What movie remakes/reboots would you like to see?


Who would you suggest to play Bond?
Not sure. It would depend on what the approach for such a reboot was. I've always championed the idea of them doing a series on an outlet like HBO or Showtime where they went back to the original novels that weren't properly adapted to the big screen and redid those. For something like that, Ralph Fiennes would have made a solid choice if only he were younger.

To keep going with a modern take on the character, I'm intrigued by what Rupert Friend could do with the part. Rumor has it that he gave a very impressive reading for the part when they were casting for Casino Royale and came close to landing the part at one point in the process before Broccoli finally convinced Craig to accept the role. I think he would have been too young then, but if he were to get it right now, while in his mid-30s, I'd be interested to see what he'd do with it.

Regardless, I'd just like to see more forethought put into where they go with the films. There was clearly no plan going into the current reboot and, despite the fact that all four of Craig's films are entirely watchable (albeit to varying degrees), they've made an absolute mess out of the franchise with the massive time jump between Quantum of Solace and Skyfall as well as the nonsensical retconning that takes place during SPECTRE.

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
The Terror(1963)

I'd like to see a sort of re-make but it doesn't need to be on the money, they could manipulate it, but please leave it set in the 1800's
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Not sure. It would depend on what the approach for such a reboot was. I've always championed the idea of them doing a series on an outlet like HBO or Showtime where they went back to the original novels that weren't properly adapted to the big screen and redid those. For something like that, Ralph Fiennes would have made a solid choice if only he were younger.
Oh yeah, I could definitely see Ralph Fiennes as Bond.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

For what it's worth, you don't have to want to see something presented in CG to want to see a story retold.

I can think of many movies that I wish were done differently which a remake could address.
Understood, but why would someone want Shawshank Redemption to be remade? Is there something wrong with the acting, are there plot holes that need to be filled in?

Most people feel its an excellent movie - it obviously can't be "improved" upon with special effects, it doesn't need to be modernized since it is set in a particular time period. So why would anyone feel it needs to be remade?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Shawshank Redemption needs a reboot because then we can have these improvements:

A cute & precocious 10 year old kid, who's wise beyond his years. Perhaps he's in prison for smuggling Skittles.

The kids sidekick, an even cuter dog that wears a bandanna and sunglasses.

A prison rap-dance number, with the prisoners all holding their hands in the air and wearing matching T-shirts.

Morgan Freeman should have some sort of super powers, perhaps razor toe nails to dig his way out of prison.

Tim Robbins could be replaced with Mark Wahlberg

Originally Posted by Captain Steel
Understood, but why would someone want Shawshank Redemption to be remade? Is there something wrong with the acting, are there plot holes that need to be filled in?

Most people feel its an excellent movie - it obviously can't be "improved" upon with special effects, it doesn't need to be modernized since it is set in a particular time period. So why would anyone feel it needs to be remade?
I don't know. I wouldn't have picked it for a remake.

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
Shawshank Redemption needs a reboot because then we can have these improvements:

A cute & precocious 10 year old kid, who's wise beyond his years. Perhaps he's in prison for smuggling Skittles.

The kids sidekick, an even cuter dog that wears a bandanna and sunglasses.

A prison rap-dance number, with the prisoners all holding their hands in the air and wearing matching T-shirts.

Now we know where that "Annie" remake came from!
Speaking of, I don't get why Annie has been remade as much as it has.

It seemed to peak at the 1982 movie and while I completely agree there are ways it could be done better (such as less racism), the whole point of the movie is to be a musical, and if the musical element is inferior to previous versions you're not going to upset the popular incarnation.

Speaking of, I don't get why Annie has been remade as much as it has.

It seemed to peak at the 1982 movie and while I completely agree there are ways it could be done better (such as less racism), the whole point of the movie is to be a musical, and if the musical element is inferior to previous versions you're not going to upset the popular incarnation.

The 1982 movie was OK, nothing more...loved the ABC/Disney version for TV with Kathy Bates as Miss Hannigan...the recent remake with Jamie Foxx was a big ol' mess.

The 1982 movie was OK, nothing more...loved the ABC/Disney version for TV with Kathy Bates as Miss Hannigan...the recent remake with Jamie Foxx was a big ol' mess.
The 1982 version is the one most people refer to. It's the one Austin Powers sampled for precisely that reason.

They might make a better movie, but I don't think they'll make a better movie soundtrack.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Speaking of, I don't get why Annie has been remade as much as it has.

It seemed to peak at the 1982 movie and while I completely agree there are ways it could be done better (such as less racism), the whole point of the movie is to be a musical, and if the musical element is inferior to previous versions you're not going to upset the popular incarnation.

Probably because they haven't gotten it right yet. The Broadway show was great, but none of the movies or TV movies have been good yet. We need a movie version of it that does justice to the Broadway show.

Probably because they haven't gotten it right yet. The Broadway show was great, but none of the movies or TV movies have been good yet. We need a movie version of it that does justice to the Broadway show.
5 movies have utterly failed in creating a true adaption, huh?

