Does Anyone Do Drugs?


I just hope you have people that care about you that will report this offensive and offensively stupid comment .
Go Matts Arm!!! Hopefully you have a leg left at this point.

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
I just hope you have people that care about you that will report this offensive and offensively stupid comment .

I gave you a +1 but didn't mean to do that, sorry dude.

It's his life, he can do what he wants to. I appreciate where you're coming from, I had junkies in my family, but I firmly believe it was their choice. It sucked for the rest of us, but who are we to decide their fates and make their life choices?

Besides at 70 years old, does it really matter? I don't really plan to live that long, some of us just aren't long for this world man.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
What euphoria would you get 30 years from now?
Besides the euphoria, I'd be pain free as an old man. I've had back, neck and shoulder pain since my early 20's. When I'm Social Security age, I'm guessing the pain will be much worse, also guessing I won't be able to do the things I love, like playing the drums and everything else I like to do.

As I said earlier, I'm not only of those who want to live to be 120 years old. I rather now than later. There's are a million ways to die, I don't know the future, so if today is guaranteed, I wanna make the best out of of it.

It's his life, he can do what he wants to
He also posted this on a public site and if you know Matts posting history you'd know how wrong you are.

Good luck to him then!

Originally Posted by Captain Steel
And - they left the "is" out of that Yoda quote.
Yes, I noticed the "is" was missing after I posted it. Had the Sexy Celebrity Meme Error Detection Agency spotted that, it would have totally rejected that Yoda meme and replaced it with some other Yoda meme picture, but, alas, you just witnessed the Sexy Celebrity Meme Error Detection Agency actually make one of its own rare errors.

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Just because I try it for the first time as an old man, doesn't mean I'd do it again, or become an addict. I think this got wayyyyyyyyyyyyy out of hand.

Just because I try it for the first time as an old man, doesn't mean I'd do it again, or become an addict. I think this got wayyyyyyyyyyyyy out of hand.
Or maybe everyone was riight about your horrendous habits?

Besides the euphoria, I'd be pain free as an old man. I've had back, neck and shoulder pain since my early 20's. When I'm Social Security age, I'm guessing the pain will be much worse, also guessing I won't be able to do the things I love, like playing the drums and everything else I like to do.

As I said earlier, I'm not only of those who want to live to be 120 years old. I rather now than later. There's are a million ways to die, I don't know the future, so if today is guaranteed, I wanna make the best out of of it.
It sounds like you really don't know what heroin addiction does.

The pain free euphoria is extremely fleeting.

In the beginning it may last a few hours or so, but that's the paradox of shooting heroin - when it wears off you begin to feel all your pain (emotional & physical) more intensely than before. So you need to shoot up again. But now the high only lasts an hour... then the pain. So you need to find more drugs to shoot up again. And the vicious circle of pain begins.

What starts to happen is the pain and the withdrawals come sooner and sooner as your tolerance to the drug builds. After a while, it's just constant pain and constant craving - and the craving is pain. The highs become shorter & shorter until you can't even tell if you're high anymore - then there's only pain. Physical pain, pain of withdrawals, pain of cravings that can't be satisfied, pain of having no more money to buy anymore drugs, pain of turning to crime to rob and hurt innocent people to get money, pain of being unable to have a job, pain of losing all your friends, pain of destroying your family, pain of losing your intellect, pain of no longer having any confidence in your self-control or your life, and the pain of ultimately hating yourself and everything you've become.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I understand the dangers, but I'm not talking about doing thisnext week; I'm talking about what I'm an old man, when I could die at any moment anyway....

I'd like to skydive before I die, too. (Free-fall from 400 feet was scary going up, but an experience like no other going down).

I understand the dangers, but I'm not talking about doing thisnext week; I'm talking about what I'm an old man, when I could die at any moment anyway....

I'd like to skydive before I die, too. (Free-fall from 400 feet was scary going up, but an experience like no other going down).
You're talking about a form of euthanasia.
I dig it.

Someone should watch Requiem For A Dream asap...
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Matt you should watch an HBO special on black tar heroin. Curious about the experience? Ever wonder whats its like to be shot with a gun? See, you dont always have to scratch that itch, and the risks and dangers are greater from heroin than a gunshot wound.

Ive lost some friends to painkillers, not them dying but being at best functional junkies. The painkiller epidemic is #1 proof why they cant legalize drugs. Truth is, they still cant control it. Weed isnt synthetic heroin, and will go mainstream eventually.

I try not to drink at all, and when I do just small doses. I smoke weed. For someone with tendency to be high strung its a better fit. Ive got to give up the weed, quit smoking cigs, and go straight edge. Im sure my nerves and psyche will be a complete spectacle for a good month

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Now everything makes sense.

Green tea is my drug.
*raises teacup* Hear, hear!

*drinks, makes sour face*

...not a tea person.

Does Anyone Do Drugs?
I prefer clarity of mind, so I don't take depressants.

Also, I've got a metric ****ton of energy at all times, so stimulants would probably make make me explode.