Something wrong...


The air tastes like copper...
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Trouble with a capital "T"
Umm, don't be biting pennies to see if they're chocolate filled?

Seriously, if someone has a metallic taste in the mouth it can be a sign of a medical condition and should be looked into.

Cold, nasal infection can affect the sense of smell and taste.

Dysgeusia (strange taste senses) are caused by pregnancy (hormones changing), zinc deficiency and colds/infections.
People undergoing Chemotherapy and treatment for Asthma often report it too as the treatments tend to knock the body's hormones out.

It could also be down to gum disease. People with slight bleeding of the gums, even though it's not visible, as in you can't see any blood in your spit or when you brush, there will still be leakage from the gums that tastes copperish... which is what blood and puss fluid tastes like.

Dysgeusia (strange taste senses) are caused by pregnancy (hormones changing)
7thson, are you pregnant?

Female Jungle Poster
Funny, my first thought was weather conditions. I hope you're ok.
"The dog is the god of frolic." ~ Beecher

"Exit, pursued by a bear." ~