Movies & TV Shows You've NEVER Seen


Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Although, I just finished watching the Band of Brothers series, which I'd never seen before.
An excellent historical slice of the trials, tribulations and sacrifices of WWII paratroopers.
I absolutely loved this series. I always wanted to read the book, but I have never gotten around to it.

Any "Godfather" movie. Well, I have seen bits and pieces of the first one and that is it. I have never seen it straight through. I have no big reason for not watching them. I just haven't done so. They have never really been on TV when I could sit and watch all of it. And I have never put in the effort to get them from the library or anything like that. Again, no big reason for it. I just haven't watched them.

As for TV, I have never seen "Mad Men". That is something that I have never really had an interest in.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

I didn't see any of the Godfather movies until long after I was an adult (and I remember them being on TV when I was young and having no interest in them).

I've never seen Gone With the Wind... what I mean is I've never sat through the whole thing. I've seen bits & pieces here & there and I know many of the famous lines, but have never just sat down and watched it.
I know that George Reeves was in it because there's a section on him in one of my history books on Superman that even shows a picture of him on the set wearing his 1860's garb1

The Wire. I don't know why, I just haven't.

Steel, you just keep Breaking Bad in your pocket until the day comes when you need it. I wish more than any other show, that I could watch it again for the first time.

If you are going through HBO back-catalog and like weird, try the first season of Carnivale.

The Wire. I don't know why, I just haven't.
Well it was recently re-released in wide screen HD instead of square box SD. That is when i finally watched it for the first time.

Doesn't get good until season 4 IMO. and it had a great series finale.

I've given up streaming for now. It might be the ps3, but everything consta-buffers. I've rage quit the first episode of Hard Knocks three times now.

Amazon, Flix,'s on my end. I have the top-tier TW internet, but...there are a lot of devices drawing on the wifi and I am the furthest from the router.

I've seen at least an episode of every TV show I've wanted to see that was recommended to me. With shows it is a lot less commitment, if you love it you have multiple seasons/episodes to check out, or if you hate it you at most wasted an hour.
With movies on the other hand, its a lot worse for me since they can be upwards of 3-4 hours and even if you love it the best you can do is check out other movies by the director and/or writer.
Citizen Kane, 2001 A Space Odyssey, The Godfather, Blade Runner, American Beauty
More recently The Hurt Locker, Zodiac, Tree of Life, and Sunshine.
There are a lot more but I don't wanna be here listing all day

are you that dude from confessions of a superhero
Nope. I had to look it up.
I guess my ID picture and love of comics gave that impression, but I actually have never dressed up as a superhero.
Correction... as an established superhero. One Halloween I grabbed a bunch of clothes and made my own costume - since it had underwear and a jock strap on the outside I called it "Captain Underwear."
(I later became aware that there was a children's character called "Captain Underpants.")

Nope. I had to look it up.
I guess my ID picture and love of comics gave that impression, but I actually have never dressed up as a superhero.
Correction... as an established superhero. One Halloween I grabbed a bunch of clothes and made my own costume - since it had underwear and a jock strap on the outside I called it "Captain Underwear."
(I later became aware that there was a children's character called "Captain Underpants.")
Aww too bad haha. Well it's an interesting doc.

There is a guy here in maryland that dresses up like batman and visits kids in the hospital. But Mark Kartman killed him today. Batmobile had some problems and he pulled over to the side of the road, got out and was lethally hit.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Well, I don't have TV and haven't for years! So I haven't seen any TV shows for 20 years!

Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad, Mad Men
Walking Dead
The Wire

Haven't seen them and never well. The last first run TV show I watched was back in the 1990s.

Well, I don't have TV and haven't for years! So I haven't seen any TV shows for 20 years!

Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad, Mad Men
Walking Dead
The Wire

Haven't seen them and never well. The last first run TV show I watched was back in the 1990s.
You don't need a TV to get hbo anymore.
Game of Thrones was pirated so much they changed their entire business model and now allow people to get it via the website only.

You're probably aware that in recents years studios have actually started investing more money into television than they are into film.

We've entered into a new golden age of television.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I seen you post a link for HBO shows, thanks for posting that. Unfortunately for me I have a slower DSL connection and can't stream. I have watched some HBO mini series shows on DVD, I'm watching The Tudors.

Aww too bad haha. Well it's an interesting doc.

There is a guy here in maryland that dresses up like batman and visits kids in the hospital. But Mark Kartman killed him today. Batmobile had some problems and he pulled over to the side of the road, got out and was lethally hit.

That's terrible! You say it happened today?

Well, I don't have TV and haven't for years! So I haven't seen any TV shows for 20 years!

Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad, Mad Men
Walking Dead
The Wire

Haven't seen them and never well. The last first run TV show I watched was back in the 1990s.

Rules, I almost envy you. I've long toyed with the idea of giving up TV completely. I find I spend more time looking to see what's on and trying to decide what to watch, then actually watching something.

And there's so many things about modern TV that bug me:
  • The commercials. I can actually surf the "dial" for a half hour and never actually see anything but commercials, infomercials, news casts telling me what's coming up next or shows showing you what they'll be showing you when they get back from a commercial.
  • The fact we were sold cable under the premise that there would be no commercials because we're paying for it (thus no need for sponsors), yet there are more commercials then ever.
  • The fact that they did away with free TV.
  • The increased number of channels with no correlation of increased quality programming.
  • The way they put pop up commercials & ads right on top of whatever you're watching. (One channel I know of covers the lower 1/3 of the screen with their regular ads).
  • Pop up ads telling you what's on next (or next week) that block what you're trying to watch right now!
  • Those station icons on top of everything that block sub-titles (the only time you need to know what network you're tuned in to is during the commercials - which is the only time they DON'T have the network icons on the screen!).
  • The fact that you're paying for all these channels, yet at night, between about 2:00 am - 7:00 am they fill them all up with stupid infomercials! Why does a "Comedy" channel have to run food processor ads all night when there are thousands of old stand up routines or movies that could be run?
How do you view time?
I ask because I always feel there's not enough time. Then I look back on how much time I've wasted on TV and wonder how I'd view time if there was no TV.

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The Terminator
Never seen star wars even a single installment will watch it along with the seventh which is going to come this year