SPOILER THREAD: Discuss "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"

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Don't know if I should be making this, but thought I'd give it a shot.


Without the use of Spoiler Tags.

Discuss it freely.


You see it Sexy?
No - I was gonna wait till maybe a weekday. Which makes me feel ridiculous for making this thread. I do know all the basic plot points/spoilers (I think?) from reading about it (I didn't care to wait and be surprised).

I'm too scared to go to the movies, especially for something like this. I fear movie theater terrorists.

I'm too scared to go to the movies, especially for something like this. I fear movie theater terrorists.
Those damn whites have ruined the theaters for us!

I'm honestly surprised there wasn't a shooting at a screening for this already. There have just been so many... I thought it was gonna happen.

I did see... and this is a spoiler... HAN SOLO'S DEATH SCENE.

Somebody put it on YouTube.

And I've gotta say, I thought it looked kinda ... kinda stupid.

Not as dramatic and well shot as it probably would have looked if it was in the original trilogy.

I mean, I can't really say... haven't seen the rest of the film... but I noted that one other critic, who gave the movie a bad review, didn't like the scene, either. She said it was bad that Abrams cut to reaction shots of the other characters so fast... I thought the same thing. As soon as that thing plunges in, Chewbacca is seen screaming.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I thought it was good in the moment. Very tense and because of it being the type of movie it is you could see the scene going either way. It went the way I thought though.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
They don't say if Rey is related to any of them, do they?
No, just have to speculate for now. Here story is she is dropped off on the planet. So she doesn't know her family.

No, just have to speculate for now. Here story is she is dropped off on the planet. So she doesn't know her family.
This might be a spoiler for the next movie:

WARNING: "Episode VIII" spoilers below
Where I heard other reliable spoilers that came true said she is Luke Skywalker's daughter. And I think I believe it.

The next Star Wars movie will be "Star Wars: Rogue One"..... Release date: December 16th, 2016.

Only one reason I will enjoy it immensely.
