Get to know you?


Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
Alright. We have talked some before and have worked together on some of the games on here but we don't really know a whole lot about each other. My name is Marley, Teeter is my nickname given to me by my parents when I was a baby. I love to read and play video games. I like reading young adult fantasy books. I also like some adult fantasy books. I like a wide variety of video games and it depends on my mood what I want to play. FPSs are what I mostly play but I also have some racing games and some RPGs. I live on a small farm of 32 acres and have 14 dogs, 2 cats, 17 goats, some chickens, 3 cows and some guineas. The guineas are nice to keep the ticks off the dogs (they eat them). I am a member of an Independent Baptist Church and attend when I can. I recently got hired on at the local Walmart and start tomorrow. I am kind of nervous about it, mostly because I am afraid I won't like it. I have been extremely spoiled my entire life and have only worked steadily for a company that my parents had. The lack of job experience has really hurt me in finding jobs lately. I realized from my last job that I need to find another one BEFORE I quit the one that I have. LOL! Hopefully that won't be an issue with this one and I will really like it. I have a 2009 Subaru Forester that I just got in April and I need to pay for that. Most of the television shows that I watch are 'reality' television shows. I do watch a lot of crime dramas too though, Rizzoli and Isles being my favorite. I am a huge fan of the New York Jets and am hopeful that they will start being better in the near future. I love football, it is the only sport that I follow with any regularity. I enjoy deer hunting and do that in the fall. My family means everything to me and I have no idea what I would do without any of them. I love Italian food, anything with a lot of cheese on it is pretty much my kryptonite. I had an issue for about 7 years. I drank every day, I smoked sometimes 3 packs an evening and dabbed in drugs. I quit all that on the same day 6 years ago. I lost a lot of people that I thought were my friends because I don't go out anymore. The ones that have stayed are the ones that are the rarest form of friends you can find, the ones that you can go months on end without talking to and when you finally see each other again its like you haven't missed a second. I dig pro wrestling. The fact that the match outcomes are scripted don't bother me at all. I also really enjoy UFC. Wow. This is going on and on, isn't it? Maybe I should stop now.....
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

Just saying... it's my girlfriend who got me it.
Did you already introduce the new item into your sex life?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Hello all,

I'm new too (joined yesterday), so wanted to say hello.

So, erm...hello.
I'll watch just about anything, and I really have.

Just saying... it's my girlfriend who got me it.
Did you already introduce the new item into your sex life?
Haha, not it hasn't been incorporated into our sex life.

Hello all,

I'm new too (joined yesterday), so wanted to say hello.

So, erm...hello.
I'll watch just about anything, and I really have.
Hey! Do you have a favourite genre or/and a favourite director?

so Rhys, let me as you this... other than what I told you in the thread... what do you know of me?

(and I dont want to hear others' opinions, I want to hear his)

Haha, not it hasn't been incorporated into our sex life.
Ha! Double negation = confirmation!

so Rhys, let me as you this... other than what I told you in the thread... what do you know of me?

(and I dont want to hear others' opinions, I want to hear his)
Honestly, I don't know an awful lot about you. You like some fairly dark, especially foreign? films (but that can be seen from your profile anyway), the films you watch tend to be more obscure it seems.

Honestly though I don't know much more about you or your interests, which is probably bad since I have been here a while.

Ha! Double negation = confirmation!
Would "no it hasn't" be classed as double negation? Because that was a typo.

I was never taught double negatives in school.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I like double negatives..."no, it hasn't" has twice the punch of '"it hasn't"...Anyway here's what you need to know about me as a fellow MoFo:

My first love in movies is Classic Golden Age Hollywood, 1930-1959. I like PreCode films, Film Noirs, Dramas, Musicals. Silent Films are good too as is 1960s to present. I don't like modern blockbuster CG Hollywood films. But I do like modern Indie films. That's it.

Honestly, I don't know an awful lot about you. You like some fairly dark, especially foreign? films (but that can be seen from your profile anyway), the films you watch tend to be more obscure it seems.

Honestly though I don't know much more about you or your interests, which is probably bad since I have been here a while.
You are right, I love the obscure.. the more obscure, the more its for me. I enjoy the norm but I want something completely different. But what is most shocking and I actually admitted this the other day to someone, I'm almost 50! I'm 48 years, 4 months and 16 days old!

