commandment that was bad? Did Satan do good by providing knowledge, or was it manipulation of promising something that appeared good (though they were not read for that knowledge), to trick them into disobeying?

I guess a pedophile could claim that he/she was just teaching the birds and the bees. I mean, one day that information would be useful? WOAH hahaha I can't believe THAT just rolled off my keyboard. ..mmmmmk, then! I'm just going to slowly back away from the keys and go get a coffee to reflect on wtf.

The best character in the anonymous Best-Seller called THE HOLY BIBLE.
I used to read a lot about the misadventures of poor Lucifer who may have been God's most unrighteous being.
God is unconscious... Then he created the poor devil already knowing that he would be envious and that he would have to expel the poor one from the paradise ...
In God's mind: I'll create this bastard to be my rival because... Well, who knows what the **** he was thinking hehe

You can't win an argument just by being right!

Is knowledge itself bad? Or was it the disobedience to God's commandment that was bad? Did Satan do good by providing knowledge, or was it manipulation of promising something that appeared good (though they were not read for that knowledge), to trick them into disobeying?

Or was he actually just giving them a prod to use free will so they learnt that everything has a consequence? That could actually be deemed as a good thing, could it not?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
What incident are you referring to, or are you speaking in general?
They were under his control to do his bidding is what I was taught. He didnt give them free will. that's why there was a rebellion upstairs because they got pissed off the monkeys (us) were given something he wouldnt give them. Jealous lil bastards.