The MoFo Top 100 of the 1970s: Countdown

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I saw The Tenants, which is a 2005 film starring Snoop Dogg.

Has been awhile since I saw Saturday Night Fever.
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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Two more movies that weren't on my list.

"Saturday Night Fever" almost made my list just for the music, but ultimately it got cut because I didn't like the movie as much as the music, and I didn't think that a good soundtrack was a good enough reason for it to make a top movies list.

I've never seen "The Tenant", so maybe I'll check it out one night.

Ooh cool to see The Tenant make the list, it's the one Polanski Apartment film I have yet to see, been looking forward to it for a while

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Two films I saw at the theatre when they first came out and didn't especially like the first time, although they've each grown on me a bit. I never considered either for my list. I thought The Tenant downright sucked in fact. I saw it on the same day and at the same theatre as Marathon Man, which I thought was fantastic. But it does have plenty to discuss, and I, as well as others, shared thoughts about it here. I wasn't happy at the time about how the male characters were depicted in Saturday Night Fever. They were all childish and misogynistic, but for a movie where the disco is treated as a sort of heaven, that is just about right. Besides I love Diner, and the characters there are basically the same, just older, so I can't knock it for showing teenage males as being as insecure as we are in real life (present MoFos excepted - I was 21 when I first saw SNF ). I guess I just had a harder time relating to these characters at the time, but I think it's a more universal tale now and entertaining enough for a thumbs up. Oh yeah, I never bought the album either - I was too busy listening to punk at the time - although I do love some earlier Bee Gees and think these songs are iconic (I heard them all the time on the car radio).
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Winter Calls Thy Name
Pelham's an entertaining movie, glad it made the list. Saturday Night Fever seems like a middling movie, although if you like the Bee Gees and the dancing....

Didn't see The Tenant, looked it up. Rotten Tomatoes gives it 90% but Ebert really panned it. First Paragraph:

Roman Polanski's "The Tenant" was the official French entry at Cannes last May, and in the riot to get into the press screening one man was thrown through a glass door and two more found themselves amid the potted palms. It's a wonder nobody was killed in the rush to get out. "The Tenant's" not merely bad -- it's an embarrassment. If it didn't have the Polanski trademark, we'd probably have to drive miles and miles and sit in a damp basement to see it.

Not seen The Tenant, but, considering that I'm quite fond of several of Polanski's films, especially the other two films in the Apartment Trilogy, I expect I'd like it quite a bit. The polarizing opinions make me even more interested in seeing it.

I've seen Saturday Night Fever, and although it was never in contention for my list, I'm happy to see it on here. I think a lot of people, myself included, judge the movie before watching it, thinking that it's only about Travolta dancing to the Bee Gees, but the movie surprised me by how dark and gritty it is at times. It's definitely a great movie and, like others have said, it perfectly encapsulates that bygone era.


Jeanne Dielman was 11th on my list. I'm honestly just glad it made the list. It's not everyone's cup of tea.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
*My SC impersonation*

Who is Norman Desmond!? No wonder why that foreign film that nobody has heard of has made it onto this list! What a travesty. This isn't 70s!!!

*My SC impersonation*

Who is Norman Desmond!? No wonder why that foreign film that nobody has heard of has made it onto this list! What a travesty. This isn't 70s!!!
I was thinking the EXACT same thing.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Are you serious?! Someone who's NEVER posted before could submit a list??? I don't care about this "you must be a member for at least a month thing." You should also have posted AT THE EXTREME MINIMUM once! At the normal minimum -- ten times. *GASP* That rule needs to be added for next time. That is ridiculous. Why, if I have alternate accounts, they deserve to submit a list more than someone who's never posted. What if I had made an alternate account months in advance and let it exist for awhile and then sent in a list??? Norman Desmond could be someone's alternate account. Probably wintertriangles.

I definitely think Norman Desmond is a separate person and not someone's alternate account. Look at their profile banner, they've tried to use the Sunset Boulevard poster, but not fitted it properly. Everyone on here who would vote for such films (wintertriangles included), knows how to do a profile banner properly. This is someone not involved in forums before I don't think.

Let the night air cool you off
Jeanne Dielman was 11th on my list. I'm honestly just glad it made the list. It's not everyone's cup of tea.
Post more. I haven't seen Jeanne Dielman, but the fact that you like it that much already makes me interested in what other things you may like.

Alternate accounts are totally different than people who don't post. I don't have any problem with it--tons of MoFos lurk here for a long time before saying anything.

And looking at the list of members who submitted ballots, this doesn't exactly seem like an epidemic, anyway. How many people fit this criteria--one? Two? Even two first place votes aren't enough to get a film on the list, so nothing's getting on here without the support of active users.

I definitely think Norman Desmond is a separate person and not someone's alternate account. Look at their profile banner, they've tried to use the Sunset Boulevard poster, but not fitted it properly. Everyone on here who would vote for such films (wintertriangles included), knows how to do a profile banner properly. This is someone not involved in forums before I don't think.
Someone could pretend to not know how to properly fit a profile banner just to make it look like they're an idiot so nobody would suspect who they are. Although, maybe count wintertriangles out if that's the case since he's already an idiot.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Jeanne Dielman was 11th on my list. I'm honestly just glad it made the list. It's not everyone's cup of tea.

Jeanne Dielman was on five ballots, but four of you had it as a top ten pick. Minio, you were joined by another voter who had it as their number ten pick as well, but two others had it as their sixth and third overall picks, boosting it to the #89 position. Pelham also had five votes and four top tens: a fourth, a sixth, and two ninth place votes. The difference, seemingly small but putting the Akerman above the subway thriller, was the fifth ballot for Pelham had it at #25, while Dielman was a #22. Those three extra points made the difference.


Are you serious?! Someone who's NEVER posted before could submit a list??? I don't care about this "you must be a member for at least a month thing." You should also have posted AT THE EXTREME MINIMUM once! At the normal minimum -- ten times. *GASP* That rule needs to be added for next time. That is ridiculous.
I didn't know you were an elitist.