A true adaption... of the Broadway show?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Probably because they haven't gotten it right yet. The Broadway show was great, but none of the movies or TV movies have been good yet. We need a movie version of it that does justice to the Broadway show.
5 movies have utterly failed in creating a true adaption, huh?

A true adaption... of the Broadway show?

I don't care if it's not a "true" adaption. I just want it to be a "good" adaption. They're welcome to change things as long as it's still worth watching. So far, I haven't liked any of the movie versions.

This sort of thread always makes me think of obscure, usually stupid horror movies, especially late '80s and '90s, that had really cool premises but not much else. Horror fans get very protective of their movies, but I actually think there's so many bad ones whose legacies could benefit from a reboot or remake given the right resources and talent. What gives horror remakes a bad name is that all of the big ones are being made with no artistic motivation whatsoever, but I don't see why they don't make more reboots/remakes like this

It's Alive!
The Hills Have Eyes
The People Under The Stairs
They Live
The Stuff
The Serpent and The Rainbow

Originally Posted by gbgoodies
I don't care if it's not a "true" adaption. I just want it to be a "good" adaption. They're welcome to change things as long as it's still worth watching. So far, I haven't liked any of the movie versions.
Why not?

Originally Posted by Edo Dillon
They Live
The Stuff
Nice. How would you do Saw differently?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I don't care if it's not a "true" adaption. I just want it to be a "good" adaption. They're welcome to change things as long as it's still worth watching. So far, I haven't liked any of the movie versions.

I've seen three movie versions of Annie, the 1982, 1999 and 2014 versions. I don't have very good memories of any of them because I never had the desire to rewatch any of them, but I think poor casting is a big part of the problem. It's not a complaint about the actors because I like most of the actors, but I just didn't think some of them were right for the parts. (Although "on paper", they sounded like the right choices. They just didn't work in the finished movies.)

I think the 1999 version was probably the best of the three versions, but it's not good enough IMO. I usually love Victor Garber, but I didn't think he was very good as Daddy Warbucks, and Kathy Bates is usually great in everything that she does, but Miss Hannigan definitely wasn't a highlight of her career either.

In the 1982 version, Carol Burnett was probably the best part of the movie. She was great as Miss Hannigan, and Albert Finney was okay as Daddy Warbucks, but I expected better from Tim Curry and Bernadette Peters.

I didn't like the idea of the 2014 movie having a black Annie, mainly because the character is so iconic, but I was willing to give it a chance. Sadly, the movie was just boring. Jamie Foxx was pretty good, but overall, the movie had no "spark".

And I don't think they've found the right actress to play Annie yet. I don't know who it should be, but none of them so far have been very good.

Originally Posted by gbgoodies
And I don't think they've found the right actress to play Annie yet. I don't know who it should be, but none of them so far have been very good.
Hm. Those are some tough standards.

Saw might be a little different from the rest of that list but here goes.
Since they've virtually done everything with gore, my idea has always been if they just focused on the politics behind the FBI team that was trying to stop Jigsaw. As for Jigsaw, they could dive even further into his philosophies and interpersonal struggles with his accomplices i.e. in the movies they showed how his accomplices betrayed him and didn't care about his message. Dive more into that drama, and the conflict behind the differing personalities.

A premise along these lines could shape a story-driven thriller that functions in a similar way as to a lot of the great TV shows of our time.

Another option would be to strip down the complexities of SAW and bring it back to its minimalistic roots i.e. focus purely on the gore (and other traps) and forget about the story almost completely.
The first Saw is easily the least gory and most story-driven of them that I'm aware of.

As for "stripping down the complexities of SAW and bringing it back to its minimalistic roots i.e. focusing purely on the gore", I am definitely not in favor of that idea.

I'm not in favor of any movie that tries to sell itself on gore period, actually. What's the appeal beyond some strange pleasure in seeing butchery?

I liked the original Saw because it was minimalist in it's locations and characters yet was able to deliver an interesting drama and unfolding mystery with them.

I know King Kong's been done, but the classic original was almost begging for a remake with modern special effects. (And I haven't forgotten about the admirable, but clunky, 1976 remake.)

The 2005 remake could have been excellent except for one fatal flaw - length.
We can debate the casting, but there was absolutely no need to make a very simple plot that relies almost entirely on visual effects to be OVER 3 HOURS LONG! (3 hours and 11 minutes to be precise).
The original 1933 version was a "whopping" 1 hour and 40 minutes - a perfect movie length (and at that, maybe even a bit long for a monster movie).
The ridiculous view time killed the 2005 version - what were they thinking?
They spent well over an hour telling back stories of extraneous characters - some of whom just end up falling off logs to their deaths or being eaten by dinosaurs & giant bugs!

Actually none... why? Because 98% of the time.. the original is the best.. and there are far to many they have remade that suxs!!!!