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Carnival of Souls. A great paranoid old weird zombie movie.
Make it happen!

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Originally Posted by MinionTV
I miss Peter Cushing
We all do Minion, we all do.
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

Put me in your pocket...
The Pianist~ I loved it...but I don't think I could watch it again.

Die Another Day~ It was alot of fun. I liked watching it after seeing something heavy. Halle Berry is so gorgeous!

You Can Count On Me~ I loved Laura Linnley in this. Good movie.

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
The Public Enemy

Romeo + Juliet
"A plague on both your houses!"
Baz Luhrmann | 1996

Fight Club
"You will taste man flesh!" - Saruman

Put me in your pocket...
Winter Sleepers (1997)~ Interesting and well done. However, after a big build up, there was one part of the ending that was a huge WTF for me. Of the three Tom Tykwer movies I've seen my favorite is still "The Princess and the Warrior". He's a talented director...I'll be looking for movies of his in the future.

Voices of a Distant Star~ The amination was gorgeous, but I wasn't that wild about the how the characters were drawn. It's only a half an hour long so there isn't alot to the story, but it's still interesting. If your into anime it's worth a rent.

Originally Posted by Aniko
Winter Sleepers (1997)~ Interesting and well done. However, after a big build up, there was one part of the ending that was a huge WTF for me. Of the three Tom Tykwer movies I've seen my favorite is still "The Princess and the Warrior". He's a talented director...I'll be looking for movies of his in the future.
Totally agree, WINTERSLEEPERS is a good little thriller from Twyker but "Princess and The Warrior" is still the best.

Had a nice little mini marathon last night- saw a few good ones.

Neil Jordan's THE GOOD THIEF(8/10) this remake of Jean Pierre Melvile's BOB LA FLAMBUER is quite inspired. One of the few remakes worth seeing IMO. Nick Nolte ois in top form and all the cast are faultless. As with all Neil Jordan's films the cinematography is fabulous and the musical score really meshes with it to create an atmospheric and moody air around what transpires. A great little heist film that is must see for fans of the genre.

SECRETARY (8/10)- Funny, dark and original are three words that best describe this quirky offbeat love story. I adored the performances and the script, understated cinematography allows the viewer to slowly fall in love withj the charecters. What begins as a somewhat taboo love slowly morphs into a beautiful romance.

CONFIDENCE (7/10)- Ed Burns is great in this one and Dustin Hoffman is also a welcome addition. Racheal Weisz is apt as teh sauccy femme in the piece and Paul Giamatti as usual steals teh show. The bright colourful cinematography makes this film at all times visually watchable. The script has some great dialogue and aside from a few plot holes the story itself is quite inventive, but sadly prdictable. Still you can do far worse in teh Heist genre than check this out..
******"The Majority Is Always Wrong" Steve Mcqueen in Enemy Of The People******

It was beauty killed the beast.
Originally Posted by Deckard
Totally agree, WINTERSLEEPERS is a good little thriller from Twyker but "Princess and The Warrior" is still the best.

Had a nice little mini marathon last night- saw a few good ones.

Neil Jordan's THE GOOD THIEF(8/10) this remake of Jean Pierre Melvile's BOB LA FLAMBUER is quite inspired. One of the few remakes worth seeing IMO. Nick Nolte ois in top form and all the cast are faultless. As with all Neil Jordan's films the cinematography is fabulous and the musical score really meshes with it to create an atmospheric and moody air around what transpires. A great little heist film that is must see for fans of the genre.

SECRETARY (8/10)- Funny, dark and original are three words that best describe this quirky offbeat love story. I adored the performances and the script, understated cinematography allows the viewer to slowly fall in love withj the charecters. What begins as a somewhat taboo love slowly morphs into a beautiful romance.

CONFIDENCE (7/10)- Ed Burns is great in this one and Dustin Hoffman is also a welcome addition. Racheal Weisz is apt as teh sauccy femme in the piece and Paul Giamatti as usual steals teh show. The bright colourful cinematography makes this film at all times visually watchable. The script has some great dialogue and aside from a few plot holes the story itself is quite inventive, but sadly prdictable. Still you can do far worse in teh Heist genre than check this out..
Kong really liked The Good Thief as well (***1/2).
Kong thought Confidence was way too predictable, and just a little bit on the bland side.
Kong's Reviews:
Stuck On You
Bad Santa

[quote=kong] - Kong really liked The Good Thief as well (***1/2).
Kong thought Confidence was way too predictable, and just a little bit on the bland side.[quote]

Nice to see someone else dug THE GOOD THIEF, Im not always a fan of Jordan's work but this movie is one of his best for sure.

Totally agree with CONFIDENCE's predictability, thank god the performances and cinematography were so good, wouldnt watch it again though.

Today I watched

John Huston's THE LIST OF ADRIAN MESSENGER (8.5/10) with George C Scott, Frank Sinatra, Tony Curtis & Kirk Douglas to name a few. Seen this oen a couple of times before, it always remains fresh and IMO is one of Huston's finest works. Great mystery set in the English country side. Breathtaking cinematography and all performers are in top form.

Sam Peckinpah's CROSS OF IRON (8.5/10) again one Ive seen before but never really tire of. Im a massive Peckinpah fan and this one stands as a great war film and bold for choosing the German angle. James Cogburn and James Mason are both excelllent and as usual teh whole film feels very down and dirty with the gritty surreal Peckinpah touch. Any self respecting fan of war cinema should rush out and check this bad boy out.

Originally Posted by Kong
Kong thought Confidence was way too predictable, and just a little bit on the bland side.
I agree with this, also thought Dustin Hoffman was reviving Rizzo
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Strictly Ballroom
"Pam Shortt's broken both her legs, and I wanna dance with you."
1992 | Baz Luhrmann

Originally Posted by The Silver Bullet
Strictly Ballroom
"Pam Shortt's broken both her legs, and I wanna dance with you."
1992 | Baz Luhrmann
God, I love that movie.

"That was unexpected."

You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

"There will be no new steps."

Hmm. What did I watch today? Nothing, unless you count the first half of Predator.

"Stick around."

And the whole time, I'm thinkin', "This man will probably be the next governor of California..."

Cradle 2 the Grave, which might have been ok but i wasn't really paying attention to it.

Rabbit Proof Fence, which was extremely good. I had never even heard of it until I rented it, but I really loved it.

S.W.A.T. - (Theatrically) I loved it until the freakin' reel of film fell off the projector There was 45 minutes left and I was P.O.'d !!! Yes, I see movies for free, but I was excited to see the film on the big screen. Even my friend and my sister were angry.
Oh well, I will just walk in and watch the last part I missed when I get a chance.

Now, if that happens when I see Freddy vs. Jason ........ if I pay or not..........i am gonna complain to the manager like hell.