Scary Movies... of late


How about 28 Days Later? That is pretty creepy. I think The Blair Witch Project is effective, also.

Also creepy, atmospheric and occasionally quite bloody is HP Lovecraft's Dagon, directed by Stewart Gordon . That movie is well worth looking up.

Someone mentioned Don't Be Afraid of the Dark. Yeah, that is a classic creepfest. Even by today's standards.

A really scary, supernatural film from the late 70s is The Sentinel. Find it if you can.
"Taking my gun away because I might shoot someone is like cutting my tongue out because I might yell `Fire!' in a crowded theater." --Peter Venetoklis

Enemies are so stimulating.
[quote=Karl Childers]How about 28 Days Later? That is pretty creepy. QUOTE]

oh god yes i forgot about that. i went to see that with a friend from scared me while i was watching it and we sat there holding onto each other much like scooby and shaggy. when i got home from walking through a creepy industrial estate which we thought would be a short cut but wasnt and creeped us out coz it was like a scene in the film (but without the zombies...although people have said i look gormless sometimes). i was in my bed for about 10 minutes before i fell asleep that night thinking of the possiblities of a zombie jumping through my window and eating my brains.
I don't have Parkinson's. I inherited my shaking head from my grandfather Hepburn. I discovered that whisky helps stop the shaking. Problem is, if you're not careful, it stops the rest of you too. My head just shakes, but I promise you, it ain't gonna fall off!

Do you know my poetry?
Originally Posted by Rabid_Imp
Wow, maybe you could post some of your favourite movies so we can pass judgement on you and laugh
I jus think Horror is the worst genre, most horror movie are the same, not all of them, some I am interested in seeing like May but very few others, and I'm not the only one who hates horror, I know so many people that hate horror just like me, say whatever you want to me I'll just keep saying I think horror is a dumb genre

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Originally Posted by Deckard
Hey "Beale" great call with Lucky McKee's "MAY" I totally dug this movie too. Not sure if I would call it scary just a bloody entertaining watch and certainly a worthy entry into the horror genre.

In the same way I would include Bill Paxton's FRAILTY which again isn't scary so much as suspensful and satisfying.

The only US horror film of recent years that truly freaked me was Eric Stanze's SCRAPBOOK which is just so full on you cant help but feel uncomfortable throughout.

As far as genuine creeps go I find the Japanese and Spanish filmmakers are really the only modern contributors to the horror genre in the new millenium.

A few Japanese chillers that made me squirm are:

Takeshi Miike's AUDITION, VISTOR Q
Hideo Nikato's RINGU & DARK WATER

Some Spanish delights that gave me chills are:

Gulmerro Del Torro's DEVIL's BACKBONE & CRONOS
Nacho Cerda's AFTERMATH

I also really enjoyed the German slasher ANATOMIE and the French film CRIMSON RIVERS

Even if your nota foreign fan these films are really the way to go if your looking for quality modern horror that genuinely creeps.
That is right in so many ways. (I LOVE The Devil's Backbone. It didn't really scare me as much as it did touch me, so I didn't mention it....but it is one great movie.)

Also, it's just Beale.
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

I must become Caligari..!
Originally Posted by Ezikiel
I hate horror movies, I just plain HATE them, I think horror is stupid and every horror movie is basically the same.I have this theory, why would you pay to get scared, thats just stupid.Thats my opinion, I think horror is the worst genre.
I dont like horror films either but i dont go around saying those who do are stupid.

Your a d*ck
It's a god-awful small affair, To the girl with, the mousy hair, But her mummy is yelling "No", and her daddy has told her to go, But her friend is nowhere to be seen, Now she walks through her sunken dream, To the seat with the clearest view, And she's hooked to the silver screen, But the film is a saddening bore, For she's lived it ten times or more...

Here is a Title
House on Haunted Hill (1999) has always been a freaky movie for me.
I haven't seen the original of The Ring, but the hollywood remake wasn't that bad.

I don't find Freddy, Jason, or Myers scary either anymore, I see them more as icons of horror instead of "the bad guy who kills everyone and never dies."

Another movie that was "different" was Long Time Dead.
It's not the scariest I've seen, but it was good none-the-less.

Does anyone know if Ring 2 and Ring 0 are better than the original?

Do you know my poetry?
Originally Posted by Hondo333
I dont like horror films either but i dont go around saying those who do are stupid.

Your a d*ck
I never said the words "horror fans are stupid"!I have tons of freinds that love horror, all I said is I hate horror, there's nothing wrong with that, thats my opinion.Also thank you very much for that, I think your a d*ck to.I only wanna see 1 horror movie in this world, "May".

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
I haven't seen either of the other Ringu movies, so I too would like to know what you guys think of them.

Welcome to the forum Hekx!

I've seen Ringu, Ring O and Ring 2.

Ringu hits all the right nerves. It's the best of the three if you want that little mystery, the other two spoil it a bit.

Ring 2 is by far the most confusing of the three so if anyone doesn't get Ringu you'll be even more confused with this one. It certainly has its spooky moments and is pretty darn good but don't expect a repeat of familiar territory. A hit or miss depending on how into the whole Ring experience you are.

Ring O is less horror then the other two but is on par with the original for entertainment. If you intend to only watch one other Ring film watch this! It explains without being overly abstract, unlike Ring 2. The horror is more subtle yet also more profound then compared to Ringu as well. It's on equal footing as my favourite with Ringu, it's that good.

There's also Rasen and Ring Virus in the Japanese collection to get your teeth into (I have yet to see either). Rasen is supposed to be bad and best avoided. Ring 2 skips Rasen's plot yet still follows directly after Ringu. So Rasen and Ring 2 is a case where you choose your ending.

For the absolute knowledge of the world of Ringu go here....
'My mind is full of stars....'

Hey everybahdee! (hey dr nick!)

my brother has (and was scared pantless by ) Audition...
not sure if anyone mentioned it in this thread, cuz i couldn't be bothered to read it thru properly... :roll:
i haven't watched it yet myself, but i plan to in the near future...
another one he would reccomend as a good thriller would be event horizon... or pitch black i suppose!
*drools over vin diesel*
the birds is good old hitchcock-ian, and my dad lives near tippi hendrin... just to say... randomly...
what else.... what else inDEED...
ooh, rosemary's baby, of course...
home alone... cuz we all know that's from hell...
i wouldn't say that the exorcist is a scary as it could have been... i mean, what if she WASN'T tied up? that would make me **** my pants!!!
a good movie that's not horror, but is still nice and bloody and gory is Ginger Snaps... i thought it would be crap, but it's not!!!
btw, it's great how much everyone posts on here!
everyone says what they wanna say in one post, i like that... none of that 'lets say two words, get angry that no one write back, and have 'arguments' with 'friends' online ' crap...
thanks for being so cool on here people!!!
*thumbs up and a glass of coke*
i need to get out more...

Last 5 Movies I have Watched...
The Astral Factor-•
Bridget Jones's Diary•••
The Maltese Falcon••••
Sliding Doors•••
Battle Royale••••


Did anyone here see the Eye? I was wondering if it was any good, b/c my friends and I were going to go see it a few weeks back but decided not to since the theater it was playing at really sucked.
Make it happen!