New review website.


I will wait for Bridget Jones, miteymose. Remember, I am like an elephant. I dont forget. And you havent written anythin in the ABOUT US link. You should post a picture of your house & your dog & where you hide your money. Just some suggestions.

Ps. Also photo of your wifey.
God save Freddie Mercury!

mightymose's Avatar
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Well I will have to see what I can do Plite... I had completely forgotten about the 'About Us' section... thanks for the reminder I don't have access to a scanner, but I can probably work something out for ya

mightymose's Avatar
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There ya go Plite... I found some old pix on the computer and uploaded them for you. I'll make everything fancy and impressive later. For now though I just wanted to get something up. Anything to satisfy my loyal fans, hahahahahahaha.

Your weeb site is not responding. I click the link to your site & it sloooowly takes me to a 301 page which says MOVED Permanently to ... and then I click that link & I am finally at your place. But then I click ABOUT US & ... nothin. Everyone must be tryin to get into MiteyMoose Central to see your bride, hahaha. Will try agin latah.

mightymose's Avatar
Registered User
Ah yes... the joys of having a site hosted on the server of a public university I couldn't get in last night either, but it should be okay now. Have fun!

Ahhhh, your wife is lovely, Miteymoose. And you eat a lot of cookies, teehee. But you forgot to show which part of the fridge you keep your cash. Wooops, I was kicked out of your site becuz looking at your wifey is an illegal operation. SERIOUSLY! I was kicked out of MooseCentral 3x!!!

Ps. Why do you still have a link to that wicked site JoBlo?

mightymose's Avatar
Registered User
Humm... no idea why you were kicked off. Possibly has something to do with the fact that my site is hosted by a public university that has become threatened by me spreading the truth!!!! or something like that, hahahahaha.

Hopefully it won't be a reoccuring problem or I might have to switch servers, again... and that's something I really don't want to do.

Does anyone out there know of a reliable free server without banner ads or pop up windows?

Joblo is still there out of laziness and nothing else If it will apease the mighty PLite I will take the link of promptly.

You know Moose, lookin at your websites & forums & sech, I now feel like having my own page! I could call it THE COSMIC MUSINGS OF PIGSNIELite in which I shall impart to the world my important thoughts & philosofical musings.

My thought of the Day.
Al Pacino is relly quite overrated. And hes short.

mightymose's Avatar
Registered User
Greeings all... I am working on having a logo designed for my website and thought I would ask everyone for some ideas for a name.

I have recently changed the site to focus on my favorite type of movie, horror. To do this I revamped the site and the old logo looks pretty ridiculous on a black background.

Go to

and take a look... I'd love some feedback and ideas for a name for the site.


Sorry bout that TWT

No problem at all, mighty. Nice BG -- despite what some so-called experts say, I think, for sites related to movies, a black BG is the way to go.

mightymose's Avatar
Registered User
I have to agree with you there TWT. Black backgrounds can be a bit more difficult to read, but the style more than makes up for it.

Speaking of black backgrounds, I like the way you have worked the gray in on your site. It makes things much easier to read, but you still have the cool look of a black background. Of course the color scheme of a website is really all personal preference so the experts can just stick their opinion where the sun don't shine. Heck, I love the experts so much I started my own site b/c I thought so highly of their opinions

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
At home on my computer m monitor doesn't pick up the green and dark areas of some of the site. Some monitors sometimes don't pick up the color sceme you see on your computer. I've noticed that from all my times trying to redesign a site.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Yeah, the grays can be a problem, because some monitors are VERY dark, so that all the darker grays come out as almost completely black. It's a real bummer. I guess, as time goes on, though, virtually everyone (well, we're almost there already) will have a monitor/computer that can handle a whole bunch of colors.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Yeah, my eyes are sensitive to light so I try and keep the brightness of the monitor down so I can look at it without squinting.

You are aware Miteymose that Bridget Jones is a horror film?
I thought youd want to know that.

Anyhoo I like your new setup altho I notice you took your pics away again! Tisk tisk tisk. I wish youd make up your mind. And shouldnt the firey letters of I am Johns horror house be flamin like ina crematorium? You should also put a shreeking little demon thingie inside the letter O in HORROR & its screamin HELP ME HELP ME! like in THE FLY.