What is your biggest disappointment in the cinema?


There's a ton of movies I could say I was disappointed in at the theater, but there ones I already kind of expected to bet let down on, like Batman V Superman, the 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and so on. Big Hero 6 comes to mind, which I thought was ok, but considering Dinsey's winning streak lately I expected to love it. Rogue One was pretty underwhelming to me as well. I guess Brave, which was pretty good, but not one of Pixar's strongest. But, that's just in the theater.

Star Wars the Force Awakens and Phantom Menace, are my two biggest disappointments.
What didn't you like about The Force Awakens? I'm not a massive fan or anything myself, just wondering because i rewatched it shortly before New Years day.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
No erotic scene with Setsuko Hara in Late Spring.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Trouble with a capital "T"
What didn't you like about The Force Awakens? I'm not a massive fan or anything myself, just wondering because i rewatched it shortly before New Years day.
Literally everything about the movie I disliked! I'm not a fan of Star Wars, though I did like the first three movies, but after that I don't care about the series. And I'm not a fan of action, shoot em up fantasy sci fis, the fight scenes bored me. The light saber fight scenes were stupid and way too long. I thought the actress who played the lead was boring with no personality. Leia and Han's reunion was a joke, I mean I would expected some heartfelt emotion, but zip. And saving Luke for last, with like no screen time, pissed me off.

The few things I did like was Harrison Ford's return. Hans and Chewy's story line was the best, and so was the ex storm trooper's story. I liked the actor who played him, he had personality that allowed the viewer to enter the world of the movie. I liked him and I would have liked most of the movie to focus on him and Hans.

I'm glad you asked, because I think I just wrote enough for a review and I hadn't planned on reviewing it.

Fair enough. Can see where you are coming from and i'm not a big fan of it myself so i'm not passionate about anything i'm about to say haha:

Daisy Ridley was one of my favourite things about the film, sad you didn't like her; there's not much i can say to convince you since it's not a favourite of mine and you seem convinced but i really liked her.

I'm stunned that Han and Chewy were your favourite part of the film. Honestly, i thought the part when they first entered the ship was the most awkward fan-servicey part of the whole film. And i really didn't like Harrison Ford in the movie, he didn't seem into it and the scenes where he had to run were depressing; he looked so bored and haggered. Didn't like his scene with Kylo much too because i didn't think he was good in it; Chewy was awesome when he went nuts after his death though. Agreed on Leia and Han, and it was literally a joke their reunion i mean CP30 popped his head in to make it a joke, oddly placed i'm with you. There was no emotion between them again i'm with you, placing the sweeping romantic score over an awkwardly delivered scene doesn't work at all.

Really liked the new characters though and i did find it mostly entertaining after both watches.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm stunned that Han and Chewy were your favourite part of the film.
That's because I'm old It was a nostalgia thing.

Harrison Ford in the movie, he didn't seem into it and the scenes where he had to run were depressing; he looked so bored and haggered.
He always looks that way he has this sleepy look about him.

Kylo? was he the ex storm trooper? or the other guy? or the girl? I didn't like the other guy, I forget what he was called but he was initially presumed killed in a crash, him and the girl was boring.

Police Academy-- I just watched this last night. I was hoping it would be funny like Airplane or another 80s comedy, but I was gravely disappointed. A laugh from this movie was rarer than a politician telling the truth. Aside from the guy who makes the funny sound effects with his mouth, everything else was just so silly and flat.

Suicide Squad was waaaaaay worse than I wanted it to be, but I'll say that my biggest disappointment in the cinema was watching the
dumpster fire that was Jack Reacher: Never Go Back.
A man's got to know his limitations.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
One night during my college days, my friends and I got bored and one of my friends thought of the idea to see Freddy Got Fingered with Tom Green. Let's just say after the film, we hit the diner and I gave my friend the "look of death" because this is the worst film I have ever seen in the movie theater hands down. I'm going to leave it at that!

The most loathsome of all goblins
The Matrix Reloaded & Revolutions

I was a big fan of the original when it came out and remember being very excited for the sequels. Instead of them building on the groundwork of the first film, they turned it into a cheesy video game. Also finally seeing Zion was such a let-down