Let's talk about our favorite villians...


The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
I LOVE Lex too! He is so !

"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

Do you know my poetry?
Lex is the funniest villian ever, he's just awesome. And in my opinion, Superman is the best comic book movie ever made.

Registered User
What`s up with all the pics?
Anyway, I would go for:

Darth Vader (Star Wars 4, 5 & 6)
John Doe (Seven)
Kaizer Soze (Usual Suspects)
Colonel Kurtz (Apocalypse Now!) - if he really is the bad guy.
Norman Bates (Psycho)
Hal 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey)

Oh, and the Smoking Man from X-Files!
Oh, wouldn't it be great if I was crazy? Then the world would be okay.
- James Cole (Bruce Willis), Twelve Monkeys

chunkybeefstyle's Avatar
I'm hearty, dammit!
Too many posts to weed through, so there might be some repeats here, but personal faves:

Roy Batty from Blade Runner

Agree with Lex Luthor, would add Zod

Definitely Hal 9000

Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen - not technically villains but definitely evil

Thulsa Doom from Conan the Barbarian (see the fascinating and scintillating thread energizing intellects across the globe in the Movie Reviews section "Conan the Barbarian is one of the best movies of all time")


The entire cast of Pulp Fiction. They may not all have been the "bad guys" in the story context but they were definitely all villains, except possibly Bruce Willis's character.

The techno-Germans - The Big Lebowski

Gary Oldman in Leon aka The Professional.

John Travolta/Nicolas Cage - Face/Off
Make it happen!

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Originally Posted by aslabo
What`s up with all the pics?

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Originally Posted by projectMayhem
The entire cast of Pulp Fiction. They may not all have been the "bad guys" in the story context but they were definitely all villains, except possibly Bruce Willis's character.
I don't think so. While some of the characters did horrible things, they weren't really bad people. Like Butch. He turned out to be a very honorable and good man. Sam Jackson goes over the whole redemption thing in the end, and he himself is redeemed, but he was always a good man.....just not in the sense that he did good things....I don't really know how to convey what I'm saying, so I think I'll stop....

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Originally Posted by chunkybeefstyle
Too many posts to weed through, so there might be some repeats here, but personal faves:

Roy Batty from Blade Runner

Agree with Lex Luthor, would add Zod

Definitely Hal 9000

Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen - not technically villains but definitely evil

Thulsa Doom from Conan the Barbarian (see the fascinating and scintillating thread energizing intellects across the globe in the Movie Reviews section "Conan the Barbarian is one of the best movies of all time")
Very nice choices BTW. Especially Thulsa Doom. I don't think I'd mentioned him before, but he is easily one of the most evil villains in all of film. I wish I could find a pic...but....

I just meant that they were all villainous types, like drug dealers, killers, mob bosses etc.

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Thats true...I just always think of my villains as evil people....

Some people have mentioned soem of these guys alrady, but I have to say I agree...

Here's my Top 20 list in no particular order.....

01. Alan Rickman - Die Hard I
02. Gary Busey - Lethal Weapon I
03. Gary Oldman - The Professional
04. Tim Curry - Legend
05. Kiefer Sutherland - Lost Boys
06. Michael Ironside - The Watchers
07. Wesley Snipes - New Jack City
08. Tom Noonan - ManHunter
09. Adam Fogerty - Snatch
10. Orson Welles - Transformers : The Movie
11. Maurice Dean Wint - Cube
12. Dennis Hopper - Blue Velvet
13. Doug Bradley - Hellraiser I - VII
14. Ben Affleck - MallRats
15. Michael Madsen - Last Days of Frankie the Fly
16. Robert Englund - A Nightmare on Elm Street I-VI, New Nightmare, & Freddy Vs. Jason
17. Tom Sizemore - Natural Born Killers
18. David Cronenberg - NightBreed
19. Sharon Stone - Basic Instinct
20. Robert DeNiro - Cape Fear

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Awesome list and welcome to the forum!!!

Real quick....isn't Mickey the villain of Natural Born Killers?

depends on how you took natural born killers... tom sizemore's character was in all reality just as evil, if not more so than mickey and malory. at least they didn't hide what they were & what they did. he was a cold blooded killer with serious mental issues.

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
My interpretation was always that he had killed the hooker in order to get in the "Mickey and Mallory" mindset, and thus track them down better. As far as evil, I might go for that. He definately isn't good. But as far as comparing to the pure evil of Mickey....not a chance. That's just me though.

you have a good point there... nobody i guess really knows his motivations other than tarrantino... i just took it as the opposite... i dunno... he's still a bad guy though thall shalt not kill.

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Originally Posted by syndicate
you have a good point there... nobody i guess really knows his motivations other than tarrantino... i just took it as the opposite... i dunno... he's still a bad guy though thall shalt not kill.
True. He is a badguy. Just not the badguy. Tarantino is big into moral grey zones....he often gives us anti-heros and horrible villains. Anti-heros like Mr. White, who are good people put in horrible situations, and horrible people like Mr. Blonde, who was a really bad dude no matter how you slice it (sure he was in prision for a few years, but that gives no explaination or excuse for his horrifying actions). So...not always killers are bad people....sometimes good people are put in bad situations and just need a good showing of the error in their ways. Tom in Natural Born Killers wasn't one of these people, he was a bad guy through and through. I'm done now.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Andy Robinson; Scorpio in Dirty Harry.

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Nice choice. I love all the Dirty Harry movies....the one liners at the ends.....and the villains....

if cyrus the virus from con air, and keyser soze from the usual suspects came together and plotted to take over the world, i'd say the world is in big big trouble.

and none of the bonds, the powers, the poes, the banners, the waynes could save us. except neo. neo would save us. lol

I know this has probably already been mentioned a few times but hands down for me is Christopher Walken in Prophecy.

Next would have to be Max Von Syndow The Emperor Ming in flash Gordon (1980)

I agree with most others on here and somtimes the good guy can seem so smarmy that they seem the villian, such as Kevin Lomax (Keanu Reeves) in Devils Advocate.