What would you do if you won the lottery(one billion)?


I'd organize a big movie-watching party for all the MoFos and pay every MoFo for travelling fare here and back. We'd not only watch films, but also chat and maybe have a big feast with every dish possible (some just love to feast on human flesh, or petite anime girls).

I'd become a director, producer AND screenwriter all at the same time and make films just the way I want them to be.

I'd buy some high quality musical equipment for Swan (unless he wants to make lo-fi rock stuff).

I'd try to bribe Bela Tarr to make another film.

I'd bribe Jean Eustache's family so they agree for his films to be released in high quality.

I'd pay Jun Togawa to give a concert in Poland.

I'd pay Mads Mikkelsen to pay MovieGal a surprise visit.

I'd pay Jake Gyllenhaal to pay Sexy Celebrity a surprise visit.

I'd pay some cute Japanese girls to pay Captain Steel a visit.

I'd pay one cent for every movie mark f sees. Oh, wait. I can't do that! I'd go bankrupt!

I'd pay Yoda for site expenses 100 years in advance.

I'd buy myself some cookies.

Oh wait.. I can do it now!

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Honestly, the first thing I have to do is pay off some bills. Unexpected things happened in my life, and now I owe money. That would be my main priority.

Second, I do need a new car. So I would buy that. Nothing fancy. Just another reliable Buick for me.

Third, I want a house. I want a specific type of house. I have to furnish that house and, probably, fix it up (I plan on it being an old house). Of course, I am sensible enough to know that I have to be able to afford the taxes on the house. So, I can't go too crazy with what I consider the ideal home for me.

Fourth, I will have to invest a tiny portion of that money just because.

Fifth, and there are other things that I want to do with the money (but the list would go on and on - I won't bother with listing all of it), after I am done spending it on myself (yes, I am selfish enough to say that - I earned - I want it), THEN I would decide how I would spend it on others. I'd need my family off my back. So, I would give them each a million, I suppose (I am talking direct relatives - none of that distant/never met nonsense). And that is all they are getting. I'd make that very clear. It wouldn't be my fault if they'd waste it. And I won't be their constant support in life. Then I would also decide which charities I would give some of the money to. There are a list of them that I am the most interested in that would get a decent portion.

And those are the basics of what I would do.

I would like to keep working, though. Probably only part time. You never know - even with that amount - what can happen with your money. I need to know I always have a back-up if I would lose it.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Honestly, the first thing I have to do is pay off some bills. Unexpected things happened in my life, and now I owe money. That would be my main priority.

Second, I do need a new car. So I would buy that. Nothing fancy. Just another reliable Buick for me.

Third, I want a house. I want a specific type of house. I have to furnish that house and, probably, fix it up (I plan on it being an old house). Of course, I am sensible enough to know that I have to be able to afford the taxes on the house. So, I can't go too crazy with what I consider the ideal home for me.

Fourth, I will have to invest a tiny portion of that money just because.

Fifth, and there are other things that I want to do with the money (but the list would go on and on - I won't bother with listing all of it), after I am done spending it on myself (yes, I am selfish enough to say that - I earned - I want it), THEN I would decide how I would spend it on others. I'd need my family off my back. So, I would give them each a million, I suppose (I am talking direct relatives - none of that distant/never met nonsense). And that is all they are getting. I'd make that very clear. It wouldn't be my fault if they'd waste it. And I won't be their constant support in life. Then I would also decide which charities I would give some of the money to. There are a list of them that I am the most interested in that would get a decent portion.

And those are the basics of what I would do.

I would like to keep working, though. Probably only part time. You never know - even with that amount - what can happen with your money. I need to know I always have a back-up if I would lose it.
This sounds very sensible.
I'd be along the same lines - I really don't need to have luxury items or "big" things. I grew up on the lower end of the financial spectrum so I'm not used to anything luxurious or being pampered. I wouldn't need to buy a Jaguar (car) - I actually wouldn't want one. I don't want anything too expensive - exorbitant things are a waste of money that could be much better spent. Plus, if such luxury items get damaged, it means a fortune to fix.
I'd get a small, modest home - my priority would not be size, but that it be fairly secluded.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm probably the only person who doesn't day dream about winning the lottery. I mean, I never even think about it, but...

what would I do with a billion dollars?

I'd take my billion and spend it on saving and restoring old films, then release them on DVD or pay per stream, for people could actually watch them, (and I would make a profit too).

I'm probably the only person who doesn't dream about winning the lottery. I mean, I never think about it.

So what would I do with a billion dollars?

I'd take my billion and spend it on saving and restoring old films, then release them on DVD or pay per stream, for people could actually watch them, (and I would make a profit too).
I'm the same - I'm only thinking about it now because it's been so heavily in the news. But it's illogical for me to even think about it since I don't throw my money away on lottery tickets - so there's no chance that I could ever win it.

After hearing the news this morning, winning such huge amounts is a major pain in the butt: they advise changing your name (a huge legal issue) and all your info like phone numbers, e-mail addresses. You need to move & change your address. You have to hire lawyers, accountants, tax experts, financial advisers. All your legal documentation (wills & such) have to be changed.

You & your family become an instant targets, not only for solicitors & moochers, but for criminals & kidnappers. On CNN today they said that the Powerball winner will have to hire personal security.

For me the concept of being rich would mean getting away from people, yet you end up having to deal with more people than ever before.

I'd like privacy, but then you have to hire body guards & all kinds of "help," so you don't really get privacy. Even if you hire a personal manager to interview & hire all the contractors you'll need, and deal with all the legal & financial experts, you'd still have to interview a bunch a people for the manager's job.

Then, if you're lucky enough to find someone you can actually trust, that person will have to be calling all day long to get your approval on everything.

