Top 10 Worst Films Ever


Kaiser "The Devil" Soze
Originally Posted by led_zeppelin
I love both of these movies. Although the first Mummy movie is better IMO, mummy returns is still good. Now High Fidelity, I don't see how you couldn't like this movie. Jack Black is absolutely hilarious, John Cusack (my third fav. actor) is good for comedy and drama, and Tim Robbins is in it. After seeing him in Mystic River (my fav. movie ever. even over ROTK) he's up in the ranks of people I call "the man".
Hey I have nothing against the actors I loved school of rock, Indentity and espically shawshank redemption ( my 2nd best movie of all time). I just found high Fidelity the movie very boring I'm sorry I don't have an adquate explination. however I did watch it way way after its theather release... maybe the times also has something to do with it.
And like that .... he's gone

Originally Posted by kaisersoze
I loved Momento
most people do, but memento put me to was nothing but a gimmick and after all the hype i expected something so much better than what i got

it was the same with insomnia..if it wasn't for al pacino's and robin williams' excellent acting, i would have literally gone to sleep...

anyway, i'm used to all the comments...i also didn't care for casablanca and gwtw which are top rated movies in anyone's

Originally Posted by susan
anyway, i'm used to all the comments...i also didn't care for casablanca and gwtw which are top rated movies in anyone's
Take this for not liking 'Casablanca'
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Django's Avatar
Originally Posted by jrs
What are your absolute hardest-to-watch, vile, repulsive, disturbing films that you have ever seen? I'm talking gushing gore, rampant sex, over-the-top violence or even just plain stupidity.

What's your top 10?
Are you sure you're not just describing yourself?

whats that samuel L jackson movie where he is a chemist for drug dealers, he goes around wanting to sell a placebo?
well thats the only film i walked out of, it was so bad it ruined jackson's rep in my books.

The movies i hated most were:

The Mask

The Matrix 2-3


American Pie 2-3 - 1st one wasnt all that great either


Halloween: The Season Of The Witch

Demolition Man

Enemy At The Gates - Was ok but total cornchips.

The Wedding Singer

Battlefield Earth

...i could go on forever but you only asked for 10

katic_92's Avatar
Gone with the wind in 60 seconds
Originally Posted by susan
most people do, but memento put me to was nothing but a gimmick and after all the hype i expected something so much better than what i got

it was the same with insomnia..if it wasn't for al pacino's and robin williams' excellent acting, i would have literally gone to sleep...

anyway, i'm used to all the comments...i also didn't care for casablanca and gwtw which are top rated movies in anyone's
i couldn't agree more. insomnia was horrible.

Originally Posted by katic_92
i couldn't agree more. insomnia was horrible.
I'm gonna disagree here but there's still a ray of hope. Have you seen One hour Photo? It's really good.
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I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

katic_92's Avatar
Gone with the wind in 60 seconds
Originally Posted by led_zeppelin
I'm gonna disagree here but there's still a ray of hope. Have you seen One hour Photo? It's really good.
i haven't seen it yet, but i heard it was pretty good. thanks for the tip.

Kaiser "The Devil" Soze
Originally Posted by delphic
whats that samuel L jackson movie where he is a chemist for drug dealers, he goes around wanting to sell a placebo?
well thats the only film i walked out of, it was so bad it ruined jackson's rep in my books.


Originally Posted by kaisersoze
and im not so critical about movies, i mean i enjoyed "down to earth" for crying out loud.

Messenger from Hades' Gate
Originally Posted by delphic
im not so critical about movies, i mean i enjoyed "down to earth" for crying out loud.
Wow! You liked Down to Earth?

Actually, I kinda liked that one too, but I preferred Heaven Can Wait with Warren Beaty.
Rapture warning is now at ORANGE

Originally Posted by suppression
Wow! You liked Down to Earth?

Actually, I kinda liked that one too, but I preferred Heaven Can Wait with Warren Beaty.
Yeah, im not too critical when it comes to movies.