Stage productions based on movies


Django's Avatar
I just got myself a ticket to see a stage production of The Graduate starring Jerry Hall (ex-Mrs. Mick Jagger) as Mrs. Robinson. Apparently, this is a pretty hot production and has been getting great reviews. But it got me thinking, does anyone else know of other stage productions based on movies (as opposed to vice versa)? Just wondering . . .

Exactly what day and time will you be seeing this play? And what will you be wearing? Just a question.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Exactly what day and time will you be seeing this play? And what will you be wearing? Just a question.
I can see through your "just a question" You are going to become a Django stalker
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Oh no... I just want to make sure that he'll be fashionably late, which is why I asked about the time and his choice of clothes.

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by Django
I just got myself a ticket to see a stage production of The Graduate starring Jerry Hall (ex-Mrs. Mick Jagger) as Mrs. Robinson. Apparently, this is a pretty hot production and has been getting great reviews. But it got me thinking, does anyone else know of other stage productions based on movies (as opposed to vice versa)? Just wondering . . .
I think Kathleen Turner had also played Mrs. Robinson at one time, and also had great reviews. Enjoy should be great.

I believe Victor/Victoria was a movie first, then a stage production on broadway. Can't think of anymore at the moment.

Django's Avatar
I saw it last night at 8 p.m. at the Curran theater in San Francisco. It was pretty funny and a pretty decent adaptation of the movie. Jerry Hall was perfectly cast. She even appeared nude in a couple of scenes! Pretty hot! She did a brilliant job as a supercilious vamp! Hilarious.

SC, FYI, I was wearing a denim shirt and dark trousers.

Django's Avatar
Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention--after the show, I stopped by the California Pizza Kitchen and feasted on a Sicilian Pizza and a Miller Light.

Any other details I forgot to mention? Hmm... I don't think so.

Oh BTW, what size was the pizza and how many slices did you have?

Django's Avatar
That's Sicilian pizza! LOL! It was a large pizza (12 inch diameter) and I had all the slices.

Oooooh.... Django swallowed 12 inches.... *a round of applause*

Django's Avatar
Funny, real funny. Somehow I had an idea that this conversation would head in this direction.

Django's Avatar
I give up!

I concede to the undisputed king of disgusting sexual innuendoes... Sexy Celebrity!

* applause *

Thank you, thank you, thank you....

It really means a lot hearing that from the queen.

Django's Avatar
You picked the wrong candidate for your queen, your majesty. I think I'd do better as a knight!

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
What's that? You feasted on a Sicilian? Mama mia!
You just juggled my memory Sexy......

Mama Mia! is a stage production based upon the songs of ABBA.

Now continue your mating dance you two~~

HAIRSPRAY- The musical

Is based on the John Waters Film. (One of my FAVS!) LOL, also a GREAT show,I've seen it, and have the sound track.

In the sense of ones I'd like to see if I wasn't poor and stuck in Bum F*cked Little Egypt, I'm highly curious about Hairspray. I love John Waters. And I believe it's still going.

Originally Posted by Aniko
Now continue your mating dance you two~~
To steal one of Matt's old bits:

Can't you two see...?
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

Django's Avatar
LOL! "Mating dance"???

How do I get dragged into this sort of stuff?

I was just trying to be friendly, to get along with people, for cryin' out loud!

I'd like to see that Abba musical someday, though. The music is pretty cool. But I'm not sure it qualifies as a stage show based on a movie! On a group's music, sure, but not a movie!