
I just meant no blood. I am a PG-13 guy.

then dont go see "Deliver Us from Evil" then... its got blood and the dead cat....and much more...

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I just realized I am probably coming off as someone who doesn't like horror because of the fear element. It is actually the exact opposite. If you can scare me like Silence Of The Lambs or Seven, I am on board with your movie. I just almost never have that kind of reaction to a horror movie. I find the story lines and characters in most horror really dumb.

i like many types of horror.. from jump scares to gore.. to something extremely shocking... but seriously I prefer the adrenaline jump scare the most..

Elaborate, I am genuinely interested.
I mean, sure -- when I was a kid, and I saw horror movies, there was lots to be scared about. Because you don't know the world well then and visuals on a screen can be pretty haunting. But now, as an adult, I'm well aware that it's all fake.

The only fear can really come from your emotional investment in the characters and if certain people you like are gonna die or not or something. You can be afraid of their life ending, even if they're fictional. That's the most "scared" I could probably really be by a movie. Maybe something else that appears could unnerve me. Images of dead bodies and such.

But if I want to see that now, I can't say I'm really watching it to be "scared." I might be watching it... to expose myself to something dark and upsetting.

I don't know. I think it's probably like dreams and nightmares. I think if you have a bad dream, some part of you might actually be deciding to expose yourself to the dream because it unleashes an emotional reaction you need. Have you ever had a weird or upsetting or very powerful dream and after you had it, you kinda felt... glad you had it? I have thought that and I think the case may be the same with movies -- any movies, really. I think we seek out things we desire to experience. I don't feel like I'm actually seeking out horror movies to be scared. But, who knows? Maybe on some level I am.

I don't know if I'm making any sense, but that's what's coming out of me.

I was scared by everything as a kid. I haven't been scared by a movie for a long time though.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I just realized I am probably coming off as someone who doesn't like horror because of the fear element. It is actually the exact opposite. If you can scare me like Silence Of The Lambs or Seven, I am on board with your movie. I just almost never have that kind of reaction to a horror movie. I find the story lines and characters in most horror really dumb.
That's why I love horror, because I am very easily scared. It always perplexes me when people love horror but it doesn't scare them at all. That's what makes it great for me. I don't know why but I've always found being scared fun. If I'm watching a horror movie and I don't need to keep my blanket up near my face, to me it's failed completely. I've said this a million times on this forum but I was a wreck after watching Ring and very suspicious of my television.

Seven bores me. I think I've only watched that once or twice. I've never felt a strong need to watch it again. Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey as the killer.

The ending is a huge downer. Maybe that's a strong reason why I don't like it. The whole feel of that movie is damp and depressing to me.

Silence of the Lambs is very good, but not at all scary to me. I like that mainly just for the scenes with Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins and they are not scary. The only thing that bothers me, really, with that film is seeing that bloated, dead body of that girl who gets found and they do an autopsy on her. That is gross and disturbing. I don't like autopsy settings. Too close to reality.

I think Sexy has hit the nail on the head here. Certainly for me anyway. Watching movies is a safe way of experiencing a lot of these emotions that we wouldn't normally be exposed to, or wouldn't want to be exposed to in our everyday lives.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

Who knows why I love horror. Maybe it's because I grew up with it, maybe it's some other reason.

I love it when it's fun, I love it when it's atmospheric, I love it when it's intelligent. Horror offers a lot of variety that way - you have something like Poultrygeist and then something like The Exorcist.

An hour ago I was watching a video of people on a really scary roller coaster.

I HATE roller coasters. They scare me to death.

But when I was watching that video, I was scared seeing the sights that the camera saw on the roller coaster. I literally felt like I was there. I had to remind myself for a moment -- "This is a screen. You're not actually there." But it felt like I was on that roller coaster.

I actually thought to myself that I need to watch more roller coaster videos, too. It's kinda fun to watch them on a screen. It's NOT fun to actually be on them.