So, I don't think being "rich" is all it's cracked up to be. I think I'd rather be "financially secure" (right now, even that is a fantasy!)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ugh! I never thought about all of that stuff, yikes. Forget it I don't want to win a billion.

Now a million would be OK, if you take it in one lump some you get like half, then after taxes, it's cut in half again. So what does that leave, $250,000....I could handle that. I'd pay off bills and spend the rest on vacations. If I could go on a year long tour of the world I do it.

The worst case scenario would be getting 4 of the numbers right. The prize for that is a measly $100.

I'd probably kill myself if that happened. To think I was two numbers away from over a billion dollars. How could I live with that for the rest of my life? Someone else told me they'd be happy with that -- I'm like, you would not be.

I think the lottery's disgusting for the most part. It's sad and depressing that everyone's desperate for the jackpot. I feel like there's these rich people just dangling millions of dollars in front of everyone, saying, "Come and get it!" They treat us like fish, trying to hook us with their bait.

The worst case scenario would be getting 4 of the numbers right. The prize for that is a measly $100.

I'd probably kill myself if that happened. To think I was two numbers away from over a billion dollars. How could I live with that for the rest of my life? Someone else told me they'd be happy with that -- I'm like, you would not be.

I think the lottery's disgusting for the most part. It's sad and depressing that everyone's desperate for the jackpot. I feel like there's these rich people just dangling millions of dollars in front of everyone, saying, "Come and get it!" They treat us like fish, trying to hook us with their bait.
Let me get this straight... you'd rather have 0 dollars than $100?

Humm, if I won such an insane amount:

* Buy new houses for some members of my family if they wanted to move - or pay off the mortgages if they didn't want to move(my Nan for example). For my Nan I would pay to get her help in the house because she needs it a lot now and my Father and my family in that part of the country can't always be there unfortunately and my Nan refuses to move in with either of them because she doesn't want to leave her house.

* If people bring us out of the EU in 2017, I'll leave Britain and move onto mainland Europe as I want to stay in the European Union! And that would be so much easier with lots of money.

* If not out of the EU, I'd stay in my house right now as I like it but will get in a surveyor to really give the house and land around it a good looking at - make sure there are no problems(you know like the house sliding down the hill into a sinkhole type problems...) as I'm always worrying about certain things. Then get the electrics and plumbing done properly because some things need doing. Sort out all the DIY problems and so on. Décor for the house and bla bla. Also home security - I will get all the windows done and it will have smash/bullet proof windows, motion sensor cameras, separate letterbox from the house so there isn't a letterbox on the door and so on. That's my OCD coming in with the irrational thoughts but it would indeed help with my worries if I could get all that done easily.

* Give a lot of it away to charities - mostly mental health charities and the charities that helped when certain family members were ill over the years(there was a cancer charity that helped my Grandpa before he died for example, can't remember the name but it's written down somewhere).

* Buy my parents new cars. As I don't drive I would get a personal driver company.

* More Blu-rays and DVDs. Lots and lotssssssssssssssssssssssss. You know, like the entire Criterion collection for example. Any films I don't like after watching, instead of selling them like I mostly do now(some I already give to charity shops if they are Region 2/Region B), I would give them to people I think would like them or to charity shops. Same for books, lots of books.

* A lot of seeing the world.

* I would still work but have more free time to do all the travelling and so on. Lots of volunteer work too.

* My Mum wants to do another university degree so I'd pay for that.

* Buy my Mum a dog and pay for any future vet bills.

* I'd get the best lawyer/solicitor to sort out my neighbours for good that I'm having trouble with. It cost me about £200 to get advice on something last year! so it would be an awful lot to go full blown finally sorting them out.

* There might be more but I can't think right now, but the rest I would get financial advice on/best way to keep it safe for the future - retirement, possible future health issues for my parents, other family, myself and so on.

Saying all that, about £100,000 would be nice out of the billions that could be won. I'd be happy with that.

I'd probably open up a lavish movie theater. Swanky enough that it can hold film festivals and premieres. At the same time I would make it affordable to for young filmmakers trying to distribute their feature films etc.


Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
The first thing I would do is pay myself and my family out of any debts. I would buy my parents new vehicles. I would give everyone in my CLOSE family, adults anyway, a couple hundred thousand for spending money. I would invest some in something that I knew wouldn't fail. I would build myself a house here on the farm and I would buy a summer house in Florida or somewhere warm. Then I would start buying toys. I would get a side by side or two. I would buy a couple sheds. I would buy all the stuff that I need to build the kennel that we want to build. I would buy a new lawn mower. Our washing machine died today so I would buy one of those.
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

I would disappear completely. If I suddenly stop showing up here on the forum after tonight, I won the Powerball.

Master of My Domain
I'd rather plan what to do with one billion dollars once I actually get them.

I would buy a new lawn mower.
It's $1.5 billion you could win and you're thinking about buying a lawn mower. You could pay Carrot Top to eat your grass.

The first thing I would do is pay myself and my family out of any debts. I would buy my parents new vehicles. I would give everyone in my CLOSE family, adults anyway, a couple hundred thousand for spending money. I would invest some in something that I knew wouldn't fail. I would build myself a house here on the farm and I would buy a summer house in Florida or somewhere warm. Then I would start buying toys. I would get a side by side or two. I would buy a couple sheds. I would buy all the stuff that I need to build the kennel that we want to build. I would buy a new lawn mower. Our washing machine died today so I would buy one of those.
Could we then start calling you "Teeter Two Sheds"?

I had two numbers right on one ticket.

Four numbers away from paradise.

Someone in Chino Hills, California bought a winning ticket. So there's a winner.

Looks like a nice place to live -- Chino Hills. Someone rich in Chino Hills just got even richer.