Rauldc's Journey through the consoles: Best Video Games


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
4. Hot Shots Golf 2

I was damn dominant at this game. I remember on 18 holes I recorded a score of 17 under once, with 3 eagles. I had a few hole in ones throughout my time playing this as well. The courses are what make it fun. There are a lot of courses that are fun to play and would be great if there were real courses that were just as enjoyable. I also liked the mini golf feature on this game, it was quite fun. The characters in this game were interesting and some of them could drive it a mile. Sweet Tooth comes to mind, but overall I believe my favorite golfer may have been Mel. What else can I say basically this was a game that was designed for me.

Let the night air cool you off
I haven't played Pitfall or Wave Runner. I played that Star Wars pod-racing game, but I guess that's different.

I played the demo version of Hot Shots, but I never actually bought the full game for some reason.

Local rule #1 of Tecmo Bowl: nobody can be the Raaaiiidaaaas

Good idea for a thread. I don't know if it was me or being that young, but Nintendo games were more difficult than anything else I have ever played. When the Genesis and Super came out with continues and difficulty settings... In this day of internet, few will realize that your only hope for a tuff game used to be a Nintendo Power or EGM.
Absolutely. No saves or continues. I can remember playing 8 hours straight just to complete a game because you could save it and I was determined to finish it.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
5. Oregon Trail

Perhaps the first video game I ever played was this one, as early as second grade in my media class. It was a favorite for all students, mainly because it was more fun than education. It was actually a pretty tough game too, it was always hard to keep the people in your wagon healthy. In fact, I think I really only conquered the game a couple of times. And of course, it was always fun to hunt. I'd be interested to know if any of the rest of you have even played this one on the good old green and black screen.

Let the night air cool you off
I used to race through my work in computer lab so I could play Oregon Trail. I also played some game where you control fish, and I loved it because you could be a bunch of different species. I don't really remember what you were supposed to do other than eat and try not to be eaten. I wish I could remember what it was called.

Never played it, but was talking about it only this evening with my g/f as she was telling me about someone online playing Organ Trail, which is the same kind of thing, only with zombies. Naturally. What isn't these days?

O' when a Mac meant Macintosh and those damn river crossings.

It may be an age thing, but the Nintendo was probably my fav just because it was first.

Mega Man (and its cousin DuckTales), Castlevania, T&C Surf Design, Ninja Gaiden, Robocop, Narc, Metal Gear, Super Mario 3, Punch Out, ExciteBike (overheating again? #$%#$%* ), Super Sprint, Golgo 13...

And yes, I had a PowerPad.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Man, Oregon Trail was so much fun. I have no idea why, but it was. Yeah, NES may be my all time fave as well. Hit me at just the right age, I was 13 when it came out. DD mentioned some great ones so I won't repeat. Besides, I have a feeling we will see some.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
It was the NES and I think you're right about Super Mario World on the SNES, JJ. I remember buying that and being a bit disappointed.
Can we not even have the same video game tastes, HK? Super Mario World is one of the greatest games ever.

Can we not even have the same video game tastes, HK? Super Mario World is one of the greatest games ever.
LOL... It would appear not. Ah, well, it's just something we'll have to accept. I can't agree with the NES love in either. PS1 and PS2. Probably the latter was my favourite. If it hadn't crapped out on my I think I'd still be playing it.

I've been watching Organ Trail on youtube. It's quite good. I think I might have a go myself.

My brother loves golf, and I've played some cartoonish golfing game with him in the past, but I'm not sure if it was Hot Shots Golf 2 or not. As someone who hates golf, however, it's not something I'd choose to play on my own. (Although playing golf on the Wii is fun.)

Oregon Trail, though--- man, that brings back memories. Did every school in the world have that game or something? I don't know anyone who played it at home, but we all played it at school when we'd get done with our schoolwork with time to spare before the bell. Very nostalgic choice.