Musical Artist Movie Hall of Fame


Get Him To The Greek is a film for people that liked Aldo in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Not sure how they came to the conclusion that a spinoff would work considering Forgetting Sarah Marshall wasn't really a big hit.

I was really surprised when someone nominated it, i was surprised when Sean nominated Empire in the 10th assuming (or hoping that) everyone had seen Star Wars but this was something else since FSM isn't a big movie. It's not an actual sequel or prequel but it's a film all about a side character, a side character that maybe even fans of the movie didn't like that much.
What I thought was weird was that they took Aldous out of Forgetting Sarah Marshall and put him in another movie with Jonah Hill, who was also in FSM, but playing a different character than the one he played in Get Him to the Greek, I just couldn't get past that.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Will do.

We have until July 2nd.

I am fully expecting Destiny to finish in the month that we have left. I am also assuming, as of right now, that Clazor is still in unless I hear otherwise.

Not including my own, I have two list so far, which are from Citizen Rules and Gideon.

I think we have done pretty well with this, and I am actually quite anxious to see how this turns out.

I've finished watching all the movies, and I've been working on my ranked list. I have the top 3rd done, and the bottom 3rd done, but I'm having trouble ranking the middle section of my list. They're almost interchangeable depending on my mood when I make my list.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Just came to see if the results were up yet, but it looks like that's not happening anytime soon, Vamp?
No. This still has 3 weeks left. I will be contacting a couple of people in about a week to see how things are going for them. If there is the possibility that they are no longer participating, I will find out then. And if that is the case, then I will end the HoF at that time (and I'm waiting for the lists that I need from everyone in here right now, too ). But as of right now, plan on it being another 3 weeks before this finishes.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'm one of those people holding this up, Gideon. Got 3 to finish watching and do write ups for.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I'm one of those people holding this up, Gideon. Got 3 to finish watching and do write ups for.
You weren't one of the two that I was talking about.

(You were one of the people whose list I need, though. - But I knew you still had those films to watch)

No. This still has 3 weeks left. I will be contacting a couple of people in about a week to see how things are going for them. If there is the possibility that they are no longer participating, I will find out then. And if that is the case, then I will end the HoF at that time (and I'm waiting for the lists that I need from everyone in here right now, too ). But as of right now, plan on it being another 3 weeks before this finishes.
No problem, just checking in.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

La Bamba

Is me or is Ritchie Valens remembered by his family as almost an angel of light who's kind nature guided them the best he could?
And please understand this is not a cynical or sarcastic remark, not in the least.
This a very good movie and a wonderful insight into, not only Ritchie, but the family that knew and loved him.
I also understand how, after time, only the good memories remain and how the things you did wrong stand out even more, so I can easily see this being the case. And this is a simple, uneducated observation, nothing more.
There is a reason that the saying "The Good Die Young" is such a standard and we can easily measure, after watching this movie, that Ritchie Valens fits this effigy to a "T".
For me, watching this, I saw this angelic boy who was exactly where he needed to be, when it came to his family, and, should this be an accurate account, then all the more tragic and heart-breaking.

I have not seen this, much like Buddy Holly since it first came out, AND, very much like Buddy Holly, I am truly happy for this revisit.
Thank you @Citizen Rules for nominating it.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Yeah, I don't know if Ritchie was an angel either, but I think he was a "good boy". And I think the fact that he died like he did - when he did - maybe made their memories of him come across more "perfect" than he probably was. I think the film was probably pretty honest, though. They never denied the fact that the mother liked him best, and they showed how that affected the relationship between him and his brother. I think they maybe made Ritchie too good of a person, but I think it came across pretty realistic in how they were with him and each other.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
that's pretty much how I saw it too. Being a memory, he was someone special, while at the same time they did open up about themselves. So, most likely, it was pretty close to how it was for them.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I seen a documentary about the making of La Bamba and Ritchie Valens. The director talked to his family in fact they were involved in the making of the movie and were often on the sets for the filming. They remembered Ritchie like he was shown in the movie. So I'd say the movie is accurate in the way they show his personality.

I mean not every rock n roller was a bad boy. Here's a real pic of Ritchie, he looks like a good kid to me.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I've heard they were on set a lot too. They were upset when the final scene came up and were worried for Lou Diamond Philip.
I think we talked about that before.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've heard they were on set a lot too. They were upset when the final scene came up and were worried for Lou Diamond Philip.
I think we talked about that before.
We did. I'm repeating myself

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
it really is hard to take a guess at. I do remember seeing a lot of positive reviews for Coal Miner's Daughter and Sweet Dreams, but it is hard to pick one that was a sure win.