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Trouble with a capital "T"
Dial M for Murder is a good one! And it has Grace Kelley in it. I couldn't tell, did you like Grace Kelley in High Noon?
No, but thats just how they acted back then. I know for her time she was good, but not many actors in that movie could have gotten their parts today if they had to try out for them. Actings just come a long way in 60 years is all.
Today's acting is no better (or worse) than it was 60 years ago. Only the style of acting has changed...and that's what most people don't know. 60 years ago theatrical style of acting was the norm. Only the style of acting has changed, not the quality.

Today's acting is no better (or worse) than it was 60 years ago. Only the style of acting has changed...and that's what most people don't know. 60 years ago theatrical style of acting was the norm. Only the style of acting has changed, not the quality.
I think were saying the same thing but in a different way. Theres no way I think Grace Kelly or many famous stars from then even capable of doing the work how its done today, and its not a fair comparison. For her time she was good, but 60 years ago in movies thats as good as it got. There were no other "styles" being displayed showing a range of emotion like todays norm in film.

Grace Kelly was as good an actress as you could find, in her time, but acting has come a long way in 60 years. That "style" of acting they did back then would be considered bad acting in a film today. James Dean was one of the catalysts that expanded movies awareness of emotional range, but even James Dean would be considered a "bad actor" by todays standards. Theryd say he was an overactor.

Trust me Citizen, Grace Kelly did a great job, and at no point was I writhing in my seat from the acting, it was fine. Overall acting is much more demanding than it was. So I prefer todays style of acting to yesterdays.

Of course it was. Victims are stupid in horror films, but in Cabin Fever the characters were cartoonish level stupid. Roth was obviously wanting us to want them dead. Even the gratuitous bare boobie scene in the flick was contrived to a hilarious degree. That was a spoof.
I guess by that degree then every single horror slasher movie is a "spoof" as they all use the same elements. I think it's more to do with sticking with tradition.

I guess by that degree then every single horror slasher movie is a "spoof" as they all use the same elements. I think it's more to do with sticking with tradition.
No, it was having fun with the genre. At no point in time was the movie taking itself seriously in any way. Horror movies that arent spoofs are made with serious intent, Cabin Fever wasnt.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Tongo, I don't like Grace Kelly and I think she was an ineffective actresses. Her claim to fame was her pretty face. Now someone like James Stewart, Humphrey Bogart or Marlon Brando could act up a storm.

Tongo, I don't like Grace Kelly and I think she was an ineffective actresses. Her claim to fame was her pretty face. Now someone like James Stewart, Humphrey Bogart or Marlon Brando could act up a storm.
I agree. Brando is a big jump from Bogart in time periods, his isnt the era I was talking about. I think Stewart & Bogart more than capable, but no not all actors back then. I was just saying actings come a long way in 60 years, and tried to explain why.

Cabin Fever is an homage to 70's American out in the woods horror/slashers. Honestly, it's not a spoof.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

So I was wanting to watch something low brow, but not so low as Knock Knock. Sexy who has probably seen every B-rated movie in existence, suggested this.

Dont get me wrong, if you take this movie seriously its painful. Of course its not meant to be taken seriously, and it is fun watching DeNiro & Stallone act in a young mans part again. The story is simple, and the actors are almost all known in some capacity - Alan Arkin, Kim Basinger, Kevin Hart, and Jon Bernthal. Bernthal (The Walking Dead) is a true actors actor, but his broken nose will probably attach him to action oriented projects.

The boy who plays his son, DeNiros grandson, was so incredibly bad......a high pitched kid whose voice penetrates with each word, stabbing into you Camden Gray. His picture should be inserted directly into Gideons Bad Child Performances thread. If you see this boy in a movie, stay away!

Stallone did a great job acting in CREED, but wasnt as consistent in this one. There were scenes he missed, but overall hes noticeably improved in his older years (Keanu pay attention, Keanu is still ass). There was a pivotal scene where Stallone tells Bassinger the great secret reason why he had retired suddenly, and the director had the camera on Slys face for the whole take. Id give Slys performance in that scene a B+ to an A-, he nailed it.

Kim Bassinger plays Slys ex-girlfriend, and for the small part she had, well, Kim Bassinger can really act. Shes older now, still very attractive, and I feel if Anne Margaret could have gotten work in her older years than Kim Basinger should be able to. Other than the little kid, the only other actor I fell should have been cast better is Kevin Hart. This should have been Chris Tuckers part, (Smokey must have pissed someone off in Hollywood). Hart was funny at times, but for my taste brought "overacting and too much" to a height before unreached.

Alan Arkin played the "grumpy old man" part in this old man movie i.e. did the Burgess Meredith (Burgess did it better). In all honesty Arkin phoned this one in but is still strong enough to where hes entertaining.

