The 2015 MoFies... Is It Going To Happen?


And maybe for stuff you wouldn't expect.

Like, maybe Miss Vicky could be a Movie Master. She works her ass off trying to watch films for HOFs and Countdowns.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm just trying to think of a way that would greater the chances of different people getting honored and awarded for once.
A better way to do that is to exclude last years winners from winning the same category this year. They would still be eligible for all the other categories.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Well, if someone's won the same award twice that person is retired from the category and named an emeritus. I'm happy with that, but others might not be.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

No a committee giving awards instead of voting is a bad idea, as then it's not a group participation at all.

It would just be a small number of people in a committee awarding there friends with the MoFos. Not fair and not what Godoggo had in mind for the Awards.
It doesn't have to be about patting your friends on the back. It could be a group of people discussing and debating on who actually gets an award.

Random people voting are not discussing things. They are largely basing their decisions on their own perspective and maybe on the reputations of others. But then, the same old people are gonna get awards. And that's going to get old.

But if a committee took over... there could be new winners every year.

there are a few members here I rarely have any interaction with .. but from what I see they post from "Watching" and "Rating" threads.... I highly respect their taste in cinema....

So its not only voting about who you are friends with.. because I would vote for them even tho I have little interaction with them.

Trouble with a capital "T"
A committee peaking people to win is not an award, it excludes all of MoFos from voting, much like black voters were excluded from voting in the south. 1 person, 1 vote.....1 MoFo, 1 vote.

A committee peaking people to win is not an award, it excludes all of MoFos from voting, much like black voters were excluded from voting in the south. 1 person, 1 vote.....1 MoFo, 1 vote.
It is an award. We are not treating anybody here like black people in the Old South.

I like how it was last time.. people were nominated for categories then the top 5 or 6 was posted.. then everyone had a chance to vote for who they wanted in each category...

Trouble with a capital "T"
Well, if someone's won the same award twice that person is retired from the category and named an emeritus. I'm happy with that, but others might not be.
Emeritus, I had to look that word up, but it's perfect as it means a high honor.

I think that's a golden idea, last year's past winners are emeritus and so not eligible for the same category this year. But they can still win all the other categories. That my fellow MoFos is an improvement, because it gives a chance for us to spread the love around to more people.

We have to keep it as a voting thing. As Citizen said, it's how G started it, and it also means every MoFo has their say in who goes where.
The outcome might not be what you voted for, but it's popular choice... a vote.

If anything, maybe there should be a separate thread dedicated to the discussion of why certain people should win.

But that will probably be ignored by a lot of people and we'll get the same old winners again. But the thread could still be nice.

We have to keep it as a voting thing. As Citizen said, it's how G started it, and it also means every MoFo has their say in who goes where.
The outcome might not be what you voted for, but it's popular choice... a vote.
And it's going to keep people from ever getting awarded for something.

Don't think of it as an "award" if there's a committee. Think of it as an "honor."

And it's going to keep people from ever getting awarded for something.
Only people who deserve it should win, and I'm saying that fully knowing I'll probably never win anything. Is it going to be like schools are now, everybody gets an award


Trouble with a capital "T"
Don't think of it as an "award" if there's a committee. Think of it as an "honor."
Your committee idea wouldn't have anything to do with a fear of losing to HK for funniest MoFo would it You've only begrudgingly mentioned a 1000 times in the last year losing that award, including a sarcastic reference to HKs win in this thread.

If there was a committee deciding the awards, the MoFos lose all integrity.

Don't think of it as an "award" if there's a committee. Think of it as an "honor."
Your committee idea wouldn't have anything to do with a fear of losing to HK for funniest MoFo would it You've only begrudgingly mentioned a 1000 times in the last year losing that award, including a sarcastic reference to HKs win in this thread.

If there was a committee deciding the awards, the MoFos lose all integrity.
My committee idea opens the doors to Honeykid winning again. Your idea of "last years winners can't win again" doesn't.

Trouble with a capital "T"
You've had a lot of good ideas SC and you just might get my vote for funniest MoFo, but a committee idea seems like an injustice, it give the power to a handful of people. I hate that idea. I loved that the awards were of the people by the people.