Whats your Fav "Monkey" movie...


Since I'm on the topic as it is...I know I can't be the only one who digs on movies with monkeys. Either movies where they are the main theme or maybe just has monkeys in it. I can't get the monkeys I own to agree on any particular one. I really want to make my own movie. But the monkeys I've taught to speak won't do the film unless they get paid. Oh Well, looks like no TV for them for a week. Some of my favs would have to include:
"Planet of the Apes"-all of them (especially the one with Ricardo Montelban)
"The Omen"- They should've had a bigger part. Baboons rule!
"Raiders of the lost Ark"-Especially when the monkey goes "sieg heil!" and the agent heils back like an idiot.

I'll add more later...the monkeys are cursing at me and calling my mother names. It's time for their nightly hotsauce feeding.

Planet of the Apes is my favorite "monkey" movie; the only others that spring to mind are Monkey Shines and Braindead which featured the infamous rat monkey.
Let us go, Through certain half-deserted streets,
The muttering retreats
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
And sawdust restaurants with oyster shells

From The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S.Eliot

Btw happy Late St Patricks day!Anyway I like "The Jugle Book"(Cartoon one and the movie that disney made!)
And I like a movie called "Dustin Checks in!"a kid's movie but it funny inleast to me!Anyone else like these two movies?
See you around!JM
Jackie Malfoy
Favorite Movie of all time:Star Wars!
Online offline boyfriend:AdarkSideJedi(brad)
Other Sites I belong tooeathcurse.com Darkmark.com and StarWars.com and Adult Swim.com!

the first apes, tim burtons version and, outbreak

28 Days Later has monkeys in it, or at least one.

planet of the apes, MXP,
Godfather ~~
Tessio: It's a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.

how about THE MONKEES (HEAD)

other than that

project x
planet of the apes (actually i liked both)
raiders of the lost ark (there was one monkey in that)
tarzan (any version, including disney)

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by susan
tarzan (any version, including disney)
I was thinking the same thing susan.


King Kong

George of the Jungle

Monkey Business
(not the Marx Brothers...but with Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers, Charles Coburn and Marilyn Monroe. Fun movie where Cary is a chemist trying to find a fountain of youth formula and is experimenting on chimps. One of the chimps gets out and mixes her own formula...it gets into the water cooler and all who drink from it begin to act young agian. Very cute.

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Planet of The Apes