Does the ending deliver? Mmm, yeah, but fair warning, the last round of the fight is sooooo Hollywood. Thats what Grudge Match is though, a "Hollywood" movie. The Hollywood formula of 2 great known actors, a theme everyones enjoyed countless times, no creative ground broke whatsoever, and Grudge Match delivers. It was a good low-brow movie I was thoroughly entertained by.

Before talking about the pilot, Im gonna share some DD backstory. Way back when I was 12-13 years old I bought Daredevil because it was becoming hotter than the X-Men. Back then that was as hot as it got. I heard it was all due to one guy, Frank Miller. So I bought those Daredevils, and my eyes were opened to a much more advanced form of storytelling Id never seen before. Frank Miller went on to greatness, and Daredevil hadnt been worth a ***** since.

Many tried, very competent writers, artists, but the best they could hope for was a label of "almost as good as Miller". Frank Miller did return to DD for a short run which ended up establishing "Hells Kitchen" and showed an ever grittier storytelling form than before. The comic book never could have a good run unless Millers name was involved. Then the movie came out with Ben Affleck. I heard it was bad, and never bothered to see it.

Why was Frank Miller the only one that could capture the Daredevil magic? Not just because of the blood and violence, obviously Miller is more than that. When watching this first episode of the Netflix series Daredevil it came to me....DD is not a real superhero. Hes a tough salty acrobat with keen senses - period. DD would take a beating, he wasnt Captain America, and if it ccame down to it wasnt even as tough as The Punisher. His vulnerabilty was his subconscious appeal.

Not only is this new Daredevil series good, but its the best superhero themed show available to be seen in tv or theaters. Spot-On, they nailed it. Im not familiar with the lead actor, he looks like Hugh Dancy from Hannibal, but the actress playing Karen Page Im familiar with from True Blood - Deborah Ann Woll. Shes a gorgeous redhead with porcelain skin, they made her blond for this, but thats forgivable.

Not liking who they cast as Foggy Nelson, reminds me of a young Philip Seymour Hoffman without the acting. I havent seen D'onofrios Kingppin yet but just know its gonna be pure money. I havent seen Jon Bernthals Punisher yet, but am equally sure itll please. Both Bernthal & D'onofrio are true "actors", and should easily immerse the audience being the writing is so solid.

So Im gonna be binge watching this series, I might post another review on it. What I do know is this series is hot and getting hotter thru word of mouth. Damn good reason for it. If you were a jaded comic reader like me that feels Marvel dropped the ball on DD for decades, then you will be thrilled with this series.

Just finished the 2nd episode of season 1. I still feel good about giving this a 5 star rating.

To anyone that does not like superhero films or tv shows, PLEASE give Daredevil a chance. The show pushes for dramatic suspense over special effects, Its more Hero than Super, if you catch my drift

Also anyone who got turned off the idea of Daredevil in general after the Affleck movie should also give Netflix's Daredevil a chance haha.

The thing I like about the Netflix show is that Daredevil is not amazing at what he does. He gets beaten up... a lot. You see him exhausted and barely able to stand, but he keeps going anyway. He doesn't have super strength, or super stamina, he's just a regular guy with heightened senses.

I wasn't completely sold after the first episode, but the fight scene at the end of episode 2 that's filmed from a fixed angle down the corridor in one shot (or edited so well that it looks like one continuous shot) made me fall in love with it.

Also anyone who got turned off the idea of Daredevil in general after the Affleck movie should also give Netflix's Daredevil a chance haha.

The thing I like about the Netflix show is that Daredevil is not amazing at what he does. He gets beaten up... a lot. You see him exhausted and barely able to stand, but he keeps going anyway. He doesn't have super strength, or super stamina, he's just a regular guy with heightened senses.

I wasn't completely sold after the first episode, but the fight scene at the end of episode 2 that's filmed from a fixed angle down the corridor in one shot (or edited so well that it looks like one continuous shot) made me fall in love with it.
That fight scene was da' bomb! What was cool is the whole epsiode was him and Rosario Dawson, his flashback origin stuff, and no fight at all.....till the end. Really enjoying the "Godfather II" approach to their storytelling, having current storyline and occassionally going back in time to tell his past.

I havent even seen Punisher or Kingpin yet, and already am amped now.

I havent even seen Punisher or Kingpin yet, and already am amped now.
Well Punisher is not until season 2, so there's awhile for him yet. Kingpin is...I think the very end of episode 4? Without spoiling anything, I was not expecting him to be portrayed the way he was, and that's not a bad thing at all. It was a very pleasant surprise.

