Why are modern movies still good but modern pop music not?


Registered User
I think the fact that Lady Gaga is being heralded as a "talented" mainstream artist is a good example of the lack of innovation.

The only thing that Gaga is is an image and a persona - her actual music is not incredibly innovative.

I think it's an example of the "hipster" mentality that anything "nonconformist" = "talented".

You guys keep an eye out for the ghost of Layne Staley tonight.

Registered User
You guys keep an eye out for the ghost of Layne Staley tonight.
Alice in Chains ain't bad - mainly because they weren't pure "grunge", they still kept the hard rock aesthetic and only adopted the grunge "chic".

For some reason 90sace wants to know what I consider good pop music.
I think this is meaningless, because now we are discussing individual taste rather than observing a trend in human history.

People like the music they grew up with, for me it's the 90s. My favorite band is Bush but I'm an old person!! I'm 32.

Having said that, there are some songs that I enjoy in the current decade of pop music.
Just to humor 90sace I'll put these two songs here.

Trouble with a capital "T"
People like the music they grew up with...
That's true for me too. I kept an interest in new music until the late 90s. Now I don't know what new music sounds like.

Registered User
For some reason 90sace wants to know what I consider good pop music.
Whelp I was being facetious - but I think your "old people" comment is pretty superficial.

It's really not that simple - for example a lot of people claim that the "hair metal" of the 80s was a downgrade or the genre - sure some of them might've just been old geezers, but a lot of people still agree with points made there.

And for every old fart who won't listen to anything that wasn't on the radio when they were in college, there's a young whelp who won't listen to anything that isn't on Top 40 radio or itunes.

I think this is meaningless, because now we are discussing individual taste rather than observing a trend in human history.
Thing is dude, I was discussing actual trends, not just tastes. I have my own tastes and biases, but I was trying to talk about observable trends.

I was thinking specifics - such as how record labels are shying away from hiring artists who don't already have an established online fanbase, as well as how indie artists are claiming that file sharing is making it harder for them to start a career. You brushed it all of as just "old people babbling".

And a couple others here didn't read past the title, and got offended just because they thought I was saying there is "no good music in existence today... period" which is silly.

People like the music they grew up with, for me it's the 90s. My favorite band is Bush but I'm an old person!! I'm 32.
Oh Bush... well I mentioned the Offspring so I was close.

Having said that, there are some songs that I enjoy in the current decade of pop music.
Just to humor 90sace I'll put these two songs here.


Out of curiousity though - do you really think that Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus are musical innovators? I don't myself.

Yeah there have always been bland pop acts (ex. the Monkees compared to the Beatles or Stones) - but in my opinion the ratio of bland, to innovative and talented is decreasing due to various factors.

Registered User
Taylor swift writes her own songs! Yes she is an innovator.
I think that Taylor Swift has talent yeah, though her music is definitely not my taste.

I don't think one's going to argue that the ratio of popular acts who don't write or even play their own instruments (in favor of synthesizers) is a lot higher than it's been in the past though.

On the other hand, I don't know what can actually be "done" about it since I think given the rise of technology it's somewhat inevitable.

That's incorrect, "pop" specifically refers to music which tops the charts - not "popular" music as an entire genre.

Way to change the subject to avoid acknowledging your logical fallacies. For your information though, Pop music is a genre that originally derived it's name from "popular music" but has since evolved into it's own genre with many sub-genres.

Not compared to 7 billion. "Lot" is releative

Try making a comparison relative to the topic of conversation.

I know enough to know that "underground" music isn't a genre.

*Thunderous applause.* That is possibly the most hilarious thing I've ever heard you say. I have some sad news for you though. No one thinks that underground music is a genre. I hate to break it to you, but that right there which you think you have, is not knowledge.

That's not how it's always been. The Beatles, Aerosmith, etc were a popular bands and were critically acclaimed as innovative - like you're saying yourself there are less popular bands and artists today who are innovators, but rather just recyclers.

Actually there's more by sheer numbers. You're just vaguely over generalising.

Comparing "metal" to emo is the worst thing I've heard so far in this thread - that shows a huge lack of understanding of the genres.

I'm not sure where you got the idea that I was comparing Metal to Emo from this, "For one thing underground music has more of an effect on the overall scope of music than mainstream music, because mainstream music is just superficial rip offs of underground music, like Screamo, Emo, and Metal. You have these whiny kid's with black blow dried hair screaming into a mic thinking they're all three genres at the same time when they're really just Metalcore." Perhaps you're confusing Metalcore with Metal. Perhaps you also don't understand that I'm talking about how people will call music like Bullet for My Valentine, Emo, Screamo, and Metal when they aren't any of those three genres.