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
Ime 28 years old. I work as a forklift truck driver at a warehouse which ive done for 12 years. Its a ****** payed job thats left me in £10k worth of debt. I have a lovely little boy and a pain in the ass girlfriend who does nothing but nag me. oh well.
Optimus Reviews
LATEST REVIEW Zack Snyder’s Justice League // Godzilla vs Kong
My Top 50 Favourites

"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

You are right, I love the obscure.. the more obscure, the more its for me. I enjoy the norm but I want something completely different. But what is most shocking and I actually admitted this the other day to someone, I'm almost 50! I'm 48 years, 4 months and 16 days old!
Ah, now I didn't know that! That's pretty cool though actually, still following something that you enjoy.

I like double negatives..."no, it hasn't" has twice the punch of '"it hasn't"...Anyway here's what you need to know about me as a fellow MoFo:

My first love in movies is Classic Golden Age Hollywood, 1930-1959. I like PreCode films, Film Noirs, Dramas, Musicals. Silent Films are good too as is 1960s to present. I don't like modern blockbuster CG Hollywood films. But I do like modern Indie films. That's it.
What would your reaction be if Hollywood announced they were going to remake Citizen Kane. They will also be incorporating some CGI to certain aspects of the film rather than using physical props and locations in order to save money?

I'd hate it and would not watch it.....Good question though
Don't worry I wouldn't watch it either.
Let's both hope it doesn't happen.

Hi Rhys!

I'll play. I've been a MoFo now for almost 14 years. It's my internet 'home'. I wander away often, but I always come back. it's a special place.

I was born in NY but live in Texas. Moved here when my dad was transferred in 1980 (I was 13). I have a wife (highschool sweetheart, married 26 years) and 2 kids (18 & 22). My wife is from Iran so I can understand Farsi and occasionally try to speak it though my tongue is not oft up for those kind of acrobatics.

I went to school initially to be a cop but didn't finish because it wasn't authentic for me. I always worked at art projects so I ended up finishing in graphics/fine art. Tried to get a job in that field, and was offered one at a big agency, but didn't take it because I was making more money as a PM for the construction co I was working at. Eventually got into CAD (for my job) and learned how to link it up to databases and then learned how databases work which led me to my current job (CAD/DBA at HP). Been here for 14 years.

I love stories, folk tales, legends, myths etc and have a voracious appetite for studying those subjects. I also love unsolved cases, mysteries etc. I get rather obsessive about some them (Zodiac, Helter Skelter, Black Dahlia etc). I find things of the eldritch most appealing but not because I'm a fan of 'evil' but rather because I enjoy exploring duality.

I'm a firm believer in Meyers Briggs and in most of Carl Jung's works. I test as INFP which means I'm naturally not a logical sort but I do make a living in a field that heavily involves mathematics (go figure).

I haven't drawn or painted anything in quite some time though I do make scarecrows every fall to freak the kiddies out in my neighborhood. Halloween is my favorite holiday. Always has been.

When I was five years old we lived on 250 acres of old farm land in the country. One day, I was standing by the burn barrel and I picked a shaft of dry wheat and stuck it in the fire. I thought it would be neat to transfer that flame to another stalk of wheat and did just that. Unfortunately, that second stalk was attached to about 100 acres of other dry stalks and before I could grasp what was happening I was looking at a wall of flames. Half the county showed up with brooms to beat the fire down. I learned how one stupid move from a single person can indeed wreak havoc. I woke up in terror nearly every night for about 6 years after that convinced that the house was on fire.

I've never seen a ghost but I am fascinated by the idea of them. I'm also fascinated by the fact that most of my credible friends have a personal ghost story or some unexplained event to share. I'm very skeptical on this subject but do find it consistently amongst my intellectual pursuits. I became very interested in the Amityville Horror case and even had some correspondence with George Lutz before he passed away. There are, to this day, facts unknown bubbling up to the surface with regard to that story.

Favorite genre is horror. No surprise probably.
Cheap scares and gore don't do it for me. I have to make a psychological connection to a film. I like atmospheric horror & psychological horror best. I've reviewed a bunch of stuff I like. Links in signature.

Back to work. Nice thread, btw.

My name is Matt. When I was a kid my dad used to drink a wine called Mateuse. He started calling me Mattoose which eventually evolved into toose. It's my dad's nickname for me. The 'Sir' part is obviously deserved

Originally Posted by Sir Toose
I'm a firm believer in Meyers Briggs and in most of Carl Jung's works. I test as INFP which means I'm naturally not a logical sort but I do make a living in a field that heavily involves mathematics (go figure).
I took that test again today. I'm an INTP. I've been getting that result every time I take that test nowadays. I used to be INTJ.