
My favorite is Rockstar Zero Carb in the blue can. It has a nice berry taste.

I wonder what Rockstar Energy Cola is like. It tastes like Coke?

I worked for a company that had some sort of deal with whoever makes Rockstar at one point. Thought it was great at first but i'm pretty sure i cut a good 15 years off my life drinking free cans all day every day, i shiver even looking at that stuff now.

I don't drink them all the time. Just every now and then I'll grab one.

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I use them as a coffee sub, because I think coffee is poison. I drink maybe 1/2 to a full can a day, 2 when I was working 14 hour days welding though.

It was just being able to grab one whenever, stuff just makes you more thirsty as well.
All I know is I once had TWO Rockstars in one day... and two aspirins I think it was.... don't do that. I took a nap and when I woke up, I felt.... loopy. Might be hard to imagine, but I felt like my mind was racing and I couldn't "get ahold of myself." There was this weird feeling of mental disorganization. It was scary. I think it was those drinks and the aspirin together.

I'll guess then. Something to do with this years highland games?
I was going to say chicken butt. I never get to say chicken butt.

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Probably a low tolerance to caffeine, were you perspiring severely or having shortness of breath as well? I have done my share of certain chemical compounds and never really found the caffeine to interact with me in a way that was seemingly detrimental.

Funny fact, they say if you ingest caffeine before a nap, when you wake up you'll feel 100% and not groggy whatsoever. Tried it one day, actually worked.