Linkin Park Meteora Tour 2004


Someone Save Us College Kids
Well first of all i would like to say im back. It has been a while sense i have posted. But lets focus on the topic here. Recnently i went to te linkin park meteora tour. The bands that they had were awesome, hoobastank, p.o.d., story of the year and of course linkin park. The concert itself was excellent and kept my blood boiling. Mash, mash, mash pits lol. The 2 top bands there were hoobastank and linkin park. hOOBASTANK GAVE A SAMPLE OF SOME OF THERE new songs of the newest cd. Link park played all of there songs each one best. Any one go or anyone wanted to go just post or any opinion what so ever.

park are a bunch of really cool guys.really down to earth.we try to get together whenever they swing by town.
you're pretty cool,frank.

Registered User
i wish i could've gone.

Someone Save Us College Kids
Originally Posted by niceguy
park are a bunch of really cool guys.really down to earth.we try to get together whenever they swing by town.
you're pretty cool,frank.

jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
I have tickets, but I'm giving them to a friend at work. They're coming to Dallas soon.
Jim Lewis
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