I'm not talking about "top 40" exclusively - I'm talking about music which is prevalent in the industry as a whole, including record labels.

Well you're confusing everyone with your layman speech by making up your own definition and then arguing with people. You've called bands on major labels with widely successful record sales "obscure" and "underground" just because you haven't heard of them.

I know what I'm talking about much more than you do.

That's probably true, but in far too literal a sense.
This post genuinely made me laugh out loud in my chair at work. 90'sAce, you're hilarious. You're so delusional. You're a constant source of amusement.

This thread is getting quite a pace. So I can't really keep up, and to be honest I'm losing interest. All the best of luck to everyone trying to talk some sense into this raving madman. I think he's a lost cause though.

I like how he says "old people dont listen to modern music" but I do.. and Im almost 50!

I didn't start listening to music until I was 16 and drove to high school.
These days I mostly listen to film sound tracks, everything in my life revolves around film.

Registered User
You're being inconsistent here. The title clearly claims it is the modern pop music that is no longer good. All of it, mainstream or obscure.
"Pop" music is referring to music which is doing well on the charts, not to "pop" as in the specific style.

I suppose "mainstream" would've been the better word choice - I'm sorry I'm not as semantically precise as you'd have liked me to be.

It seems to me you are only complaining about the MAINSTREAM contemporary music that sucks. Yeah, a big chunk of it blows.
Exactly - I thought this was pretty obvious from the opening post - seems you only read the title, or just used it as an excuse to derail into semantics.

Pop music has long lost it's meaning as 'popular'
"Popular music" can also refer to the entirety of the genre (rock, rap, country, etc) as opposed to classical or "art" music - so it seems there's no sementics here which you would have been happy with.

Who knows. Anyway, once again, this has very little to do with the title of this topic.
I think you're aware of what the thread was about (you surmised it yourself) and are simply being pedantic with semantics.

You are more interested in degradation of music industry and how it promotes talentless, but money-making artists rather than really talented musicians that are not so certain money-farmers
Exactly. "Modern music" referring to the modern music industry.

Just as when someone in the states mentions "modern film", they're typically referring to Hollywood's film industry - not underground films recorded on a camcorder, or the Cannes film festival, or an obscure Indonesian film

I like how he says "old people dont listen to modern music" but I do.. and Im almost 50!
Am I this mysterious he ?

Generalizations almost never apply to every individual.
The whole field of sociology is meaningless if you try to apply it to a particular person. It's only good for understanding large scale masses.

Am I this mysterious he ?

Generalizations almost never apply to every individual.
The whole field of sociology is meaningless if you try to apply it to a particular person. It's only good for understanding large scale masses.
Nope, whoever said it.. its on them.. but I think 90s referred to it as well..

I listen to modern radio play in the US and over in Europe.. so in hence, I listen to pop or "popular" music...

there are some bands I listen to that are not popular but thats good... I have 6 decades of music under my belt of what I listen to at least...

Registered User
Am I this mysterious he ?

Generalizations almost never apply to every individual.
If you think modern music is bad, that's because you're OLD

[/i]The whole field of sociology is meaningless if you try to apply it to a particular person. It's only good for understanding large scale masses.
Not if they ignore the actual arguments being made and claims which the arguments are based on.

Claiming "music is bad" as a blanket statement might be just nostalgia talking, but making actual points about trends in the industry is a different ballpark.

well I dont think some of the modern music is bad... there is music that plays that is not a genre I care for... others listen to ... believe me... women who have teenage daughters.. listen to what their daughters do...

I know.. I went thru Fall Out Boy, All American Rejects, From First to Last, Panic at the Disco!, Disturbed, Marilyn Manson.. etc...

Thanks guys.. I just listened to my favorite FOB song and now one of my favorite AFI songs...

Master of My Domain

A few atrocious songs (that shouldn't have become popular anways,I call it the Yotube effect) like the one above shouldn't be the reason why mainstream music should be heavily critcized. Yes, music 2010 onward sort of sucks compared to the earlier decades in my opinion, but that's just my case, because I prefer prog rock/jazz and right now the music trend is not focused on the two. Art is subjective and will always be that way.

Registered User

A few atrocious song like the one above shouldn't be the reason why mainstream music should be heavily critcized. Yes, music 2010 onward sort of sucks compared to the earlier decades in my opinion, but that's just my case, because I prefer prog rock/jazz and right now the music trend is not focused on the two. Art is subjective and will always be that way.
Yeah, it's subjective to a degree. If it was purely subjective though there'd be no reason to review movies, music, etc at all from a critical POV - since someone, somewhere will like Plan 9 from Outerspace more than Citizen Kane.