Survivor VIII: Murder Mansion


You forgot:

Camo: Interfered lke a MONSTER!!

As I said in the Post Comment nobody was "upset" about that, but I was glad that TUS did the right thing... then.

I think counting someone who posted a couple of times as "contributing" is a bit deceptive though. Also I'm not sure if that "Who?" was a joke or not (it was pretty funny), but in case it wasn't: Anthony Blanche was earlsmoviepicks.

Since TUS ended the game, there's been more activity in this thread than there was since the Hangman challenge. A few people participated a little at the start of the game, but with each challenge that went by, participation dropped sharply.

The first challenge had 9 participants. Then the next one had 7. For the next challenge, only 4 people (plus SC) played, then 3 played the challenge after that. Things did start to look up, because all 5 of us remaining played the "Know Your Host" challenge (it was the only time everyone alive in the game played), and since we had the Hangman challenge afterwards, it seemed like the game would end with some momentum. But then things just...died.

But then things just...died.
Again, if Topsy was in the hospital and 7thson had internet difficulties....thats no reason to scrap the game, especially when its down to the final 3!

I guess youre ok with it Cosmic. What about Topsy & 7thson? I dont think they felt they had a choice.

I was disappointed at the lacklustre finale, especially since (like I said) things had actually been looking up before then. It's a bit sad now that we know 7thson and Topsy were unable to participate due to unforeseen circumstances, but there's not really anything that can be done now. TUS has clearly been unhappy with how the game was going for awhile, which is why I wasn't at all surprised when he decided to abruptly end the game.

Maybe I'm just slightly more at peace with events because I got to write the last story entry. If everyone really wanted to try and revive this and do the finale properly, I'm not sure my heart would be in it now.

I was disappointed at the lacklustre finale, especially since (like I said) things had actually been looking up before then. It's a bit sad now that we know 7thson and Topsy were unable to participate due to unforeseen circumstances, but there's not really anything that can be done now. TUS has clearly been unhappy with how the game was going for awhile, which is why I wasn't at all surprised when he decided to abruptly end the game.

Maybe I'm just slightly more at peace with events because I got to write the last story entry. If everyone really wanted to try and revive this and do the finale properly, I'm not sure my heart would be in it now.
I could tell as soon as TUS said he was scraping the game you were "at peace with it". It looks like youre arguing for TUS since he announced it. After the Hangman challenge there was more activity, until 7th & Tops disappeared.

I sent a PM to Topsy & 7thson if they wanted, Id run a challenge for you 3 and then a vote to determine a proper winner. "Its a bit sad now that we know 7thson and Topsy were unable to participate due to unforeseen circumstances"? No when players fight to stay in a game like this, and suddenly have to go to the hospital, or lose internet when in the final 3, that goes beyond "a bit sad". I PM'd them, its up to them.

I stuck up for this game (and for TUS's hosting of it) whenever anyone complained about the pace or lack of players. I really tried, and I was having a good time at least. But I've still had the feeling that this game might get cancelled for awhile, particularly whenever TUS himself said it was horrible. It really wasn't, and I really had hoped that things would work out regardless of all the pitfalls we've had along the way.

I do agree that TUS ending the game was a bit of a knee-jerk reaction, and if he had waited for the facts to come out, his decision might not have been the same. I wasn't trying to argue for him, but rather state that I can understand why he did it, and that I didn't find it surprising at all, just a little disappointing.

If Topsy and 7thson want to try the finale again, and TUS is okay with that (this is his game after all), then we can try it, but we're still going to have a few problems (mainly a respectable jury). Though Topsy might not respond to your PM right away. She said she'd probably be offline for awhile.

The story I wrote could still be canon if everyone wants to continue. I can just add a new part where we discover Topsy is still alive (just wounded badly), and instead of trying to escape Iro (who is already dead), we're trying to find a way out of the booby trapped house. Or Iro is not really dead. Those things tend to happen in horror stories. Fake-out endings used to be popular.

The story I wrote could still be canon if everyone wants to continue. I can just add a new part where we discover Topsy is still alive (just wounded badly), and instead of trying to escape Iro (who is already dead), we're trying to find a way out of the booby trapped house. Or Iro is not really dead. Those things tend to happen in horror stories. Fake-out endings used to be popular.
Even though TUS was the Host of this game, that doesnt give him or any Host the power whatsoever to choose a winner. Period. If were calling this a Survivor game, and I know how far its gone from that the past few games, then we would have to consider this game scrapped due to Host quitting.

Out of all the Survivors, this one had the second best theme. If executed better, it would have been the best. As is the only theme better was Election Year. Though it was staggered at times here, there was enough player involvement overall to warrant completing this game properly.

If you 3 want to then Ill do it, just offering.

The deadline to sign up will be this Friday, September 23rd with the game officially beginning Saturday September 24th.

No longer waiting for people "on the fence". This game will be an epic failure that I am committed to seeing until the end.
This was before the game even started. Once the game started getting some energy with a real time challenge (Hangman), he went away from it.

Ive a feeling 7thson isnt interested since hes online but not returning my PM. Ok then.

Even though TUS was the Host of this game, that doesnt give him or any Host the power whatsoever to choose a winner. Period.
Do you know why I never thanked any of the people who said congrats to me "winning"? It's because I didn't. Even though I wasn't upset that TUS ended the game, I didn't agree with him naming me the "winner". I never would've claimed that I won this, that would be absurd.

For the record, I wrote that story not because I "won", but because some people wanted closure to the mystery, and other than TUS I was the only one who had all the answers. I tried to cover everything that happened since TUS's last entry so we could try to wrap this up neatly. Or at the very least, so that there wouldn't be any unanswered questions.

I implied that it was me who used the idol to save 7thson for anyone who didn't figure that out, revealed what all 3 of the clues TUS gave out were, had Sean randomly disappear as a nod to the Hangman challenge, then had me in one room and 7thson/Topsy off elsewhere since they unfortunately weren't able to participate in the final challenge. I revealed who the killer was, but had him kill Topsy first because if I had won the final challenge legitimately (and not just "by default" like how I won the first part), I would've taken 7thson to the finale.

I only suggested that we could keep it canon because there's no point in rolling back the story and re-revealing the killer when everyone knows who it is. Any impact that would've had is gone now, so if we want to continue the game, we'd might as well continue the story. But that's not my call to make, it was just a thought.

Im gonna finish my Survivor story now. I was holding off from finishing it because I was gonna do a brief description of games since, wanted TUS's game to finish, and was hoping for a happy ending.
After Penitentiary, and this "blamefest", if I run another Survivor game it will be invite only. No alts, and no chance of there being any alts. No contrived negativity, and players that can handle losing. I thought I was bad when getting stonewalled in S3, but that was nothing compared to displays done since.

No more. No more of this.

The deadline to sign up will be this Friday, September 23rd with the game officially beginning Saturday September 24th.

No longer waiting for people "on the fence". This game will be an epic failure that I am committed to seeing until the end.
This was before the game even started. Once the game started getting some energy with a real time challenge (Hangman), he went away from it.

Ive a feeling 7thson isnt interested since hes online but not returning my PM. Ok then.
Not ignoring you Ape

This thing always seems to show me online, I never really sign out plus I think I'm signed in at home but I'm not there right now.

I am okay with 2nd or 3rd place (whichever) cause either way it turned out it wouldn't make much difference at this point. But I'm open to whatever is best.

Maybe I'm just slightly more at peace with events because I got to write the last story entry. If everyone really wanted to try and revive this and do the finale properly, I'm not sure my heart would be in it now.
Sure - you're comfortable because right now, you're the WINNER of this godawful game. Don't wanna risk changing that.