Robert Englund as the Phantom of the OPera


Has anyone seen this version? I saw it awhile ago and Im deciding if I wanna pick it up.
~"And I JACK, the Pumpkin King...that's right! I AM THE PUMPKIN KING!!!!"~

I had never seen it but to me No one is better then the Broadway!Mike Crawford is the only Photom to me!
Sorry I am geting really bad witih spelling please forgive me!Anyway did you mean that one?
See you around!JM
Jackie Malfoy
Favorite Movie of all time:Star Wars!
Online offline boyfriend:AdarkSideJedi(brad)
Other Sites I belong and and Adult!

The Green Lantern
I saw it years ago when I was in high school. It is OK. The book is far better.
"In Brightest Day,
In Blackest Night.
No Evil Shall Escape My Sight,
Let Those Who Worship Evil's Might.
Beware My Power...Green Lantern's Light"

--Green Lantern Oath--

"The Green Lantern Corps has battled against the forces of evil and chaos for a millennium. To serve is the ultimate honor."