Stephen S DeKnight, the showrunner for Daredevil season 1, also ran Spartacus (one of my all time favourite tv series even though the first episode or two are a bit odd), so as soon as he was announced to be heading Daredevil I was onboard. He proved in Spartacus that he can write great sympathetic villains, and clearly knows how to work with fight choreographers to create amazing action scenes. Despite not caring much for Daredevil as a character, I really wanted to see DeKnight's take on him, and was not disappointed.

I was sad that DeKnight wasn't able to do season 2 of Daredevil due to a prior commitment, but the style and writing remained consistent without him. So definitely keep watching. (:

Well Punisher is not until season 2, so there's awhile for him yet. Kingpin is...I think the very end of episode 4? Without spoiling anything, I was not expecting him to be portrayed the way he was, and that's not a bad thing at all. It was a very pleasant surprise.

Stephen S DeKnight, the showrunner for Daredevil season 1, also ran Spartacus (one of my all time favourite tv series even though the first episode or two are a bit odd), so as soon as he was announced to be heading Daredevil I was onboard. He proved in Spartacus that he can write great sympathetic villains, and clearly knows how to work with fight choreographers to create amazing action scenes. Despite not caring much for Daredevil as a character, I really wanted to see DeKnight's take on him, and was not disappointed.

I was sad that DeKnight wasn't able to do season 2 of Daredevil due to a prior commitment, but the style and writing remained consistent without him. So definitely keep watching. (:
That first season of Spartacus is exceptional. It noticeably dipped after DeKnight left, and am relieved to hear DD doesnt.

Just finished episode 3, damn this show has no fat, lean and mean They intro Kingpin at the end, a "1st appearance cameo" for all those comic collectors out there , and I can tell right away how Donofrios gonna play him. The Kingpin is supposed to be the size of a sumo wrestler, but I know Donofrios great acting will outperform any effect an extra 200 lbs would bring. If Hugh Jackman can pull off a 6'2" Wolverine then Donofrios got this in the bag.

That first season of Spartacus is exceptional. It noticeably dipped after DeKnight left, and am relieved to hear DD doesnt.
DeKnight didn't leave Spartacus. He ran all three seasons and Gods of the Arena.

Andy Whitfield (RIP) who played Spartacus had to step down due to cancer, which is why they had to do the impromptu prequel/in-between seasons side story that wasn't really that strong. I actually like season two (Vengeance) the most, and think it would've been a fine way to end the series. War of the Damned (season 3) was a bit rocky, but had a stronger (though depressing) second half. I usually recommend people save Gods of the Arena for last (or at least not watch it first despite being a "prequel" because it ruins the ending to Blood and Sand), to end the series on a lighter note because it's only important for Gannicus' character, and you'll probably care more about him after watching the other seasons.

I know Donofrios great acting will outperform any effect an extra 200 lbs would bring.
Indeed he does. Very much so.

I couldn't remember if he was introduced at the end of episode 3, then appeared fully in episode 4, or if it was the end of episode 4. Glad to know it was the earlier of the two. I found him to be instantly compelling, and always tell people on the fence about the show to at least watch the first episode he's in. (:

DeKnight didn't leave Spartacus. He ran all three seasons and Gods of the Arena.

Andy Whitfield (RIP) who played Spartacus had to step down due to cancer, which is why they had to do the impromptu prequel/in-between seasons side story that wasn't really that strong. I actually like season two (Vengeance) the most, and think it would've been a fine way to end the series. War of the Damned (season 3) was a bit rocky, but had a stronger (though depressing) second half. I usually recommend people save Gods of the Arena for last (or at least not watch it first despite being a "prequel" because it ruins the ending to Blood and Sand), to end the series on a lighter note because it's only important for Gannicus' character, and you'll probably care more about him after watching the other seasons.
Yeah that was tragic what happened to Whitfield. After season 2 it seemed too gratuitous with the maimings and rapes, had less and less intrigue, so I gave up on it.

Finished the 5th episode of season 1 Daredevil. I cant encourage enough how much people need to see this show. IT IS NOT your normal superhero formula, at all! I stand by the 5 star rating as this is the most fresh & authentic "superhero" project ever released. He still hasnt gotten his red costume, yet.

I saw Captain America: Civil War. Gonna rewatch it again then give a review. Yeah thats always a good sign.

He still hasnt gotten his red costume, yet.
Don't hold your breath on that one.

WARNING: "when to expect a costume change" spoilers below
You'll be waiting until the last episode of season 1.

Cool CR, though I wasnt eager to see the costume. Im more impressed how they are taking an organic approach to the series developing. All other superhero genre projects have Origin, Costume, Main Villain, and Go. Not DD, and thankfully theyre giving D'onofrio a nice chunk of screen time. His performance? Perfect. I do wish he was bigger as D'onofrio is a big guy, but not Kingpin big. Rather have a spot-on performance than the "perfect look" any day.