My Sexiest Female Movie Characters List


Batman Returns was a childhood favorite, in part to DeVito's performance (which terrified 8 year old me and always left me in tears at its demise),
A job well done for Mr. DeVito. He was terrifying and endearing at once.

WARNING: spoilers below
"****! I picked the cute one".

but mostly for Michelle.

I'll admit the costume didn't do as much for me as her eyes.

Yeah, I liked her as Selina even more I think, particularly the moment where she comes back to work .

This seemed to be a very popular thread and my curiosity got the best of me so I just finished doing a quick count. My choices on this thread earned 696 reps! I don't think I've ever gotten that many reps on a single list and I just want to thank everyone who followed the list and repped what they liked. THANKS!!!

Sorry I'm late in congratulating you for this list, Gideon, but this is most definitely the best list you've done, IMO. That pic of Nicole Kidman stretching in those tight jeans just reinforces my belief that she has one of the best tushes in Hollywood (Jessica Alba's may be the top). Many surprises here and many, many delights. Thanks for a fun thread! You can believe I was repping like mad.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

I got to agree with this one, WOW!!


Holly Golightly, Breakfast at Tiffany's

Probably the most wholesome and non-threatening sexuality ever presented in the movies...this character was cleaned up from Truman Capote's book, but she was still undeniably sexy, brought to effervescent life by the one and only Audrey Hepburn.
Getting old is not agreeing with me one bit, i think I'm going to have to give it up.

i was gonna make a thread about 90s sexiest actresses

u can kill me, but i think samantha mathis in broken arrow is one of the hottest action actresses in the 90s
i can to that aswell:
kim basinger in the getaway and the decoy
cindy crawford in fair game

My list:
Marilyn Monroe in The Misfits
Elizabeth Taylor in Giant
Debra Paget in Love Me Tender
Brooke Shields in The Blue Lagoon
Jessica Lange in Cape Fear
Kathleen Quinlan in Twilight Zone: The Movie and The Secret
Julie Andrews in The Sound Of Music

That's all I can think of for now. I may add to the list.

From a woman's POV, I would never think that Julie Andrews is sexy. And definitely not in TSOM.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now. are not a man.

Trouble with a capital "T"
From a woman's POV, I would never think that Julie Andrews is sexy. And definitely not in TSOM. are not a man.
I am...and I don't find Julie Andrews sexy, not in the least. Charming? yes. Sexy? no.

I am...and I don't find Julie Andrews sexy, not in the least. Charming? yes. Sexy? no.
Me too. Emily Blunt on the other hand…

This might just do nobody any good.
How did we go from Julie Andrews to Emily Blunt? That's quite the leap.

Congrats on this list, Gideon. Love seeing Drew so high and I agree that she looks magnificent in that film. I prefer a couple of others, but have no complaints about the choice of role.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Ok, I admit that Julie Andrews is not on my top five list, but how about this cutie?

I better see Wendy from The Shining on this list.
Wendy = sexy? I admit, I'm a little confused how she could be considered sexy, but hey, to each their own.